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Everything posted by Cassiopée

  1. Hello and welcome to MFC Going to any Mika concert in october?
  2. Hehe! Welcome back! As I don't go to myspace much: how have you been?
  3. I'm still olding a grudge on Mika because he didn't play it in NYC last time
  4. I'm obseseed with that song!!! Can't stop listening to it, it makes me in a good mood And I love the part where he says: Lookin' out for a man who's golden Doesn't matter if he's old, he's rollin'. Thanks for updating the lyrics BS! To me it's like Billy Brown or Toy Boy, I love when Mika told me stories
  5. je suis certaine qu'ils vont adorer! Et le voir de près aussi
  6. Bonjour Meli Moi je pense pas que ce soit problématique que tu amènes tes enfants Une de mes collègue de travail voulait amener sa fille mais ça faisait un peut tard un soir de semaine (elle habite sur la rive-sud) mais sinon je ne vois pas de problème surtout que c'est un spectacle avec des sièges réservés. Suzy voulait amener ses enfants aussi mais elle vient de Toronto donc c'était plus compliqué...
  7. Hello Angela and welcome to MFC! Unless your bubble allows you to cross the ocean, I think you'll have to wait 'til next year for an other concert
  8. I think it's a good thing they don't all focus on the same songs and btw, welcome to MFC Well it's like he puts a big "caution sticker" on the album: If you hated LICM you'll hate TBWNTM
  9. Thanks for your report Mellody! Can't wait to see the vids! and again, John
  10. Vous avez vu ça les Frenchies? http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19708 J'aimerais bien vous rencontrer à New York
  11. Bonne chance les filles! Ça serait trop cool si on se rencontrerait à NYC
  12. He speak french and we don't care who he likes to f***?
  13. Sure I'll also write to Radio NRJ (used to be Énergie ) but Véro is well plugged there
  14. I want Mika to do some interressant interviews in Montreal too! Not just Musique Plus or Musimax. So I just wrote to "Tout le monde en parle" to suggest Mika as a guest They usually record on wednesday night so it might happend since Mika plays Boston on the Thursday night only
  15. I like the part about the the Andrae Crouch Choir where they ask :want some what? fried chicken?
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