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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Je me doutais que tu n'allais pas cautionner! Ben ouais ma collègue m'a appris qu'elle partait que jeudi soir en vacances, et comme mes "grandes" vacances sont plus courtes que ce que j'avais prévu à la base, j'avais trois jours en spare (lundi c'est ferié), donc je les ai pris!!! Bon tout compte fait après d'intenses efforts (et un temps pas possible à passer dans le train), ça se goupille. Dimanche: départ pour Arcachon 2 hotels loués avec Wifi_08 du MWS pour les deux nuits (pas trop loin du vélodrome et de la gare - ça sert d'appeler l'office du tourisme!). J'arrive vers 16h30 vais emmener mon bouquin mon paréo sur la plage Lundi: concert yep! Mardi: Arcachon-Challans en train pour dormir chez Livia. Je récupère Olga à Bordeaux Mercredi: concert, en part en escadron avec le MWS basé à Challans Jeudi: Challans-Paris en train avec Olga Vendredi: je bosse - Vendredi soir: Niki et Cath arrivent Samedi: départ pour Nimes! En gros j'ai quasi 10 jours de vacances alors que c'était pas prévu quoi... C'est bien, moi qui prend rarement le TGV et le TER... là je pourrais faire un compte-rendu ! Je t'appellerai d'un des concerts si je peux!
  2. Bon c'est le bordel, tout compte fait je vais à Arcachon et aux Franco! 1) ça me coute une fortune, je vais bouffer des pates c'est moi qui vous le dit . Ca m'apprendra à me jeter dans les plans foireux au dernier moment 2) j'ai encore rien réservé parce que j'attends des réponses, faut que je fasse tout demain du boulot! Vive la rapidité ! Je sens le plan foireux c'est horrible... Mais tant pis on tente quand même !
  3. Ouais de toute façon ils peuvent garantir, mais généralement à un bal sur deux les pompiers finissent par faire un strip-tease de toute façon, une fois qu'ils ont un coup dans le nez
  4. Coucou tout le monde! Y'a pas si longtemps on parlait des bals de pompiers de Paris. Et hop: http://www.hotels-paris-rive-gauche.com/blog/index.php/2008/06/24/2428-bal-pompiers-13-14-juillet-2008-paris-programme-complet Comme je ne ferai ni Arcachon ni La Rochelle (sniff), vais essayer de me consoler au bal de pompier dimanche soir!
  5. I know . But I'll be in Nimes already... Sightseeing and improving my culture .
  6. Thanks everyone for your reports, pictures and videos! I hope the meet and greet did not go that bad at the end, that there were not that many people all over his face ... FD, have a tea and scone with Mika and the MFCers for me in Madrid darling !
  7. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOok I have to surrender to sensibility and go to bed...
  8. Thanks Rose for you live reports! This is so great to have updates thanks to you ! Great MFCers are front row and Wendi has a good spot!
  9. Had a message from Niki27, she's front row on the left with Cath85 and some Deutsch people
  10. It was! I loved the concert at the PDP, the whole thing was incredible, but Mika was so far away, we could see him only when he was coming to the catwalk... Was not intimate at all. Somehow, despite me loving the PDP concert (I got plenty in the eyes, and I really enjoyed it), Arras leaves me a stronger impression of happiness... I was not front row or anything but... Maybe because it was the last one, and erased a bit the memories of the PDP... Or because he was so welcome by the crowd and had no stress at all, it was pure fun for him and the band, and we could feel it... So much energy but no huge show to worry about...
  11. Yeah the Eurostar is great, very practical! Oh my God they're showing now on France 4 Digitalism, well we missed nothing . Well at least I missed nothing. It's pure electro, don't like it.
  12. So did I, honey ! It's so sad we could not find each other yesterday! Did you all have a safe way home?
  13. This is unbelievable, they're showing The Kooks again, it's the fourth song! And they showed only one for Mika! Does that mean that Mika's management did not give their OK to show more?
  14. They just showed on France 4 a picture of the little girls who got Mika's drumsticks yesterday.
  15. Bouhouhou Radiohead is starting their concert! France4 is allowed only 3 songs max (maybe even less) so won't see much of it... I wish I was there... I love Radiohead + the Festival atmosphere is so fun, I felt yesterday that I was 20 again, especially during the Kooks while it was pouring rain... I was in my rain cap, I was already wet before I put it on but I did not care, I was just having fun and feeling young!
  16. Yes but this time they play on the side. I guess they're playing especially for France 4, and between two concerts to keep the channel busy lol Yeah we got three songs of the Kooks! Their concert was so good yesterday! And I think like you Pamette they won't show another one of Mika... i'll wait though, at least I'll see Radiohead . Even if I saw them in concert three weeks ago...
  17. Oh Kath, don't apologize, I felt bad because I could not reach you and I thought you all have liked to see Mika after the show! And I wanted to tell you all goodbye too! Next time we'll swap phone numbers so you're not on your own guys! It's great that you managed front row! Main Square program now on TV: we got only one song from Mika and they put at least three of the Kooks (whose concert was absolutely great actually I loved it!)
  18. Yeah just saw it! It does not show the same energy though... That's the problem of TV...
  19. Pamette ! Hope you had a good journey back, it was great to spend the day (and night ) with you! Absolutely amazing show, Pamette and I actually managed before the Kooks to be next to Avoca, Allegra and Mirti (Mirti, it was great to see you ). Mika was so relaxed, after the stress of the PDP you could feel he had no pressure this time. I think he expected to come and do his show easy peasy, but the crowd was so WILD, it was MI-KA MI-KA like mad, he really felt the crowd loved him and was really looking for him. So he spent all his energy on the show, after two songs he was already sweating like mad. He was running, jumping, dancing, must have lost 5000 calories within the hour . I bet he had not planned to do his Relax encore (cause it lasted a little long before he came back) but he had such a crazy assistance he felt he couldn't leave like this and had to give an extra pressie. Thanks to Fanny we found out where he was gonna be after (in a school). There was a choice between two schools so we hoped he'd be on that one. I hadn't seen Kath, Babs and Jemma all day so I was hoping to see them but unfortunately, I did not have anyone's phone number so I could not reach them to tell them where to join us . I'm so sorry guys I did not see you to tell you goodbye and that I did not have your phone numbers... So the guys came out, usual signing pictures etc but the girls did not show up. Mika came later, did the usual signing, and the guy he talked to right before me was the guy who got the jacket at the PDP (he's from Mikawebsite). Everyone was : Mika look he's the one who got your jacket yesterday! Mika (all buggered): Ah it's you ? We were wondering who got it ! (and if I remember well : my mum killed me because I threw it in the crowd) Then Mika went on: do you know it's a very expensive one, that it's made by a very famous designer (Williamson) etc etc I think if he could he would have asked it back actually (must cost a fortune), you could see he was all and hesitating, his mum must have really killed him... And then he shrugged and gave in and said : well good luck with it, and signed the inside. Avoca, Allegra, etc: it was great to see you / spend time with you at the PDP and/or Arras!
  20. Yo everyone, Due to health issues (long story) I might not be able to do standing tomorrow at the PDP in Paris. If an MFCer has a spare seating ticket and I can sit next to him / her (so we can enjoy together, it's always better than being alone) I'm interested. I'll then try to get rid of my standing ticket. PM me please!
  21. Yo everyone, Due to health issues (long story) I might not be able to do standing tomorrow. If an MFCer has a spare seating ticket and I can sit next to him / her (so we can enjoy together, it's always better than being alone) I'm interested. I'll then try to get rid of my standing ticket. PM me please!
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