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Everything posted by nico_collard

  1. [quote name=French Deb;3851241So funny !! Of which year ?! Mine is from 1986 ! What a nice proposal But the end is so funny ! Poor you ! Well' date=' me and my fiancé, Paul, know each other since high school. We started to date during our last high school year and we never imagined we found each other's soulmate. We are together since 9 years now, he is my first real love and he is amazing I'm so lucky to have him. Well, he wanted to finish med school (which last at least 9 years in France) to get married, but he knew I wanted to be engaged since looooong time ! So he proposed to me 6 months ago and we will get married in 1,5 years, when he will be about to end med school ! He proposed me by the sea cost, in one of our favorite place from where we live : http://burnel.perso.sfr.fr/photos2/Pano_Varde3.jpg He left a note at home when it was written I had to join him here, so I came and he was all alone, suit up, he said some lovely words then put a knee down and he proposed He did it in a very traditional way [/quote] He was born in 1982, so he's a year older than me... Hmmmmm.... I just had a look on FB for a photo of my hand from when the ring got stuck, but I don't... I don't have any pictures on there of Forster either. I'll find some somewhere and post them. Awwwwww! That's so sweet (both the proposal and that you guys have been together since school)! And the coast looks lovely. I love the beach, though I don't go there very often (it's about 4-5 hours away from where I live)...
  2. No harm in being prepared For some reason I knew that... I learned Indonesian at school so maybe some of it stuck in my brain after all! Oooooh, that last dress is really pretty! Wow, great to see your husband is thinking about that sort of stuff... Oh, and I just remembered about posting a pic of my cousin's wedding in the picture theatre... Seems that I haven't uploaded any but here's one pic I found on Facebook:
  3. We weren't that fussed on dates, though I probably would've chosen Autumn/Fall rather than Spring next year if my fiance would've agreed to it. It actually worked out in the end, cause we just bought a house together so now we have a little less than 12 months to save more money up for the wedding LOL, my father in law's family sounds a bit like that... though they live in Queensland and we're in NSW (and it takes about 12 hours straight driving to get there ). A big tent would be nice though, if there was somewhere nice and green around here then I'd probably go for that but I think we're going into drought again. That's interesting... Aussies usually just have the official stuff as part of the ceremony. Not everyone has a church sort of wedding, some people get someone to officiate and have it whereever they like. My cousin even got married in an old picture theatre last year, which was pretty damn cool (I'll show some pics when I get a chance). That 2nd dress looks so much better. The really fluffy dresses look weird (I've been watching My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding a fair bit and they look a bit like toilet dollies ) Huh... that would be kinda cool to do. Awwwwww, that's so sweet! I hope you and Tom get to have your own special day We're getting married in a church... actually, this is it: No way! My fiance's birthday is the 16/8 as well! My fiance's name is Derek and I've known him since I was 21. We were set up on a blind date by friends of mine and at first we didn't really hit it off (I liked him, but he was so shy that I wasn't sure if he was interested). Anyways, at the start of last year I was in New Zealand for a holiday and we started talking over Facebook. We decided ot catch up for dinner when I got back, and we've been together ever since. Derek and I went away for the weekend to a town called Forster, which is on the central cost of NSW. On the Saturday, we went for lunch then for a walk on the beach. We found somewhere quiet to sit and he said to me, "You know I love you, right?" and then he proposed Of course, I was so excited about getting engaged that I put my ring on but it got stuck (it was too small), so we ended up having to travel to the nearest hospital to get it cut off.
  4. Feel free to make suggestions... My parents got married almost 33 years ago and mum's been really helpful with suggesting stuff, especially since I have no idea what I want. I got engaged in February so I've been organising it on and off since then. I have most of the big stuff planned, like the church, reception venue and the photographer booked. I like the idea of having plenty of time to organise a wedding. Especically since I've just bought a house and most of my time has been spent on organising that! Luckily we've just moved in, so I don't have to worry about moving furniture or anything. All we need to do is unpack all the boxes that are still in the garage! So, have you got any ideas on what sort of dress you want to wear? I was just looking through Google and I saw this dress, I seriously want it: If not, I wouldn't mind this (but my mum would kill me):
  5. Okay ladies, here is the place we can all talk about our weddings (whether they're coming up or just happened)! Here we can share what we're planning to wear, any cool ideas we've seen around the internet, or just chat about just how hard it is to plan a wedding. Righto, I'll start. I'm getting married in November 2013, which is in Spring in Oz. At the moment I'm trying to work out what kind of invitations I like the look of, as I've asked a friend of mine to design them.
