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Everything posted by Cassiopée

  1. Nicely put I just think that the week of the 5th october isn't finished yet and knowing Mikateam, we'll know on the 10-11
  2. I don't even think that many ppl in Montreal participated so we should know at least one of the 5
  3. Il a dit a quelque part qu'il voudrait faire la même quelque chose du genre à NYC... ça lui coûterait moins cher à Mtl!!! lol!
  4. Je le sais et on aimerait bien y être mais ça semble bien impossible
  5. I want a contest where I can win to play mini putt (mini golf) with him
  6. Donc c'est fait! Réservation fait au nom du Mika fan Club à 17h30 au St-Hubert du Complexe Desjardins: 100, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest Je vais avoir besoin le nombre exact de participants la journée même. -------------------------------- So the reservation is done Under the Mika Fan club at 17h30 at St-Hubert restaurant in the Complexe Desjardins (just in front the Place des Arts) 100 Ste-Catherine West. I would need the exact number of ppl the day of the show.
  7. Je vais essayer. Ça ne répondait pas quand j'ai appelé il y a 10 minutes. Je vais laisser passer le rush du dîner et réessayer.
  8. En passant, je voudrais bien réserver mais vers qu'elle heure? For the non-french speakers: At what time should I make a reservation for the resstaurant?
  9. Très drôle! Moi je m'apprête à aller visiter la Sagrada familia! Bonne nuit! xx

  10. I chose GGG cuz it's the one I like to listen the most atm, but I know it'll change... depending on how I feel or after listening to them live. And WAG is also my least fav but doing the editing for my WAG doesn't help
  11. si on se fie à archambault, oui. http://www.archambault.ca/boy-who-knew-to-much-the-%28deluxe%29-ACH002483560-fr-pr
  12. Hello and welcome to MFC! You're not the only Aussie to be excited
  13. J'ai hâte! Mais avant: vacances en Espagne Je part le 19 et reviens le 4 octobre. Hasta la vista!
  14. Thanks Dani! Oh I'll listen to 'em loud and proud
  15. Not so sure what to think of this... Mercury rising Richard Burnett rburnett@hour.ca http://www.hour.ca/columns/3dollarbill.aspx?iIDArticle=18298 Mika and Bugs in Old Montreal Mika turns to me, legs crossed and pretending to hold a cigarette, and does his finest imitation of Freddie Mercury. "Yes, dahling," Mika says à la Mercury. "Hello, dear!" Mika is looking somewhat, well, fabulously fey. "And he holds his beer like this," Mika continues, imitating Mercury from the famous backstage British TV interview on the Queen - We Will Rock You: Live in Montreal 1981 DVD. "And he hardly drinks it!" On this day, Mika is not backstage but, rather, sunk in an armchair at the rustic Auberge Le St-Gabriel, the oldest building in Old Montreal. And, I suspect, British pop phenom Mika shares more than just music with Mercury. "You must get a lot of comparisons with Freddie!" I say. "For being condescending?" Mika asks. "No, for being fabulous!" "Of all the comparisons with Freddie Mercury - which I don't think are fair because he was far more talented than I am - there was one I got from Brian May who came to my last show in London [this past June]. It was me on stage with 17 musicians, all acoustic, an orchestra with two classical singers, and [brian] went crazy! He said to me, 'You play the piano just like Freddie. You lead the band just like Freddie did.' Brian made me so happy, so proud." Like Mercury, who was born in the onetime British protectorate of Zanzibar and raised in India, Mika was born in Beirut, in the former French protectorate of Lebanon, before he too moved to London. And, like Mercury, questions about Mika's sexuality have dogged the singer since his rise to fame. But I was advised to only ask Mika questions about his new sophomore album, The Boy Who Knew Too Much, in stores on Sept. 22, and which features his current chart-topping single We Are Golden. (The album also features the openly gay Owen Pallett from Final Fantasy/Arcade Fire.) "I'm not going to ask you any personal questions," I tell Mika, "but I will ask you this: You have always said your private life is private. But as a pop star, don't you think your private life is public property?" Mika stares at me. "Because I don't offer it up for sale." I say nothing. So Mika continues, "I'm [selling] my creative life. One must be careful with all that, especially in this day when everybody is selling everything. Just look on the Internet - sexuality has been cheapened. And I think girls are more the culprit than guys when it comes to that." Mika turns in his armchair and his eyebrows burrow. "So why are you asking me this?" "Because you've always said you don't want to talk about your private life." What I don't say is that, in my experience, the only people who never want to talk about their private life are publicly closeted gay pop stars and movie stars. "I'm not asking about your private life," I say. "I just want to know why you don't want to talk about it." Talking about it, of course, would likely ruin his career in America. You can't be a million-selling rock star and be gay, unless you're Elton John. Just ask Rufus Wainwright, who once told me, "If I knew I could have sold more records, I might have stayed in the closet." The closest Mika will allow himself to show vulnerability is when he discusses his favourite singers. "I love Patti Page and Nina Simone, and my favourite male singer is Mel Tormé," Mika says. "I prefer female singers because they were allowed to do a whole lot more. There's more range. And they didn't have to worry about being cool; they don't have to worry about swagger." Mika looks straight at me. "When you're a woman singing, you can evoke so many [poses]," he says. "You can be sexy, authoritative and ballsy. You can be motherly and confident, you can be strong or weak, in need. Traditionally male singers don't show vulnerability. Think of Sinatra, of Tormé, all the great singers [and] all the great [male] rock singers, they're never really vulnerable." And here Mika cops another Freddie Mercury pose and says, "Unless they're playing with gender."
  16. He better I still hold a grudge on him for not playing it in NYC last june
  17. Je viens de regarder pour les billets et sur le parterre, il reste juste des places individuelles
  18. I use facebook but not that much... I'm all Twitter now I'm good, not much new...
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