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Everything posted by lilmot

  1. Don't ask me how I crossed paths with this group, but there appears to be another dangerous knitting group on the web. I quote: "Dangerous Knitting Police Report: Gambling Ring Dicscovered at YITF Friday, May 18th, 2007 This just in: A group of yarnaholics were discovered in a martini infested gambling den playing a dangerous dice game called LEFT RIGHT CENTER (LRC). Warning: This game is addictive and will cause you to sell your very soul to the devil to get your fix of MORE YARN." (wondering if any MFC knitters were there) "Posted in Dangerous Knitting, News, Oddities | 3 Comments » “There are no Knitting Policeâ€, says Mary Oliver" (thank God, says lilmot) and also a knitting joke???? not quite sure, but if you read it when you are as tired as I am??? "So, three knitters walk into a bar. They settle in at the counter and pull out their projects. Johnny Depp mosies up to them and murmers, in his best Jack Sparrow lilt, “Lovies, I will do whatever you ask, just command me in three words!†Ohlala, yummy. His pirate’s muscles bulge with tattoos acclaiming his passion for Tink, Wink, and Jo (Okay, I am just imagining that part). The three knitters glance at each other, incredulous at their good fortune! And in one voice, they command, “BAKE MY BREAD!†HA! you thought perhaps “Wind my yarnâ€? “Organize my stashâ€? “Weave my endsâ€? No, my own personal pirate, Mr Tink, bakes my bread. I brag that he bakes every day, but in reality, it is only every OTHER day. The boy needs some rest, you know. Those who have sampled his loaves have been hankering for the recipe. It was originally from the NY Times. It is quick and easy, no kneading, and has the most excellent crunch, crumb, and texture. Here you go. Mr Tink’s Bread. (Notice his socks. This IS a knitting blog, after all.)"
  2. May I share a couple of patterns? What do you notice first, the cb teeth or the arms? hmmmmm? Or is it the combo meal deal? Speaking of knitty expressions, huh? *sigh* knit one purl two knit one purl two sweet dreams *sigh again*
  3. Yes, the vengeance of the baked beans! I love this thread, not only coz of our deep discussion of baked beans and other madness....but this is where Pink first introduced the Mika Mail concept. U R awesome, Pink:wub2: ps did the Canadians receive all those cans of baked beans yet???? Or are they stuck in customs some where? pps why did the title get changed again?
  4. Yesterday I couldn't find the knitting thread and today I had to read thru 14 pages! But it was worth it to see the new patterns and such. After reading all of that I suppose it is safe for me to say.... I had the Big M's chicken nuggets for lunch today and they were really delicious! Especially with the special sauce. I also stayed home from work this morning to watch GMA and I think it was worth it! It was the second time that I have seen Mika on my tv, instead of YouTube. I'm glad to have a home again (here in the knitting thread) and I also glad that part 2 is the threat. It should be.
  5. I m thinking that Mika's been thinking about chicken a lot lately. T4, Ibiza....maybe it's something about being by a beach. I like that video too. Mirtilla gets the *plectrum* from Martin. Something bout the word plectrum....makes me think of chicken a bit. hmmmmmmmmmm maybe im just hungry.....bwaaahaaaaahaaaa
  6. Uh, yes, that is exactly why I joined the knitting thread....it makes me feel like a grandma (hehe) and I really like that feeling.
  7. I'm glad you didn't post the bad one....yeah, don't give him the satisfaction of a comment. I would like to share this lil video of T4 and Love Today coz I love how Ben and Ryan dance and sing along with the lyrics.
  8. OMG, I just saw the video today and I thought about this thread. Now, here it is with how many new posts, all today? Wow, busy people! I am SURE that when Mika said, "free chicken" he was thinking in MFC terms. Also, when he asked Alexa to dress up like a chicken, he had a devilish smile, but then the HollyOaks crew came along. Anyway, it's a great video with lots of good quotes for a VS remix, I think. I miss the Mika Fancy Chicken group and glad to see the new post and jokes. wink2:
  9. Thanks, Deb, for posting. It was fun to read. All I can say is... if Mika is tasting US Success, then I hope it tastes delicious to him.
