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Everything posted by LoveLoveMIKA

  1. Never fear! Mika is anti-drugs, or so it seems from his interviews.
  2. LOL... I get it. :-) From that interview, right? That's clever!
  3. That is the best pic where Mika plays with his braces that I've seen yet! I love it. Thank you, thank you.
  4. I've heard he likes KitKat bars, so maybe he likes chocolate? He said that he would eat melons in Lebanon, so maybe melon-flavored baked something? Is that even possible? But even though he ate them, maybe he doesn't like them. Let's see, in his snack bag he had (requested): 1 cucumber carrots tangerines popcorn and other things Sadly, I don't know what his favorite flavor is. For some reason, I'm thinking it's vanilla, but I have no reason to think that.
  5. That's awesome! I guess he sat on the M letter because his name starts with that letter, of course. :-) That's such a great detail.
  6. Personality because beauty fades. Of course, I would prefer both.
  7. I agree! He looks so great in it, it's one of my favorite colors... and turquoise. I wish I looked good in it. He looks great in it!
  8. I thought so, too. But apparently, his gay guy following is not as huge (if it is huge) as he'd like. I've noticed there are definitely some gay guys. :-)
  9. Oh! It's so *good*! *Is very impressed* No joke!
  10. Instant Martyr She’s an instant martyr A drama queen She gets up like a star Cries like she used to Walking around with the stare of a queen She doesn’t know what she wants Knows how to use you Oh, with the stars up in the sky Is any hope for you and I My darling I am so intolerably blue At the thought of leaving you My darling, honey, pie It’s in her eyes (sugar, can we get you down) It’s no surprise (lover, come around) She’s the cream of the crop She’s the cropper of the cream She’s the time of your life, one in a million Walking around with the stare of a queen She doesn’t know what she wants Knows how to use you now Oh, with the stars up in the sky When you made them, when you made them I am so intolerably blue To the thought of leaving you My darling, sugar pie It’s in her eyes (sugar, can we get you down) It’s no surprise (lover, will you come around) She’s staring at you (sugar, can I get you down) She’s looking so cruel (lover, will you come around) Here comes the sun Little darling Here comes the sun Here comes the sun Little darling And here comes the sun
  11. I don't think you have problems. Lol. I read it with his voice in my head, too. I suppose it's because I've heard his voice so many times in so many interviews that I've memorized it, I can even see his facial expressions and gestures in my mind's eye. :-)
  12. Right, they want to know whether he is or isn't. Then, maybe they'll follow him like some do with Robbie Williams. Or maybe they will think he's in denial and hate him for it. Either way, they want to know. You got what I was trying to say.
  13. Isn't the reason obvious? The gay scene must think that he's in denial of being a homosexual, so they don't support him. Mika would have to take sides on being homosexual, then the day scene would embrace him, I'm sure of it. The only way he could change it would be to "come out." Even if he isn't gay. Of course, I don't care... either way, but it seems all the gay men believe him to be one of their own and hold it against him that he neither confirms it or disaffirms it. Especially nowadays, when it seems to be taken better. I suppose Mika wants to appeal to everyone, he's simply not going to appeal to the gay scene *ever* by being his flamboyant self and very camp personality (although I love it very much) yet not coming out. Sorry if I repeated myself. I hope the gay scene and every other scene out there embraces him, anyway, but the chances are slim. So, Mika, if you're reading, the only sure fire way to get the gay scene to embrace your sound and/or look, would be to come out.
  14. Hey and welcome! I hope you love it here as much as I do.
  15. Me, too. But, if he went with his hair that long and the Lebanese culture is as flamboyant as he says, it's no wonder he was called homophobic names.
  16. I agree! And the same thing happens to my eyes.
  17. Sorry if it's been posted already -- I didn't check: She probably just brought the CD cover *without* the CD inside.
  18. LoveLoveMIKA

    sammy and MIKA

    Awwww, so cute! He seems to like children, as well!
  19. I prefer that cover, too, but the original (Mika!) is the best!
  20. Ooo, but you're lucky in a way because you can draw as much as you like, right?
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