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Everything posted by lollipop_monkey

  1. Nah, he's just a very...interesting man. He also insisted that one of Garth Brooks's songs (he of North American country music fame) was in fact rap music. Sigh.
  2. Not to split hairs...but we don't actually know for sure that he's not gay. Saying "imagin if he did come on here he prob wondering wat the people hu DON'T like him think" also kind of implies that to wonder if Mika is gay means you don't like him, as though being gay is something not to like...and that's not true at all. But yeah. The general consensus is that we don't know for sure, we don't care either way, just BRING ON THE MUSIC!!
  3. Play her "Erase" - he doesn't go so high in that track. Some people are just not fans of males who sing high. Oh, and take parental musical opinions with a grain of salt...I remember once I was listening to the "Lion King" soundtrack, and my dad came, knocked on my door, and asked me to, and I quote, "turn down that hippie music!":roftl:
  4. As one eloquent MFCer put it, he's not necessarily gay, not necessarily straight - he's "Mikasexual". My apologies to the fan who coined the term for the lack of credit; I can't remember which thread it's from! And we all proudly declare "We don't care!" - but that's not entirely true. If Mika went public and revealed his sexuality, this forum would light up like a Vegas night. What we mean is, we don't care if he's gay, we don't care if he's straight, we don't care of he's of some grey area in between; we all love him, and his music, as is. And we don't mind that he chooses not to disclose the details of his sexuality. But, to directly answer your question... Mika has never answered that question publicly. When asked by the media, he generally responds that he's not embarrassed or shy about it, or anything to that effect, but that he respects himself enough to keep his private life private. And, 'round these parts, we accept that. Hope that helps!
  5. Good job Mika! Eloquent and real, as always. Thanks for posting! Does anyone have a link to these Paul Smith ads?
  6. OMG Sivan you are so freaking lucky! And you look great as Lollipop Girl - pink is totally your colour! Since I doubt Mika will ever come anywhere near here (tear!) I'll just have to live through MFCers like yourself... sigh...
  7. You know you're obsessed when the following scenario occurs in an elevator with your fiance: *Elevator Moves slowly* Fiance: "Come on! Hurry up all ready!" Me: "Relax!! Take it Eaaasy!" *Fiance begins repeatedly mashing the "Main Floor" button Me: "Getting angry doesn't solve anything!"
  8. Okay I'm confused. He doesn't drive? But in this video, he says he's at his happiest when he's driving in a car...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgtbVWsOeOU *scratches head*
  9. Yep, exactly. If he's never had a credit card, he'd have no rating to speak of. Although I can't imagine he would have packed up and moved to Miami a few years ago without any sort of credit card... Poor Mika, lol. I wonder if the manager told the sales guy after Mika left who he was. That would be so mortifying...
  10. Oh wow. Utterly amazing. He did say that he reads the crowd at a gig and goes from there, so I'm assuming that the atmosphere there was ripe for taking off his shirt! And neon green undies! I can see him now: "hmm, MFC'ers are wondering why I wear grey undies...this will show 'em!!!" Don't feel bad about wishing for a reprise of topless Mika in Chicago. Did you notice those arms? Mmm...
  11. Oh, can I be a mutt, too? My dad is of Swedish and Norwegian heritage, and my mom is a blend of Polish, Ukranian, and Hungarian. And I was born and raised in Canada. I've wondered about Mika's ethinc background...we all know his dad is American, but what does that mean, really? Most people in the US and Canada can trace their roots back to some other countries, so I wonder if his dad is, perhaps, of Italian or other such blood? Not that it matters, I just find family trees and such to be interesting.
  12. Yeah, I think that interview was just this week, since he's calling from California and referes to his whirlwind in Australia. I too had noticed that he had been saying the same responses word-for-word, interview after interview (and in both French and English!). I love the fact that now he seems to be stepping out of that and shaking things up, and this interview is a prime example of that. I really get the whole "I'm proud of him" feeling, too. He is indeed a clever man. I really hope I get to see him live, and I really hope it's before he's playing massive 20,000 seat stadiums.