  10. Good night, Mellody and Sweet Dreams. Thanks for taking the time for the report(s)....they are very special. And I love your pics, esp with MiKa and Luke. Wonderful!!
  11. And who knew he was Bionic???? Is that an evil smile?
  12. Here is another one with its own caption :blink: (World Domination or what?)
  13. I noticed that also....whenever I am in the knitting thread then the ad at the bottom is always something to do with knitting. :roftl: They might have patterns, but they don't have the Master Knitting patterns do they? Like Mika in Ibiza. Do you think Queenie was having a good time being up close and personal with this pattern?
  14. Queenie and her bunny ears needs to be posted over here too, I thinks! Do you think she got some new patterns for us?
  15. Go Queenie!....That is a beautiful pic, does anyone know the rest of the gang? And thanks to Jack and Christine for their words of wisdom. For some reason it all makes perfect sense to me but they explained it better than I could. My father passed away a few years ago but he always told me that I shouldn't criticize anyone until I have walked in their shoes for awhile. Mika's shoes are pretty big for a 23 year old, uh.... boy, right Jack? And I'm just glad he's walking in them not me. They are very stylish shoes, too, now that you mention it...and then there is the rest of the..oh....I better stop now before I digress or undress or something. Everyday is a gift, there are no guarantees except death and taxes, and even taxes can often be avoided for awhile.
  16. Wow, Blue, that is some large equipment there. What the heck is that pattern?
  17. It is like winning the grammies, huh.... and there are too many of you to thank, but I would like to mention a few... Violet_Sky for her remixes and for creating the lovely room to hang-out in. Ioana for her ability to make me :roftl: and often with such brevity of words….genius! DaMango, for being DaMango, making me screencaps, being very knowledgeable and a nice person to know. Queenie for her whips and knowing how to use them. Scut Monkey for organizing the best pics and videos where I can always find them, AND for her ability to sum up many pages of posts in one fantastic post complete with comments. Hannah, Blue, Kavi, Mellody and the rest of the knitters not mentioned above, for finding and sharing such nice patterns and always helping me out when I don’t quite understand the directions. (they are always so willing to delve into the details) And they really made me feel welcomed and at home. Hannah again for knowing all the Mika interviews by heart and for her willingness to always point people in the right direction, including myself. Pink Unicorn for sending me Mika Mail from the UK intact with Walkers Cheese and Onion, not to mention some other lovely things. Suzy for reminding me to clean my house, do the laundry and then for making me laugh when I come back and read her posts. Too many others to thank, but I do think that MFCers :punk:
  18. Two needles and some yarn and one can always learn... Knit one, purl two, hmmm
  19. I hope you will have cool, knitty things to report too! Have a fabulous time and ENJOY!!!
  20. two days later and now..... 38%
  21. Thanks, Sivan, for posting. I agree with you and the others that it is nice to think about Mika and all being able to take some time off to rest. They really do deserve it and most likely need it! I hope they can.
  22. I think it is a great idea. I think I will even be able to find a couple of interesting songs to send in.
  23. Yes, Mika's fans are the best! I say we keep voting until 2008 and then we start all over again! 37%
  24. I know that this came from a different thread and you have probably already seen it....but those eyes asked me to move it to the knitting thread to study the pattern....and well, I couldn't say no. :hypo:
  25. I just want to say that PINK is wonderful. It was her idea to do the Mika Mail exchange and I was just the lucky one to agree to it. I received her package a couple of days ago and it was soooooooooo much fun to open it and see what was inside. The first thing I opened was the Walkers Cheese and Onion chips and I've had many flavored chips before, but these were sooooo good....that I didn't share at all, I ate them all. I haven't taken a photo yet, but I'm going to try to take one and get it posted, so you can see the fun stuff that I got too. In my package to Pink I wanted to send a couple more Mika-ish things, like a mag with Mika photos or a flashing heart....you know? But what I wanted wasn't available, so maybe next time. I love this idea and I just want to say that I think PINK is so wonderful to think about this and to want to share the idea with everyone. Yes, postage is a bit high between countries, sometimes there are "flat rates" but it depends on where you live and where you are sending it to. THANKS PINK, I LOVE my MIKA MAIL!
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