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Everything posted by Em'

  1. There seemed to be only professionals there maybe??? If it's the case, we might get no youtube .
  2. Thanks darling :)

  3. Hi honey !


    It's been a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time indeed ! I still come from time to time here but I don't post anymore... Being shy I haven't posted for so long I don't know what to say now... Most of the people don't know me now lol....


    How are you doing ?

  4. Bonjour Allegra !


    Eh non je ne peux pas venir à Londres cette fois-ci... Mais promis à un prochain concert on se verra ! On n'a plus qu'à attendre les dates...


    Je t'embrasse xx

  5. No way Gatagordinha, you're not the only one ! Happy Birthday Thom by the way ! I managed to see them in Paris - both dates were sold out but my friend and I managed to buy tickets from someone in front of the venue at a reasonable price... The concert was good but we kind of were unlucky because I got to know that their concert next day (they played twice in Bercy - they're huge in France) was far better as they had a real connection this time with the audience (which lacked at the concert I was at). To me, setlist was also kinda better on the second day (they played songs I so wanted to hear but I did not get them ). Anyway I don't regret going to see them, I always wanted to !
  6. You have to, this is sooooooooo beautiful! I put it on top of all the trips I made, equal with California / Nevada (which is not the same landscape at all ... But that gives you an idea of how amazing I think Ireland is, as I put its landscapes at the same level as Lake Tahoe, Death Valley etc !)
  7. Hi everybody! Just wanted to tell you how beautiful your country is ! I went to Ireland for a week, went through Killarney Park, Ring of Kerry, Dingle Peninsula and Country of Clare. These landscapes are so WHOAWWW... I can't stop thinking about this brilliant trip and I hope to be able to come back soon to do either The County of Clare properly (could spend only one day there) with Sligo, Mayo and Galway counties, or Donegal & Northern Ireland. I was so much into Blasket Islands that I bought from Amazon the books from Peig Sayers, Maurice O'Sullivan etc... Should receive them in a few days I hope! Sorry I use the English writing for their names, the Irish writing is a little bit more complicated for their names... Anyway thank you so much Ireland for your Failte !
  8. Hi everyone, OK this is to take with a pinch of salt, cause you never know what press can write... It says that Mika's PDP DVD should be out (at least in France) in November. Per their article (still, to take with a pinch of salt), here is what Mika says: "I just finished all the songs of the next album which might be very very fun (did he not say it was gonna be darker ?). That's all I can say for the moment. It might get released before the end of 2008." http://paris.evous.fr/Mika-DVD-Parc-des-Princes,1984.html Mika : Le DVD du Parc des Princes bientôt disponible ! Alors que la vidéo d’un show donné à l’Olympia de Paris est sortie à l’hiver 2007, le chanteur pop fera bientôt son retour dans les bacs avec une nouvelle captation ! Avis aux fans ! Au mois de novembre 2008, Mika sortira le DVD de son grand concert au Parc des Princes du 4 juillet dernier ! On y retrouvera les versions live des titres de son album Life in Cartoon Motion : Big Girl (You Are Beautiful), Happy Ending, Love Today, Grace Kelly, Relax... le tout ponctué par les acclamations du public ! Plus d’un million d’albums vendus rien qu’en France, soit le plus grand succès de l’année 2007, on comprend aisément pourquoi le label de Mika lui mettait la pression pour qu’il propose son deuxième album... "La suite de Life In A Cartoon Motion prendra le temps qu’il faut", avait déclaré le chanteur il y a quelques mois, refusant de devenir la poule aux œufs d’or de sa maison de disques. Et bien il semblerait que l’interprète de Relax, Take It Easy, se soit depuis activement mis au travail car ce disque est prêt : "Je viens de terminer toutes les chansons de mon prochain album qui risque d’être très fun ! C’est tout ce dont je peux vous dire pour le moment. Sa sortie serait probable avant la fin de l’année 2008", confie Mika
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA !!!!! Enjoy your day on the cliffs ! Wishing you, after this day of full sensations (and hard work for sure, gotta be exhausting), plenty of to duly recover!
  10. You can post a comment Lilli, even if you can't register. Go to the bottom of the Mikasounds page, there's a comment section there.
  11. I bought it last Monday, I fell in love at first sight with this marinière as soon as I found it... I already see myself on holiday in Brittany and Ireland with it . FYI, it's not that expensive, it's 54 € !