  13. OMG...that should be R rated...seriously, those hips:wub2:
  14. R rated video whatnow? Am i missing something...?:eek:
  15. <Warning! Long, gushy post!> Oh my. I'm literally crying, I'm laughing so hard. Thank you so much for posting that! That was absolutely, freaking amazing. I think I fell in love just a little bit more. "What do you want to know? As oppposed to what editors want to know? If you bumped into me, and both of us were slightly drunk..." ABSOLUTE UTTER GENIUS! Seriously. As a journalist myself, I LOVE the way he hijacks interviews. He'll begin a thought, the interviewer will jump in with some other boring-as-cardboard question, and then he'll interject with some completely outlandish, amazing, colourful quote. He's really a journalist's dream, in terms of how quoteable he is. Interviewing people like that who are so multi-faceted, so animated, is always a highlight. Don't get me wrong - in some small part, I'm still a crazy fangirl who would love to take him back to his Santa Barbara hotel room and do naughty things that I shan't mention - but really, sitting by a pool over a couple cran-tinis and just being able to talk to him would be exhilarating. It would be so amazing to just sit and chat for an hour. I mean, he and I are a year apart in age, but we grew up in utterly different worlds on opposite sides of the globe. And yet there's a commonality - like in a previous interview where he mentioned coming-of-age issues, dealing with money, adjusting to changing relationships with siblings - I totally get that. Wow. *wanders off in a Mika-induced bubble*
  16. Oh wow that site is full of great pics! OMG check out his shoes in this one: http://web.mac.com/jodimarr/iWeb/jodimarr.com/Photos_files/P1010056_1.jpg
  17. Mika Is Kriminally Attractive! OKay, so I used poetic license on the spelling of "criminally"...
  18. So the gist of it is that the term "queer" is beginning to be less associated with your stereotypical, blatantly homosexual male, and is moving back towards its previously accepted meaning of "beyond or deviating from the usual or expected," but particularly in regard to, as you put it, "anything that does not fit the heteronormative social standards"...? *scratches head* This is interesting. There should be a three credit university course in this. Jack, care to be the professor?
  19. The increasingly-frequent musings that Mika is being "coy" about his sexuality in order to increase his fanbase/album sales/airplay is getting ridiculous. Not the idea of it, per se - he might very well be staying mum in order to broaden his appeal - but the whole idea that someone's success in their career is affected by their sexuality seems so outdated. For example, I'm in the corporate communications field. For an recording artist to be judged based on his/her sexuality, to me, is no different than for my abilities as a communications professional to be judged because, for example, my dad is of Scandinavian heritage. Or because I'm only 5'1". Those things don't affect my skills and how I do my job, so why should sexuality affect Mika's (or Elton John's or anyone else's) ability to do theirs? I can't imagine being a celebrity and having every minute detail of my life up for public scrutiny. No wonder Britney Spears shaved her head
  20. What I meant by that is that if someone has a perspective, a thought, an opinion with some form of reasoning - however misguided - behind it, I feel I can consider what he/she is saying, even if I (in some cases vehemently) don't agree with it. I was mostly expressing frustration at the people who post comments that are complete gibberish, who don't even have any sort of point to make, and how that frustrates me. You know, along the lines of "Haha wut a durty fag wtf he singz like that 4." I know we should all be accepting and tolerant and all that jazz, but that sort of thing just grates on me. I used the religion reference because at least someone who believes, as you rightly put it, "the slippery biblical logic behind its condemnation of homosexuality" is expressing an opinion with a well-conceived -again,however misguided- bit of reasoning behind it. Which, IMHO, is more respectable than pointless gibberish. I should stay off this topic! I'm so biased, I can't help but get somewhat ranty...
  21. So it looks like site afterelton.com got ahold of the edition of Out with Mika gracing the cover. See story here: http://www.afterelton.com/blog/brianjuergens/mika-post-gay-or-just-post-interesting I appreciate that the comments to this one are at least cohesive thoughts, (as opposed to incoherent rambling on Perez's site) even if I don't agree with them all. I get the feeling that the answer to the question about Mika's sexuality isn't a yes or no question, and as such, the poor guy doesn't want to go into detail about explaining something so personal to, literally, the entire world. Maybe he had a long term relationship with a man, but then realized he was attracted to women. Or vice-versa. Whatever. At least one person on there made the point that it's about his music, and his sexuality isn't relevant to that. Finally - people seem to be getting the point!
  22. Yep. August 18, 1983. And my favourite song honestly changes depending on my mood, but Happy Ending is always up near the top. What kind of assignment is this? For what class?
  23. If he's a girl, then he has horribly small breasts. ...Am I allowed to say that?
  24. Sigh - you're right. Mika just served to reveal a deep-seated craziness that was there all along. Although, it would be nice if a bus stop full of people heard one of his songs and forgot about deadlines and pressures and dollars for three minutes and just started dancing, a la the "Love Today" video.
  25. Does anyone else have this problem? I find that when I'm walking down the street listening to Mika on my iPod - or worse, waiting at a bus stop - it's next to impossible to refrain from dancing to his music. "Love Today" is the worst! Thank you, Mika, a whole bus full of commuters think I'm crazy:biggrin2:
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