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Everything posted by beryl

  1. beryl


    never thought that way
  2. I saw your pics with this shirt on_ it looks fab!
  3. beryl


    and my mom IGNORES mika.. I talk about him so much and everytime I do she says "who is mika?" although she knows him- I think she tries to say that she has no interest.
  4. Is there any chance for me to download Sweet Dreams (The Fillmore) vid ("THE VID") to my pc in avi format??
  5. I'm mika's angel #29!! LOL school or workkk
  6. I bought these two days ago.. and I think they are quite LICMish!! ..at least I think! the plaid shorts are not LICMish at all but I think they are cool anyway!
  7. I started playing piano at the age of six - and now its my 9th yearrr!! only with a private teacher though!
  8. hey!! dont feel desperate of course he will come one day!! and I have not.. YET!! unless he comes to Turkey one day!
  9. better not to ask! I cant imagine his face after that question! LOL
  10. LOL its Künefe in turkish!! Frankly I hate it! SORRY I cant help I tried loving it so many times..!
  11. yes it is like relax!! similar beats and stuff! But no disappointment- at least he wrote the lyrics!! so it is kind of his song..!! .. confused?
  12. Hey I voted I voted I votedddddd
  13. A similar thing happened to me too! I noticed that a friend of mine was listening to Grace Kelly on his I-pod, and I was like " YAY!! Do you love Mika??!" and he simply said " No- only Grace Kelly and Relax- but since Relax his not his own song...."" WHAT?!? and we had a fight about it - he had no idea that I was a mika expert. but he soon accepted it .
  14. no and it sucks have you?
  15. uhmmm not really!! ever been to a mika gig?
  16. beryl


    well I actually have- in çeşme 30 mins away!
  17. beryl


    Me:: OMG dad just look how high his voice is !! ..such a talent !! Dad:: He is just screaming like a five year old-it is nothing special. Thanks dad.
  18. I know I have seen him somewhere I dont really remember- and doesnt really look like Mika in his other pics. ...and no doubt Mika is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better! Edit: He actually DOES !!!
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