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Everything posted by DaMango

  1. Oh...I so want to do this now! I have plenty of boobage to fill a corset, bring it on! Zoots, you are my inspiration. I loved your pictures.
  2. Mine aren't here yet. Which section are you sitting in?
  3. Girl, that is awesome that you were able to put your fears aside, and just go for it! I'm pretty shy when it comes to showing skin, but I would honestly jump at the chance to be a Big Girl dancer. How did you get chosen?
  4. I just got the shipping email too, hallelujah! I can't wait for the tickets to get here, I'm dying to see which section I'm sitting in.
  5. Congratulations, Soll! Now we'll all be running home to check our mailboxes. If any of us wins, you'll most likely find an overly enthusiastic announcement in this thread. Good luck with the next round!
  6. I will be at work until 5pm that day. Then, I will need to rush home, make sure the boy is ready (he probably won't be), get myself ready, sit in rush hour traffic on the way to the venue, then scour the area for a parking spot. Goodness, at that rate, I very well may end up missing the opening act!
  7. Oh no Rivers! I hope you'll start to get better soon!
  8. My Vancouver tickets were mailed from NYC (according to the address on the envelope). I do hope that if the Seattle tickets are being mailed to us, that they will be mailed from the US. It would be cuttin' it a little too close for comfort if they were being shipped from the UK.
  9. Hey there! I've seen Prince in concert 3 times. I became a fan in 1995, but I was only 13, so it was a while before I got to go to a show. I saw him in Seattle in 2002 and 2004. In 2007, I got a bit crazy and flew to an exclusive concert in San Francisco. I thought Prince would be the only man I'd get on a plane for, but 3 weeks later, I boarded a flight to LA to see Mika, LOL! As you can probably see, Mika tends to inspire crazy travel plans amongst his fans. :naughty:


    My sig photo is from 1986, which is one of my favorite Prince eras. My avatar is from 1996.

  10. It's just so perfectly beautiful and devestating. This is my interpretation upon first listen... It's as if that experience, having a lover leave him while he was sleeping, caused him to lose faith in love. I imagined him falling asleep with a smile on his face, then waking up feeling vulnerable and abandoned. Imogen is like the voice of an angel, trying to protect him by lulling him back to sleep. Oh goodness, I really shouldn't listen to this right before bed. It's makng me all emotional...
  11. Before I heard the whole album, I really liked BIOTG and Dr. John. After hearing it in it's entirety today, the ones that jumped out at me are By the Time, Pick Up Off the Floor, and Loverboy. I guess those songs are more my style, and will probably be the ones that I listen to the most.
  12. This is another one of my favorites from the new album. Imogen's voice is so heavenly, and they blend so well together. It has the tenderness of a lullaby, but the lyrics are so heartbreaking. Precisely my cup'o'tea.
  13. I just heard the album in it's entirety today (although I bought it a week ago, shame on me), and this song stuck out as one of my favorites. It's got such a lovely vintage feel, I could totally see it appearing on The Beatles' Abbey Road album. It's beautiful.
  14. I really really like the fleshed out version of this song! I enjoyed the demo, but the studio version is so much more lush and full. I would like to see him do this to more of his demos. Pretty please...
  15. Oh cool! I didn't even know a video was coming up until just now. I guess I stumbled into this thread at precisely the right time. I really liked the video. His outfit and the mannequins were very Clockwork Orange-y. Thankfully, he's better behaved than the main character of that film, yikes. The androgynous dancers were very interesting, as was the color pallet. What I liked most about this video was the fact that it looked like a "real" music video. Do you know what I mean? It's not as random or low-budget looking as some of his videos, and the choreography is a nice touch.
  16. Hmm...this is the first I've ever heard of this contest. Apparently, I am not on the ball. It's ok. I already have his autograph, tons of posters, and I think we may have comparable piano skills. Although it would be fun to get together with him and jam. Maybe next time, Mika. Edit: I just went to MikaSounds and entered. If they're letting people enter this late in the game, they must not have selected the winners yet. Or...maybe there is a flaw in the entry process. Wouldn't surprise me.
  17. I received my tickets for the Vancouver show, but it's a day later than this one. Hopefully the Seattle tickets will ship soon, or we'll find out for sure if they'll be at will call.
  18. Did you buy them through Sandbag, or elsewhere? I ordered mine from Sandbag, and have not even received a shipping email.
  19. That's very sweet of you, Blue Sky! I may have to take you up on that, once I get paid again...
  20. I am very sad that the age restriction prevents you from attending the show. Is it possible for you to swing by the venue afterward? If there's a meet'n'greet, you may be able to get in on the action. I know it's not the same as going to the show, but it might be better than nothing. (I'm trying to see the glass as half full here.)
  21. So I take it this show hasn't sold out yet? I think I may end up with one extra ticket, but it will be difficult to sell it if people can just buy the from Ticketmaster. I'll just post it in the extra ticket thread when I find out for sure if it will be unused.
  22. Thank you, Christine! That info makes me feel much better. I'll stop worryng now.
  23. Just curious, has anyone received their tickets for this show? My tickets for the Vancouver show arrived last week, but I haven't even received a shipment email for my Seattle tickets yet. The show is less than 4 weeks away, so I can't help but worry a little. Hopefully the tickets will not be shipped from the UK, because it has taken 3 weeks or more to receive other items from Sandbag. I did notice that the return address on my Vancouver ticket package was in New York, so that is a little bit comforting. Ack, sorry, just had to air my concerns...
  24. Hooray Suzanne! I was hoping that circumstances would change so that you could go. I'm not sure how early I'll be there to line up, because I'm driving up from Seattle that morning. I finally got my tickets for this show in the mail. I'm trying not to worry, but my Seattle tickets haven't even been shipped yet.
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