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Everything posted by lilmot

  1. That's so sweet of you...but don't you live in Victoria? Or am I confused as normal?? I was thinking of staying at the Hojo by the venue....but haven't really checked it out yet. Two concerts, two countries, two days....wow, am I up for it? Ah yes, it's Mika, I'm up for it.
  2. Sorry....sorry??? That was one of the best reviews ever. I loved your review from Montreal also. It was almost like being there too, backstage and everything. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of that and share it. It is very wonderful. Also love the pics and the videos. You were a great Lollipop Girl. Thanks again!!!!
  3. Really!!! Waiting, waiting, waiting..... Thank goodness for Sunshine's (Vero's) new reports on the Toronto thread. That is keeping me occupied for awhile. But what is happening in Philly????
  4. Yeah, I guess it was a rhetorical question anyway (for you). When I first heard he did a cover of When Doves Cry in Montreal I almost fainted. The sound on You Tube wasn't that good though. He didn't cover Prince in Toronto...so now I'm waiting to hear about Philly. There is no contest in my mind either. If he does Prince in Seattle, they will be taking me out on a stretcher....and I might die...but I would die completely happy.
  5. I will do everything I can to save you a spot, including bribing the queue by handing out lots of Mika-ish things. I may not be one of the first in line, though, so you may want to see if DaMango and her man can save you one. Maybe we will see Andy or someone and talk to them about the box of valentines. Just stick to your spiritual heights, Suzanne, and it will all come together. Just like the t-shirt..
  6. I'm real excited to meet you too and the other MFCers. I think it's great that your boyfriend will be with you....hey it is valentine's day, huh? (you have your boyfriend, Suzanne has her boyfriend.... and I have, hmmm, well, I guess I have Mika) mwaaaaaaahaaaaaahaa. So, are you going to be first in line? Are your plans to sneak a pic with your boyfriend and Mika? Or to have them *pose* together. Would you prefer "When Doves Cry" or "Missionary Man"??? (hehehe)
  7. No one really knows what Pink thinks, well, except hopefully for Pink (but I "less than three" her, as she knows).... Breaky sounds good to me. I am getting rather tired of waiting for my friends' plans to form. I love them too, but I'm just going to have to make my own plan and stick to it.
  8. Nice pics. THank you thank you thank you, Christine and Zoots. :mf_lustslow:
  9. No, eat Jessika.... you wouldn't do that, would you? I guess Pink just has some strange ideas about Canadians LOL - just kidding, wow, I'm happy that more and more MFCers are going to be at the Seattle show. It is all starting to settle in and feel almost *real*. Real life and the MFC all meeting up.....can hardly wait!
  10. Haha, yes I will do my best, Pink. I would love to meet you too!. Wow, sounds like you will get there early....maybe you will be the first in line? I have rosettes, flashing hearts and badges to pass out to the MFCers in line, so I plan to go down the line and meet people while we are waiting. Not sure what time I will be there yet. I have at least two or three people coming with me and they don't want to wait in line. So....I will have to figure that one out. I hope to be there by 5pm at least. Also, I hope the weather gets better (I think it will). See you later! Molly
  11. Wow, that is a lot of people, huh? It must be strange to play for so many people, and then later in the same tour, play for only 1500 or so. Wonder what it feels like? Yeah, for Mika. THe show sounds wonderful.
  12. Amazing!!! A cover of Prince's "When Doves Cry" Thank you for posting....so quickly!!!!
  13. hmmmm.....sounds like something an apple would say.. nice colors!
  14. Hmmm....do you think the plot has changed a bit here? Looks interesting, rather intriguing to have only the pics but no review.
  15. Oh...my. I'm glad I waited. Those are great photos...it looks like you were rather close :mf_lustslow: Thank you for posting them...they are very nice!!!
  16. Thanks for posting the pictures...I agree that I like his bronze jacket :mf_lustslow: He seems to even jump higher than normal when he is wearing this one....
  17. Ok, I have a strange question that only the knitters will probably be able to help me with. You all remember the famous Wombat t-shirt, right? Does anyone, uh....*remember* what the rest of the t-shirt says? (My imaginary memory is running a bit short) Is it.... or maybe.... or was it possibly something else? "Wombats forever?" or "Wombat Trail....follow at your own risk"? Anyone?
  18. Hi Vnillz and welcome to the fanclub!!! I won't be at the Toronto concert but there will be a lot of fun MFC people there....I hope you get to meet some of them! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO ....enjoy the concert (I'm sure you will) and I hope you will come back to the forums and tell us all about it!!!
  19. Hi Lisa, I plan to get there by 5pm also....and might come a bit earlier just to check things out. Suzanne will have an MFC umbrella so we can meet up in the queue. I will be bringing some flashing hearts and probably some Mika Rosettes for the MFCers. I looking forward to meeting everyone....and looking forward to my first ever Mika concert Molly
  20. That's a great idea. Hmmmm....I wonder who is going to be seeing him in the next few days that could ask him...... :fisch:
  21. Sounds good...I will be watching for the umbrella. Did you decorate it? Is anyone planing on queueing up before 5pm? I'm not sure what time I will be there, but I think I will plan on getting to Seattle earlier and checking it all out. I have some friends going with me, and I'm not sure how early they want to go though.
  22. Seattle and I also have tickets to Vancouver, so most likely both (well, if I'm still alive etc etc etc) Since he didn't come to this part of the US last time I thought maybe he never would and it would be twenty years before I finally saw one of his concerts. Now, it seems unbelieveably close.... (but not as close as the Montreal and Toronto dates hehe)
  23. SO, what are the rules? Can you vote more than once from the same computer?
  24. OMG, he is really going to be here and I am really going to see his concert (if I don't die before then). Just reading this makes it seem more real. Maybe I better not think about it... it could be dangerous to my old old heart. Thanks, Greta, for posting, it is a nice article.
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