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Everything posted by agnieszka

  1. aaa, to spoko loko. to ja w takim razie zaczne nowy temat. moj swiatopoglad dzis runal. w raczej jeszcze wczoraj. odkrylam bowiem, ze Mika jest hot. czasem jak wychodzily z niego arabskie nuty i wygladal na sniadego, to byl dla mnie cute. ale nigdy hot. a tu jest hot. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5JBI3bisfE8
  2. i've actually never thought that he's sexy. UNTIL NOW. i feel like chicken tonight
  3. czy ty emoslawo krzyczysz na nas ze offtopujemy czy ostrzegasz, ze sama bedziesz offtopowala? bo troche sie zgubilam Mika
  4. but it's understandable i guess
  5. that's true, i do need help.. but you.. my dear, you are a lost case
  6. no need to apologize, stating that Poland is a part of eastern Europe is not offensive imo, it's showing geographical knowledge it's just that it was funny to see something polish here, even if nimm2 candies
  7. no, i'm actually always like that yeah right.. u wish.. it was all about me and Martin just happened to be there
  8. oh, i have the worst case of polish accent, i'm a third year student of english studies but i'm hopeless whith accents glad you liked it! my sister lives in Sweden, and whenever i fly to meet her she makes me bring her some bread my second sister travels a lot and once she took some to Marocco. i think it might be addicitve or something
  9. oh, look at you, you're all confused now my love. since when do we work together? i'm agniecha from pmfc, the one u dreamed of last night
  10. polish food is yummy so i recommend you that section never been to Scotland (yet) but in London i could hear polish on the streets a lot. which was nice but also a bit weird. ok, and i must say that, i just adore Scottish accent, whenever i hear James McAvoy i'm like
  11. somewhere in the east?.. it's polish. the language, not the product. but seriously, beware, we are everywhere! and we're gonna get you!
  12. don't worry, i noticed it today and while watching YT, not the dvd. well, it seems like Mika on big screen is too distracting to pay attention to what he says
  13. shut up! i'm not scaring anyone! they are all very ambitious people and will start learning polish thanks to me but actually, i find dżdżownicas very exciting
  14. well then, you must have been spending a loooot of time on YT.. but that's undersandable i tried to find the video on different sites but didn't manage
  15. oh, about the dvd, did you notice he says Mikey is his drummer?
  16. oy yeah! i love explaining this stuff to foreigners!! it's always so much fun!! so in polish there are letters like d and z. but we also have ż and ź. and those put together with d form different sounds like dź, dż or dz like one of favourite polish words: dżdżownica
  17. like only this video or youtube in general? why?
  18. http://youtube.com/watch?v=7H-DezxMIHs it gives me chills.. watch it from 6:00 but the whole interview is great actually!
  19. u reminded me about sth, watch it: http://youtube.com/watch?v=XpnxxURoY5M that's a bit embarrassing :roftl:
  20. i'm not a fan of his. i saw him live though 4 or 5 years ago and i must say, he's a great showman! so kudos for that!
  21. i don't wanna say that i love u2, it would sound cheesy.. i respect them, i adore their music, they are perfection.. i've seen them live only once, in 2005 in Poland. and to tell the truth that was one of the most amazing days in my life.. they didn't come to Poland during Elevation Tour so some Polish fans went to their gigs with polish flag and "WHY NOT IN POLAND?" written on it. Bono took the flag during the show in Berlin i think, and promised that they're gonna come to Poland with the next tour. so on the Vertigo tour, as a thank you, there was this idea of forming Polish flag to thank them for coming. i've read about it before the show, took red shirt to wave but didn't think it would work out. we were going to do it during New Year's Day, which was written about Poland, Solidarnosc movement in particular. and so the song started and it looked like that:
  22. and you're an adulterous wh*re.. we deserve each other dream or not, knowing u it will happen at some point.. so i'm patiently waiting for my backstage pass
  23. i'm gonna tell Martin.. i'm gonna tell him.. never to come to Poland coz Polish people hate Scottish men! so Mika's gonna have a gig in Warsaw and Martin's not gonna come! oh man, i'm a genius!!
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