  12. I'm just surprised that he ran so fast after the gig and already posted a blog. I thought he'd like to meet his lebanese fans. Edit: as I've been wisely told maybe it's for security reasons?...
  13. Thanks so much for the updates Rose and Racha! So Lebanon might get same kind of show like Amsterdam, with Georges and the rest? That would be great that they get the lot!
  14. Harmonising, harmonising, that's a big word ! Thanks Racha for keeping us updated !
  15. Well during the gig Nimes I called you, Kath was with me, Mika was singing and we were singing too sometimes . It's a pity you did not get it... Can you check your voicemail (you never know...) ?
  16. Tell me about it, after this tour I don't want to receive my mobile phone bill, I texted and called so much... Did you get by the way the call we made with Kath during the gig in Nimes?
  17. Super génial merci Cubitus pour tout! Can't wait to hear from you and Racha!
  18. Hi guys, The French squad is traveling but I asked them yesterday whenever they can to send a clear picture of the banner, and they will do so. I'll put my La Rochelle report tonight, I need a good sleep before! Got back home an hour ago and I'm more than knackered.
  19. After waiting for a while, John came, assessed the situation (we were at least 120 I think), then talked to security and they put a system which Olga told me was used in Italy: they created a way between two barriers, Mika would be at one end and we would see him one by one. We waited for a couple of hours. Lulu was back so she explained us about her experience, of course she was all excited! I will let her the pleasure to explain you all (I'll ask her tomorrow if she can post her experience on this thread when she's back to a computer). But three big ones (I hope she won't mind me telling them): 1) Mika introduced her to Christian Louboutin, very naturally. Christian showed up and Mika was talking with Lulu, so he just introduced them to each other: Lucinda: Christian; Christian: Lucinda ! 2) The French lyrics were not written by Mika himself, he wrote only a little part of it. Lulu asked Mika about the lyrics cause we can't understand everything. He said: wait, I have them written I'll give them to you. When he gave them to her, she asked for him to sign them, he said no, saying that he did not write them, that it was Dorian. Lulu: I don't know Dorian Mika: WHAT, YOU DON'T KNOW DORIAN???? (Damned ) 3) She's been proposed to be big girl again tomorrow! They also asked her to investigate to find big girls and lollipop girls if she knows some potential ones So we were waiting in line, I was towards the end with Arnaud. Our girls with the banner were ahead of us (maybe 5 meters), we saw Mika smile and laugh, and I believe (but I have to confirm with the girls) that he called John so he could see himself on the banner. The girls told me afterwards that Mika loved it. And they had decided to give this one to him so he got it! When my turn came, I was quite joyful, threw a big: Salut Mika comment ça va? He replied by a ça va, signed my ticket (got an eye and a star also on it) and said: C'est bon de te voir (good to see you), putting his arm on mine. Then I asked him a question about a project on Mikawebsite I had been asked about and he told me Lulu had a already asked him, so I was oops you know we try to make sure to fill the missions we've been given. I told him see you in La Rochelle but he was already with Arnaud so these words were for nothing lol... When Mika was done, his mum called from the door of the bus, asking who made this wonderful banner, she sent Andy to collect the names of Mélie, Biche, Orphée and Ighins. Would be great if they could post a blog about it! Mrs Penniman loved the banner, and when the girls told her that she was on it, she got back in the bus to look at it again, she had not realised she was on it! That's my report for today! I don't know if I'll be able to post a report from La Rochelle, but we'll be more (around 30 of us) so I'm sure other people from Mikawebsite who also are on here will report (like Pamette). Goodnight all! Got to wake up very early tomorrow !
  20. We saw Andy who interviewed Jocelyn and Valerie I think, and also Biche and Mélie. He told us that they all loved the fake newspapers that some of Mikawebsite had made, and he wanted to interview us about it (who made what, etc, where we were today etc etc). He did not stay long, but it was nice seeing him. The banner was on the barrier. After a couple of hours BP Zoom started, it was not so bad after all. We had heard them soundchecking earlier and as their lyrics were not really... over the top, we actually enjoyed it and had fun singing the lyrics we had heard I don't know how many times in the afternoon! It was a band of cute guys, quite nice, was OK. After them, the crowd of course was screaming MI-KA MI-KA MI-KA! One