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Everything posted by lilmot

  1. thanks for the pm and everything. can't wait
  2. They have been sold out for a couple of weeks now. You can buy Seattle tickets online now for quite a bit more than $25. I have a couple of extra that I am selling too. Greta!!! you are killing me. I still have six more days to wait for the Seattle concert. Valentine's Day :wub2: Thanks for posting all my local papers! The Olympian one really killed me, since that is where I am right now (at work...shush) - in Olympia.
  3. OMG....this is from my hometown newspaper. Who would have ever thunk Mika would be in the Olympian? That is unbelievable!!! Thanks everyone for sharing. Seattle has been sold out for quite a while. Guess I better start selling my extra tickets.
  4. I bet you all are!!! How does one sleep the night before?
  5. hmmm....I thought I posted a post here, but it is not here. Must have misplaced it. So, one week from today, at this time we will be on a lovely date with Mika. hmmmm.....what song will he be singing now? So, when will everyone be queuing? We know that Suzanne will be there around 5:30 or so. Anyone else have definite plans yet?
  6. Hello everyone in this thread. Is there anyone here who is *excited* ???? I am very excited for all of you and wish you all the very best most exciting MIka concert ever ever ever!!! Have fun! Can't wait to hear the juicy details!
  7. I love these old threads...they are the best. Yes, this year is different because I have a date this year on Valentine's Day...with Mika. Yes, just the two of us (well, maybe another thousand or so people in the room) but I will only have eyes for him. So, no need to worry, I'm sure we both will have a wonderful time!
  8. Wow, the reports and photos are awesome! House of Blues sounds wonderful and I'm glad you all had a great time. Lollipop girls look beautiful, and thanks for sharing those stories too. MFCers
  9. Oh no!!! hope you get it all straightened out. You can check to make sure that your payment did go through right? Let us know how it works out!!!!
  10. Hey Pink, I'm #15 on the list and I both sent and received a package. I do notice that mail coming from other countries can sometimes take a long long time. Over the last two months I have received six parcels from the UK, the quickest one only took 5 days to get here....the longest one took over 5 weeks. So maybe some of those sent parcels will still be received??
  11. I hope that all of you going to the concert have a wonderful wonderful time. Please drive safely and remember to stay warm!!!! Have fun....can't wait to hear all the details!
  12. I don't know what to expect either. I'm not interested in being the first in line, (nor probably up front and center), but I do plan to queue since I have a lot of "queue" gifts to hand out to the first fifty or so people. I think I will check into my hotel around 2 or 3pm and then come "visit" the queue and see what is happening. Hmmm....first Mika concert for Seattle, the venue holds 1500, it is sold out, don't know about the weather....the young ones might come over right after school gets out...(half of the people might end up at the Showbox at the Market, instead of the Showbox SoDo ).....so what does that equation equal? RU sure you don't want to meet me there at 5am? Well, hopefully I will still be sound asleep at 5am.
  13. The Midway State: http://www.themidwaystate.com/
  14. I just got my order, so it took 2 1/2 weeks to get here to the state of Washington. They are all perfect and very wonderful. I will probably wear all ten when I see Mika in Seattle. Thank you everyone!
  15. WOW, you sure know how to live it up!! You report is wonderful so far....keep it coming because I am on the edge of my seat!!!!
  16. I found an online Wombat Store....wow! I was searching for teddy bear accessories (don't ask why) and somehow I ended up here: Wombie World Who knew? Should I wear one of these tee shirts to the next Mika gig? Awwwww....."Wombat Love" that's sweet, huh?
  17. Wow, that is amazing. And I LOVE the reports that she gives when she is a LG. We get the behind-the-stage view. Yay for Vero!!!! Thanks to everyone for the up to date reports!
  18. And you did a very good job of it too!! I especially loved the conversation you had with yourself and even felt a bit guilty for jumping in the middle of it. (although I didn't know at that time you were trying to keep the thead alive....I thought you were just bored) I have to say that I love your sense of humour too! It often makes me laugh out loud at my computer. It's been fun stalking you today...and thanks for keeping that thread jumping so I did actually *get* the news. Gotta go pick up my son's friend now. Back later.
  19. There was only one thing I really found shocking in that thread which is now closed. It was a post by Pink and I can't quote it now since the thread is closed. But it went something like this... "I was thinking more about the content. I was just following orders....." And I was like:shocked: Pink????? Following orders???? Doesn't compute in my mind. Then I couldn't follow the rest of the thread since my logic was completely distroyed by that thought. (sorry, couldn't help myself either)
  20. Hmmmm, was just going to say Hi, but don't really want to interrupt this fascinating conversation.....BUT I did. Hi Pink ps Chip Shop Chips???
  21. Yes, where are you staying in Vancouver, Suzanne? I think Lollipop_Monkey was staying at the Howard Johnson's by the venue??? And DaMango, I may have a couple of extra concert tickets for the Vancouver show. My friend's concert plans are undecided at this point. Maybe tonight we will iron them out some more as I am meeting them for drinkies.
  22. The reports are amazing....thank you to everyone for giving us so much detail!! I love Jack's outfit...thank you for sharing. There is just one thing that freaks me out and that is OMG....what was I doing in Philly? Was I behaving myself? LOL, I wish I would have been there since it sounds like a great concert. Hopefully, when I finally get to see Mika in Seattle, it will be as great as this one sounds. Thanks, Jack, (or was it Cynthia) for *channeling* me over there, wish I could remember it all. I think I would have remembered you and your beautiful outfit had I truly met you. (And hopefully, not one was impersonating me and my MFC avatar! )
  23. Thank you, InfiniteGreen for starting the reports for us. Sounds wonderful and glad you met some of the other MFCers. Thanks also to DS for another report! Yay!
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