  6. It's amazing how quickly times goes. A friend's sister is getting married at the end of January and apparently she hasn't gotten as much stuff organised as what I do... and I was thinking i was slack! Congrats Mellody! Thanks... I think I might start up an MFC brides thread... EDIT: Okies, I've just started it up. If you wanna chat about weddings, feel free to come to http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3847631#post3847631... Please don't leave me on my own in there!
  7. I think I remember that pic... I always thought that was a cute one. Poor Jimmy's back indeed!
  8. It wasn't about the bags. It was actually about the quilt she wanted to make. She wanted to make it using the LICM artwork for a quilting show and he said that was okay as long as she didn't sell it. She gave it to Mika before Sunrise in 2009 so I think she had every intention of making it for the quilting show then giving it to him. As far as I know, she never planned on selling the bags, though she did give some out to certain Aussies who may or may not still own them I don't even think she'd made the bags when she asked about the quilt. And Zak, awesome cases.
  9. Yeah... I have to say, I thought it was cute how he lifted you in that pic...
  10. It's all good. Sometimes life just gets too busy. And congrats on the wedding! I'm getting married too... in November next year. When are you getting married?
  11. Nope... not bored at all! I like lots of people and they don't have to bribe me... I sometimes wonder if the people that like me have been bribed though And apologies for being off topic
  12. I guess so. And it's still a funny word. Then again, I giggle at the number 69, so maybe I'm just really immature Meh, stuff Mika... Ooooooh, NZ is absolutely gorgeous! Soangel and I went there at the start of 2011 and we had a awesome time. Even heard some kiwis say "Sweet as bro" The Italians I know are quite melodramatic (though some would be hesitant to say they were ) Well, you are very cute and interesting
  13. I hope that's not the case... Then again, if he doesn't come here, it means I won't be missing out on too much. He told us he'd be coming back to Australia... on two separate occasions! If he couldn't recoup costs in Toronto, then there's not much hope elsewhere... YES!!! Especially NZ, I'm just looking for a reason to go back there... Oooooh, churches, yes! That would be awesome!
  14. The good old days indeed Yeah, she went there. That was definitely EJ/bonzaboy (though you already realised who it was). Yeah, you old thing you Speaking of remembering stuff we used to do a few years back... I remember you posting stacks of Anthony Perkins pics on here and talking about Psycho... Petitions always help Meh... I've learnt to multitask better than I used to, so I can be at work and on here at the same time ...
  15. Holy cow! 23 times? You wouldn't have to worry about speaking another language if you came to Australia Is spasmodically even a word???
  16. LOL! Yep, and I'll be there in a wheelchair next to you! I have every intention of staying involved... I'm just too broken hearted over Martin Actually, I just read an old fan fic I wrote about Mika and Martin, and interestingly enough Luke, Saranayde & Mikey were in it I don't know about anyone else, but I feel another petition coming on... It'll be titled "If you don't get your arse to Oz soon, I'll have another stroke to guilt you into coming!" I never really liked the demo versions... but he defo massacred both songs. That and Overrated sounds a little boy band-ish, like I See You (crap, what's the original song called?) She's a bit here there and everywhere. She does visit occasionally. She hasn't been well in the last few weeks, but should be okay. The second house. I took the link down for it anyways, but it's no longer on the interwebs. We get the keys on the 4th of December! Of course, I never left! This place would have to burn down before I go anywhere! Not as fanatic about visiting of course... - HK hasn't been on here for a long time. See her on FB. Seems to be doing well. - Kelz hasn't been back for ages but see her on FB a fair bit. She lost one of her furbabies not long ago - Never even knew Mouselle was in Europe... there you go! I never seem to hear much about Mouselle until there's a gig to go to, then she pops up. - Haven't seen Sweet Knees since just after the gig in 2009. - Haven't seen DC for a while, but see him a bit on FB. - RBSKY won't come back on here again. She got in a bit of a religious disagreement with another member in the religion thread and said she'd never come back. She is doing well, she not long finished training in interior design. - Ummmm.... Scut.... I can't remember her username either! See her on FB, she changed degrees I think. Not long went to NZ as well. What's the person's name that you see on FB? Maybe I know who it is?
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