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Everything posted by DaMango

  1. I am so excited for this upcoming tour, so that I can join in some of the Apple tomfoolery. (Although I really don't have the guts to give the man underwear, sorry. )
  2. If you can't buy tickets through Sandbag for the Seattle show, here's the link to the general sale. http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?pid=6593339
  3. Thank you for this! His voice sounds really great, it was almost hard to believe it was live. I'm definitely looking forward to the upcoming tour. I hadn't heard "I See You" before this. It really does seem like the evolution of the "I'm Falling" demo.
  4. Oh gracious, I took the plunge and bought tickets for this show. My poor credit card! I still haven't gotten approval from work to take the needed days off, but here's hopin'!
  5. Thanks for the details about the venue, Kent! It sounds great. Yeah, the pushing and shoving at GA gigs can get out of hand. Let's hope people are polite that day, LOL! I'm still weighing the decision, but you're right, Mika is worth it.
  6. Thanks for letting us know! Same date, new location, The Commodore Ballroom. But wow, $46.40 and general admission? That's a wee bit pricier than I was expecting. I may have to think about this for a second... Edit: I'd better not take too long to decide, because the capacity is 990, about 1,800 less than the Orpheum. I wouldn't want it to sell out. At least there's no race for the best seats, since it's GA.
  7. Last year's show was also at the Orpheum, and I believe it was sold out. (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) Theatre capacity is 2780 people, so that's quite a turn out. Thankfully, only a small portion of the audience stayed afterwards for the meet'n'greet, or Mika may have been frightened away! I just hope it won't be as cold as last time, my feet nearly froze off. Bitter.icarus, I do hope your mother comes around, and lets you go to the concert. If you want details about the last show, there is a concert review thread in this section. The date was Feb 15th 2008. I can't post the link at the moment, but I will later if you can't find it.
  8. Wow! NYC is already sold out? As in sold out sold out, or pre-sale sold out? Either way, that's amazing! Edit: Oh, the presale allocation is sold out. So there will still be a chance to buy tickets when they go on sale to the public. Good news for some folks, I'll bet.
  9. The more I think about it, the more I want to go. We had such a good time last year, Canuckchick!
  10. I'm sorry Hun. I hope they get back to us soon. I would love to see you there! Oh the memories...
  11. We will have seats, but we can certainly get up and dance! The Vancouver gig last year was in a theatre, and I hardly stayed in my chair. Mika concerts are meant for dancin'!
  12. The Vancouver show does not appear on the list, because it is being rescheduled. Mana says to keep an eye on the Vancouver thread in the Gigs Section for updates.
  13. Yes, someone had better glue Cherisse's passport to her forehead before leaving Seattle! Just kidding, love you Cherisse. I'm kinda sorta hoping the concert is a bit closer to the weekend, so I won't have to miss so much work. AND, that Saturday is Halloween! How awesome would it be to celebrate Halloween with Mika? (Valentine's Day was pretty nice, last year.)
  14. Oh, those are some sexy pics there. Too bad his legs sort of disappear into the couch in that first one. Mika, there is such a thing as being too color coordinated! (And yeah, the leggings are a bit hideous. Oh well.)
  15. Same here, but isn't it worth it? Woo hoo! It's on, guys!
  16. It depends on the theatre's policy on outside food and drink. I for one need to keep hydrated at all times, especially if I start to get overheated. I smuggled a waterbottle in my bag during the last couple concerts I attended, and had no trouble. Worst case scenario, we may have to pay an arm and a leg for water from the concession stand. I've gotta say, the seat number situation has me a bit concerned, but I hope Sandbag means it when they say these are the BEST tickets. Only time will tell...
  17. It's too bad that date didn't work out. It was pretty handy for folks who wanted to hit Seattle the night before. Hopefully no one is stuck with non-refundable travel arrangements...
  18. That would be awesome, Christine! The drive can really vary, depending on how long it takes to cross the border. I think it took lilmot and me nearly 7 hours last year, but it was a Friday. Tuesday afternoon might be better. I'm still not sure about getting the time off of work, and my boss is out of the office until next week. Argh! I would love to carpool with you guys, not to mention finally MEETING you!
  19. Ack! News like this is not good for my anxiety. MFC presale is 2.5 hours away, I'm gonna try to stay positive.
  20. Lilmot and I carpooled from Seattle to the Vancouver show last year. I'm just not sure I can swing it this year, because money and vacation hours are tight at the moment. Also, my BF doesn't have a passport, so I'd either have to find a travel buddy, or make the journey alone (which wouldn't be too bad, I suppose). I think I'll still keep the possibility open. A lot can change in the next 2 months...
  21. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jaaaaaack!!!! Happy birthday to you! :yay:


    (Sung in my most prettiest, most bestest voice, of course.)

  22. I wish. I went to BC last year, but I don't think I can afford the expense or time off work this time. Blast.
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