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Everything posted by DaMango

  1. Hooray! You'll have a great time. Mika is an electrifying performer. Luckily, there will be assigned seats, so you won't have to deal with people pushing and shoving you all night (and rudely barging in front of you). Dress in layers, just in case the theater gets too hot from all of the bodies, or too cold from the AC. I don't know how strict The Moore is regarding cameras, but I plan on bringing one in the bottom of my bag. Oh, and don't forget to bring something for Mika to sign, because I certainly plan on waiting for a meet'n'greet after the show, so you'd better wait with me!
  2. Woo hoo! Mika's coming back to the Emerald City! I am pretty excited to see the ol' boy again. I've seen him 3 times since 2007, but my boyfriend has never been able to come with me. Poor guy. I have dreams of getting a photo of them together, so hopefully October 26th will be the night! Where are all my Seattle MFCers? (I'm looking at you lilmot!)
  3. I am very happy that the Seattle show will have assigned seating. I won't have to take the day off from work in order to queue at the butt-crack'o'dawn.
  4. So... am I gonna see you in October at the Mika show? :)

  5. SQEEEEE!!!! He's coming to Seattle again! I guess we didn't frighten him too much last year. My buns, and my hunny's buns, are SO there!!!
  6. Holy cow! It amazes me how one family could be blessed with so many beautiful children. Thank you so much for posting! This is the first time I've seen Paloma in photos. (All I'd seen before was a quick video clip.) She is stunning, and does look a lot like Mika.
  7. Oh no!!! Someone took over my computer while my back was turned, and did some screencapping! Shame on them!
  8. Um...Fmbm, can you make a gif that involves those ripped jeans? Pretty please? (I cannot believe I'm asking for this...)
  9. So, I finally watched the video, and I hate to be a cranky ol' bastard, but I'm still not wild about the song. Maybe I've grown too jaded in the last few years. The video, on the other hand, does have a handful of...um...pause-worthy moments. I guess that makes me a jaded old pervert then?
  10. If so, then I'll keep an eye out for the useless junk I've given him over the years!
  11. Hmmm...since he wore a fan-made jacket in the video, I wonder if some of the items on the shelves are fan gifts?
  12. Oh wow! I can't watch the vid until I get home from work, but I can tell from the screen caps that someone has been to the gym... Wait, it's impolite to stare, isn't it?
  13. Great contest, and congrats to the winners! If I could afford a trip to the UK, I definitely would have entered. Have fun for all of us who can't make it!
  14. Sorry Hun, I don't have the means to fly from Seattle to Milan, just to see Mika walk from the studio to his car. Maybe next time? I would like to meet you guys one day, though.
  15. Oh yeah, go back and look at photos from 2007 onward. It's kind of amazing how consistent he is.
  16. Hello Tegan, just wanted to see how you were doing this week. I hope you're feeling better each day.

  17. It's the classic "open hand on woman's shoulder, closed fist on man's shoulder" situation. I guess he hasn't changed too much in the last couple years.
  18. I know this is, like, sooo 10 hours ago but I'm wondering why the vid for such a perky tune would need to be heavily censored. Is Mika wearing nothing but gold body paint during the whole thing? Does he mow down the teenage circus with a tank? Does he shoplift? I just don't get it. I'm curious to find out though...
  19. It really doesn't look like there will be a third season, for now anyway. The guys are starting families, and they have other projects they're working on. Jemaine has some upcoming movies, which ought to be hilarious! (And whomever says a Kiwi accent is unsexy is terribly mistaken in my book!)
  20. What the flip!!! How did I miss the Flight of the Conchords thread???? I nearly started a new thread, how embarrassing would that have been? I am more than happy to join you in discussing the awesomeness that is Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement. They are funny, intelligent, and I gotsta admit that I find their Kiwi accents veery sixy. Anyways, I gotta confess I've been cheating on the MFC for quite some time, over on a Conchords fan forum. Oh no! Oh yes, it's true. I've been a fan since watching an episode of their show last Spring. They had me at BOOM! Hee hee... I've been hooked ever since. On May 13th, my ultimate Conchords dream came true! They went on a North American tour this Spring, with 3 nights in Seattle! Whoa! Sadly, all 3 shows were sold out. Bummer. Thankfully, I scored some nosebleed tickets off of craigslist for my honey and me, because I figured that nosebleed Conchords were better than none at all. Of course, the live show was phenomenal. They have so many great songs, they were unable to do all of my favorites, but they covered most of them. (Like Hurt Feelings, Think About It, I Told You I Was Freekie, Business Time, and a hilariously raunchy version of Sugalumps!) They even did a new song called Stana, which is like something out of a low budget wild western movie. LOL! Their banter between songs is the best part, especially when they dealt with the hecklers. In true fangurl fashion, I waited by the stage door after the show. In the cold. In the rain. My boyfriend went back to the car because he was sick, but there were nice people standing around me, so I didn't mind waiting without him. It was about 10:30pm, and a crew member told us that the guys wouldn't come out for a meet & greet until about 1am. Yikes, that was too late for me because I had work in the morning. I was determined to wait a little longer though, because I brought thank you cards for the guys, and had even written each of them a song. Sadly, I didn't have the songs recorded, but I tucked the lyrics sheets into the cards. I was about ready to give the cards to a crew person, and beg them to deliver them for me. Thankfully, Bret took pity on the group of losers standing in the rain, and he came outside within 20 minutes! I had a lovely little chat with Bret, and got him to sign my copy of Bust magazine, which featured an awesome Conchords cover photo. I told him about my music, and did my best to quiet my screaming inner fangurl when he put his arm around me for a photo. Then, Jemaine came outside, looking fly in a vintage leather jacket and a "Canada" trucker hat. LOL! I was surprised at how reserved, and somewhat shy he is in person, because he had such a strong on-stage persona. Not to mention, the characters he's played in movies are so outlandish and outgoing. Now, I try to tell myself that Bret is my favorite, but as soon as I heard his deep sexy voice, I fell apart. For reals. I tried to have a normal conversation with him, like I had with Bret, but my words didn't come out right and I felt like an idiot. Oh well. At least I managed to give him my card, tell him about my song, and get a quick photo. (Sorry they're blurry, I had to use my cellphone camera.) And here's the cool mag I had them sign. How gorgeous are these guys? So yeah, sorry Mika. Ok, that's quite enough from me for now. I'm sure I'll be back soon to post some of my favorite pics and vids.
  21. I have to agree. I wasn't exactly blown away by that little clip. I'm thinking that the clip isn't enough to get a feel for the whole song, so I'll wait before I form an opinion on it.
  22. I haven't read the article just yet, but I really like the new photo. He looks innocent and all grown up at the same time.
  23. Oohhh, great video! His voice seems to be getting stronger as he gets older. Good stuff. I'm glad the NYC Apples had such a great time! I followed the queue updates while I was at work, and I wept a little inside. I so wish I could have been there! *sigh*
  24. No that's not it, though that one is funny too! The video I was thinking of is longer, and Mika goes to a few different places. I believe he ends up at a party, where he gets presents. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. I didn't realize that you couldn't find it. I'll look for it, and let you know if it turns up!
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