must understand that for Arcachon it was such a HUGE deal to have Mika perform there, the security was all proud to tell us that some people were traveling a couple of hours from all the area to see his show (pff, a couple of hours only? Not such a big deal for us ). The velodrome is supposed to welcome 8000 people, and they got a derogation for a special extension for 9000 people for Mika. It is the first time they had so many people here for a gig. Then Martin arrived, David and the rest. I could not see Cherisse nor Mikey as the stage was so high (I never managed to see them unless they went front for their part of the show). No Dolly Parton, straight to Relax, and then Mika on! We were all so excited to see Lulu performing as big girl, and she was STUNNING when she came on stage, so beautiful, and dancing real great! Actually we then were not looking at Mika, we were screaming to her LULU LULU, with thumbs up and all! She played a lot with Samantha, she was so at ease on stage, she was incredible! We wanted to take many pictures and videos but the security was quite tight with cameras so we could not take much, we had to act real quickly everytime we tried to take one (sorry guys I never have a camera with me, so you won't get pictures from me). The show was really good, not my best, but the crowd was so happy to have Mika, he felt very welcome. When Mika was at the piano I could only see his head . But I got plenty of eye contacts, which BY FAR made up for it! Mika had recognized our group, so he was often looking at us. Saranayde had seen us too. After having spent many concerts and getting only one eye contact ever, getting a few last night, and seeing he recognized me was quite a perk ! Mika messed up the lyrics quite a few times, opening his mouth to start a line, and bing, having to stop cause he could not remember it . Thanks God we went on for him . He did GK in French and Relax as encore. When performing GK in French, he told us that singing them in French was the explanation why he got messed up with the lyrics of his other songs in English... . The crowd screamed for him again but he did not come back this time, as usual. We went all then to wait for him outside.
  21. So I arrived at 8:50am in the morning with two people from Mikawebsite. The rest of the band joined us a bit later. We were around 15. We spent a very long and very hot day waiting (sunburns, sunscreen and all), no toilets around, nothing around to eat either, for anything we had to walk more than 10 minutes. A journalist from Sud-Ouest (newspaper) came and interviewed us, took a couple of pictures of us with the new banner (absolutely wonderful banner that Biche, Mélie, Orphée and Ighins made, you can even see Yasmine, Mika's mum and John on it, John is bl**dy awesome, too funny to see - God they's so imaginative and talented!). Then later a journalist from France 3 Aquitaine (French channel for this area) came to interview us, I was away at that time so I escaped . Some guys (from security I think) were given orders to find girls for the gig so Ighins, Noaa and Sofia were chosen, but they came back later saying they did not know what it would be for and if it would work. We found out afterwards that it was to be big girls, and that they were not big enough for the role. I think it's they who told about Lululitalienne, so Lulu was being called with a couple of other girls we did not know and got chosen to be big girl. The others did not fit either so she told Pamela (the one who was in charge of chosing big girls about me). She came in the crowd I talked to her and she just replied: hi how are you doing, assessing me from head to toe... That was a bad start ... Then she called for me again, looked at me again and told me something like as a spare... Anyway I did not get chosen, and Lulu explained me afterwards that the corset being a unique size, I was too big. I was not disappointed though as I had put no hope in that, and I'm not sure I'd manage anyway. At 6pm Lulu left us to take on her role! We had implemented the number system as it always worked great but the security did not want to hear about it (we had a bit of a rough time as some people complained and lied about their arrival, security told us off, but it went fine after all). At 6.30pm the doors opened, we were quite stressed because there were three entrances, we had chosen what we thought the best one (less stairs to climb down and less risks to fall...), but it went fine too, we all ended up first row. I was first row by the left corner of the catwalk, but the stage was so high I could nearly see nothing....
  22. Ok guys! I'm finally on a computer so I'm gonna write my report with Olga. Tomorrow we're off for La Rochelle!
  23. I'm going too yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
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