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Everything posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. Thanks so much to all of you from the bottom of my heart for everything you shared It was such a wonderful and moving concerts , I loved watching periscopes and videos Porcelain live is a dream :wub2:
  2. Enjoy yourself on MFC Salma We have a few things in commun, Mika obviously but I also love chocolate and I like Star Trek too If you make movies later, be sure to ask Mika to play a part in them And I wonder why you are a sad chicken if that's not too indiscreet... See you around
  3. If you download the book pdf, it will help you too, because most of what Mika says is from it http://www.globalgreyebooks.com/Pages/the-prophet.html
  4. Just a bit before my birthday I tried to preorder it on the French FNAC site, but it was down for maintenance I'll try again though EDIT: It works now so I could preorder it
  5. Your mum is so sweet and she loves you That is a wonderful poster Enjoy sweetheart
  6. No worries Pascale It's ok that we all like different songs and different videos If everyone said the same, then life would be boring. Mika evolves , fans evolve too , and that's the way life is Maybe you will like Mika's next video better or you will move on, but only time can tell. Fans come and go , some stick around, some take breaks, some come back, but don't feel bad for saying what you think
  7. I love that video I love the message and Mika's smile is like a rain of sunshine pushing the darkness away I have always found that Mika's videos were so inspiring and positive and I was disappointed with Beautiful Disaster video (although I love the song itself ) but the video was stressing for me , but as it is a duet obviously it couldn't be the same as a Mika only video , anyway I watched it once and that was enough for me...but Hurts video is one I'lll watch again and again because to me a totally positive one Also I'm always happy and proud that Mika gets involved into such projects
  8. I took caps of tonight show if you want to see them click on the link please https://www.facebook.com/princess.penniman/media_set?set=a.10157221706963125&type=3&pnref=story
  9. It's not very far from where I live....I'd like to go very much, it's a shame it's not on a Saturday night but I'll see what I can do and I hope it will be possible for me to attend, keeping my fingers crossed Thanks a mil for the information Marina
  10. Congrats to Zel and Wicky And congrats to amazing MFcers on organizing and raising this amount and showing that like Mika they also want to make this world a better place to live in
  11. I totally love it It's like following Mika around the world and so sincere and open , best doc about Mika ever Thanks a mil Lu and thank you for the HD Maggie I have already watched it three times and I'm glad I'm part of the subs team , so I'll get to watch it even more
  12. http://www.optimaitalia.com/blog/2016/01/15/testo-e-audio-del-nuovo-singolo-di-mika-hurts-colonna-sonora-del-film-un-bacio/241450 https://youtu.be/eqFGbIW2lDU Le coreografie saranno coordinate, come nel film, da Luca Tommassini. Queste le parole di Ivan Cotroneo a proposito del lavoro al fianco della superstar internazionale che in Italia ha conquistato il pubblico grazie al talent show X Factor. Mika è ormai una presenza fissa in giuria nel talent show di Sky Uno e si è detto felice di prestare una delle sue canzoni a Un Bacio. “È un onore e insieme un piacere poter lavorare con Mika in questo che nelle mie intenzioni è quasi un cortometraggio musicale sulle Ferite che le parole possono procurare, specialmente agli adolescenti. Mika è un artista e una persona che stimo da anni, per la sua musica e per il suo pensiero, e sono felice, divertito ed emozionato di questa opportunità”. Un Bacio racconta la storia di Lorenzo, Blu e Antonio, tre ragazzi di sedici anni, compagni di classe. Frequentano il liceo in una piccola città del nord est e per motivi diversi si troveranno a condividere la stessa traumatica esperienza: quella di essere esclusi dai compagni. “È stato straordinario scoprire come le parole della mia canzone fossero perfette per il film Un Bacio, quindi la collaborazione con Ivan è nata con naturalezza e sono felice di averlo conosciuto e aver scoperto il suo immaginario ed è bellissimo poter continuare a collaborare realizzando insieme il video di Hurts” L’adolescenza, in tutti i suoi aspetti, è il tema portante della pellicola. Il bullismo e l’omofobia, temi molto cari a Mika, sono qui trattati con particolare attenzione come impedimenti che non consentono ai protagonisti di essere felici, “di trovare la strada della loro singola, particolare, personale felicità”. Hurts – il testo How do we end up like this, Under a burning sky? Some things are better unsaid It’s easier to lie I’m pulling but my heart is on the wire Don’t need a thousand guards to lock me in Doesn’t take a fool to start a fire A solitary spark and wars begin ADVERTISEMENT Say it’s only words And that it will get easier with time Nothing’s only words That’s how hearts get hurt I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stop hearing All the words you said I can’t stop hearing All the words you said I can’t stop hearing All the words you said I can’t stop hearing words That’s how hearts get hurt How did it all come to this? We started off as friends It makes it easy to leave If we’re strangers by the end I’m pulling but my heart is on the wire Don’t need a thousand guards to lock me in Doesn’t take a fool to start a fire A solitary spark and wars begin Say it’s only words And that it will get easier with time Nothing’s only words That’s how hearts get hurt I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stop hearing All the words you said I can’t stop hearing All the words you said I can’t stop hearing All the words you said I can’t stop hearing words That’s how hearts get hurt You say it’s only words And that it will get easier with time Nothing’s only words That’s how hearts get hurt You say it’s only words It doesn’t matter if they’re yours or mine Nothing’s only words That’s how hearts get hurt I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stop hearing All the words you said I can’t stop hearing All the words you said I can’t stop hearing All the words you said Let’s stop using words That’s how hearts get hurt Ti potrebbero interessare: Mika stravolge le regole di Live A Casa Tua: il video del concerto esclusivo Mika all’Hydrogen Festival di Padova: prezzi dei biglietti in prevendita su TicketOne Il Viaggio di Mika approda su Sky Uno: anteprima dallo speciale di domenica 20 dicembre 12 CONDIVISIONI
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