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Everything posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. Thank you so much Emi, Deb and Yang Sweet and exciting interview which makes me feel all , and about the new songs to come and the photos are stunning
  2. Thank you very much to everyone who shared in this thread You rock
  3. Have fun everyone I would love to be with you
  4. Alternate viewing is possible on http://mikawebsite.com
  5. This is the announcement by Mika https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqsXt8s45lU and the English translation of what he says (as well as a sum up of what to do to play in other languages) Hi this is Mika, I hope you're all doing well. How would you like to own a new somusic credit card? For example, a Mika collector card? See you on the site http://cartemika.societegenerale.com where you can chose the visual you prefer. The card that will be voted most will be available starting in November . When you vote you will enter a contest to win a chance to see me at a concert in Paris, Strasbourg or Grenoble. And I will be happy to spend a while with some of you after the concert (three backstage meetings) So vote quickly and good luck. tienes que ir en cartemika.societegenerale.com para votar para la carta que te gusta mas. Cuando una persona vota entra en un consurso y se puede ganar conciertos de Mika en Paris, Strasbourg o Grenoble . Y se puede ganar tambien un poco de tiempo con Mika despues del concierto. Si tratta della nuova carta di credito ispirato album di Mika da quindi la musica che è una banca Société Générale, Mika sta parlando la carta di credito e spiegare che alcune persone saranno in grado di partecipare ad un dietro le quinte con lui in Francia, se vincono la partita.
  6. Vote for Mika here please https://www.adopteunmec.com/100-mecs-2016 (click on Mika's photo and vote) and also here (but you need to be logged on with your google account before going to the page to be able to vote and also vote for each category because voting for Mika only won't work) http://www.diversitylab.it/sito/votazioni/ Only one vote on each site is possible, please vote right now Thank you EDIT: I voted yesterday and today I tried and I could vote again , so try several times too..he is number 4 right now, but we want him number 1! First link is only valid till the end of the week and the second till the end of the month.
  7. That's a shame...thanks for the update Alba
  8. For some reason nothing is never simple in Mikaland Writing to Lattes was an excellent thing to do , thank you Isa I'm sure the whole subs team would gladly help Mika finish his book (and even in several languages) and be faster than Doriand Kris It does say the book was written by a "collectif" meaning several people (but not MFCers ) One thing is sure, always expect the unexpected with Mika I really hope for a new cover too
  9. I love this shirt on Mika Thanks for sharing all those pics guys
  10. It looks serious indeed and there are more details this time Thanks a lot for sharing Deborah
  11. caps of last night https://www.facebook.com/princess.penniman/media_set?set=a.10157450668463125.534503124&type=3
  12. Thanks a lot Eriko and Pupaclaudia I agree with you
  13. The last link works , you can preorder now https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sinfonia-Pop-DVD-Mika/dp/B01C4OVDUU?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0 Not the other ones though
  14. He said saying yes to it was a big risk and leaving is another one, but that he wouldn't do next FX . (I'll let Italian girls do a proper translation but basically that's what he said)
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