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Everything posted by agnieszka

  1. hehe, to zaczynamy jaki jest twoj ulubiony owoc emoslawo? i zeby nie bylo.. Mika
  2. to Sarge niech sie nie odzywa, bo i tak ma juz za duzo a my zadzialamy, po 600 postow i bedzie druga czesc
  3. a ile trzeba do drugiej czesci? EDIT dobry wieczor Emka, btw
  4. i have serious issues, i see chicken foot there!
  5. that's great, i'm glad go Mika group wave it is
  6. eeehehe, bardziej niz Twoje, czy bardziej niz oryginal?
  7. i didn't think you were rude. i thought that there's no point being sad and that maybe you misunderstood the thread at one point. that's why i responded, i don't want u to be sad. with the break there's so little to discuss lately, so the hair is a big topic i guess
  8. no ten brecht to byl wybitnie nieprofesjonalny! sama nie wierze, ale juz widzialam tego Martina, musialas go juz wczesniej pokazywac uwielbiam te skoki na balonie
  9. eeehehehehe, jakby to powiedzial jeden z wielkich myslicieli: that is, that is mad, how did that happen? that's crazy! ale wiesz, to jest piekne jak sie tak wczuwasz, widac ile ta muzyka dla Ciebie znaczy :roftl: blagam, nagraj cala plyte!
  10. well, the thread is called IS Mika changing? i think most of us, including me, think that there's more to him than his curls.. new hairstyle means nothing at all.
  11. hehe, ja tez, i wtedy ludzie pytaja czemu zmieniam slowa jak tam nie slychac whore.. hmm, musze zobaczyc ten znaczacy gest czekam, nigdzie nie ide, end aaaaaaaj fil ez if am łejstin, czekam na to 'aaaaj'
  12. yeah, i agree about dirty flirty. not sure what u mean about me not being an overrated whore but i will take that for a compliment and yeah, i don't like any of these that much so thinking proceedes
  13. THERE'S MORE??????? GIMMIE!!!!!! uwielbiam jak akcentujesz 'whore' w pierwszej zwrotce w HE trzeba wyciagac, juz sie ciesze!!
  14. oh my!! what a fantastic idea!! i'm sooo gonna buy a cake like this for my sister's big 30th in July! she's not into Mika that much but who cares!
  15. no jak nie jak tak, trzeci raz slucham! EDIT: zobacz edita poprzedniego
  16. duuh, i even was thinking about it already! it's exciting being a whore! so, my first idea was Ring Ring Whore but i don't like it at all, then Overrated Whore but it's not that good, and last one, Dirty Flirty Whore, but i'm not convinced.. what do u think?
  17. iiiiii!! can't wait! EDIT: Ty! no ja zawiedziona jestem, myslalam ze sie pobrechtam a Ty nawet za duzego obciachu nie zrobilas! Sara ma konkurencje no i Ci zazdroszcze, masz takie nieirytujacy glos jak spiewasz
  18. hello my fellow whores, new whore on board! apparently MegPL aka Adulterous Whore saw some whoring potential in me for which i'm grateful, so nice of her! never used so many whores in one sentence, i already like it here!
  19. o, hehe, falszywy alarm, hehe.. no ale anyway, cos mi obiecalas!!!!!
  20. Dzien dobry!! EDIT Sarge hoł, zawirusowalas mi gg, nie moge wejsc bo cos dziwnego sie wyswietla!
  21. that sounds familiar, i have 'someones' here too oh i bet! can't imagine living in Manchester and missing Mika gig!! that sounds amazing! you were so lucky!! i just love reading all the wonderful stories, MFC is great at spreading Mika joy..
  22. no nie taka trudna.. you had me at hello EDIT juz mi zabieraja komp, wracam jutro!
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