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Everything posted by Em'

  1. He he time is starting to run! We'll be waiting for the concert on D-Day before we realise it!
  2. Olga has got a spare ticket for the PDP in Paris on July 4th. As she does not speak English, if you're interested, PM me!
  3. That's what Pamette heard on the radio. But they are doing so much promotion they might lie a bit...
  4. Ouah on the Mikawebsite they heard on Virgin radio that it's gonna take a week to install Mika's stuff! Can you believe it? I wonder if Virgin is not making it up a little... ONE WEEK!
  5. I'm thinking that if he does even bigger stadiums there might be this gold pit thing? Actually it would have been great to have it at the PDP. OK it's more expensive but at least you know you'll be in the front pit. Makes the run a bit easier .
  6. Ah I feel better *reliefs* So for the ones that don't need to queue all day (Babs and Jemma only, right?): what are you gonna do in Paris while we all queue up under the sun (or rain, you never know)?
  7. Aimee, send her a pm so she'll see your need and won't miss it !
  8. Guys, everyone knows I'm the most important thing to see in Paris . F**k Mika and the Eiffel Tower ! Babs, you're not allowed to be underwhelmed on this one . Rose, do you have somewhere to stay in Paris? I had cancellations so I have a unflatable bed for you.
  9. Hey Rose it's great that you and Sara are coming too! When are you arriving ? On the 3rd or the 4th?
  10. I have one spare ticket for the Parc des Princes in Paris on July 4th if anyone is interested !
  11. My bet is that they copied Yasmine's artwork but did not take it because if they had, THEN Mika or Yasmine could have sued them for copyright reasons. And non-fans can get fooled very easily by this approximative artwork. I might be wrong, but as many unauthorized books get published on artists, I guess that as long as you put public pictures and a text that does not talk about private stuff, you can't be sued...
  12. Bon début immonde mais fin super bien! J'ai beaucoup aimé son interprétation et son approche vers la fin, très original! Par contre le début ça n'allait pas du tout à mon avis... Ah oui et au fait c'était Relax
  13. Ah Ycare dans la Nouvelle Star va chanter Mika dans quelques instants... me demande ce que ça va donner...
  14. Oh God I love Depeche Mode! Been listening to them for ages! I went to their concert in Paris last year and it was BRILLIANT!
  15. Oh God I love Radiohead. I wanted to go to their concert in Paris but it got sold out before I had a chance to buy my ticket... I intend to wait in front of the venue in the hope to get a ticket at a reasonable price...
  16. je te comprends bien! le temps était parfait aujourd'hui! au fait, ta photo sur myspace est partie où? En fait je n'en ai aucune idée . Elle est partie toute seule, je n'ai rien fait ... Bon allez je me force je vais au dodo (vais emmener mon bouquin quand même, histoire de m'aider à m'endormir ).
  17. Coucou tout le monde! J'ai squatté en terrasse dans le 18e de 18h00 à 23h00! Ahhhhhhhhh trop dur de retourner au boulot demain matin! Ca me donne tellement de bonne énergie ce soleil, je n'ai pas du tout envie d'aller dormir .
  18. Nooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he would do it :roftl: ! I don't believe a single word of it. That he has a contract with a model agency, OK. That might pose for underwear, I more than highly doubt it.
  19. Franchement les québécois vous pouvez y aller, elle met bien la pêche!
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