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Everything posted by beryl

  1. ..yes such a TEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. turkish tea in turkish tea glasses
  3. ah yes! this happens so much! One of my English teachers at school is a Greek man who lived in Canada for a very long time- One day at school we had baklava and he said "They make the best baklava in Greece because it is originally from greece" and the students were :shocked:
  4. :yay: Happy Birthday Mrs.penniman !!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I just had a fight with my BF because she said "lollipop girl??? come on- this is the most ridiculous and the silliest thing Ive ever heard!!!" She just doesnt seem to get it.
  6. MFC members all together in a jail cell!!.. Sounds fun
  7. yes I've noticed it and can count the names of the foods since turkish and lebanese cuisine are very similar
  8. I know what you mean. But I am turkish and I speak TURKISH not arabic! and we do not have arabic culture we have our very own turkish culture!! It is originally from Turkey and it has been traditional in such countries - long long time ago - as far as I know
  9. hey fabiana ! enjoy the club!!!!
  10. WHAT????!?!? Turkey is Arabic???!! Ever had history lessons? or geography etc.? sorry.. anyway I am turkish and Baklava is a traditional Turkish dessert. and yes I love it
  11. yeahhhhhh I had a shopping spree today and bought LICM ish clothes! all bright and colorful!
  12. .. just HOPE and keep PRAYING!!! LOL :roftl:
  13. YAY!! Another Turkish friend from MFC!! Hello I am Beril and I am from Turkey too. Yeah, and it is NEARLY impossible to find his record here since Mika's music company is having a problem with Turkey- about releasing records. BUT I DID!!! after searching everywhere like a mad person I found the VERY LAST RECORD at D&R. AND when I got it I was so happy to find his record in such a situation and I was jumping and kissing the record on the street and people were looking at me like
  14. beryl


    Well.. if 30 degrees is hot for you you'd better stay there for summer!
  15. its beautiful and I am missing it since I am stuck here, MFC.. :biggrin2:
  16. :shocked: Sivan glad u had such a weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! and thanks for sharing the details ...! GET SOME REST! and share the photos.
  17. hey blue, maybe I've got connections with you! LOL jk
  18. This article is from a Turkish magazine "All". They are choosing "The best" in a category every month - and Mika's Grace Kelly is chosen for 2007's best single. Here is the translation: DONT LOOK SAD, MIKA! (?) Babyfaced Mika is music's new discovery- quickly grabbing attention because of his music that cheers you up and also because of his flamboyant personality. The biggest thing that help him rise is his debut single- Grace Kelly. Even though he "tries to look as sad as like Grace Kelly" like he says in his song- his cheerful personality will never let him look sad- and even though you'll never look like as sad as Grace Kelly, we will always love you!
  19. I tried to be like Grace Kelly But all her looks were too sad So I tried a little Freddie I've gone identity mad! .. in Turkish: Grace Kelly olmayı denedim Ama çok üzgün bakıyordu O yüzden biraz da Freddie denedim ve tamamen delirdim!
  20. no... I started to think that it is a stunt.. is it?? ..or maybe it is his personal myspace? *confused*
  21. beryl


    Just come to see it one day !!
  22. Same here - I CAN do it but just... HATE IT!!! :thumbdown:
  23. Uh oh. I dont think they were able to walk after the concert...!
  24. beryl


    yup. My real name is Beril, dear. and I live in Izmir... What about you??
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