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Everything posted by agnieszka

  1. with sandwiches it was such a great job, i would walk around all day listening to my ipod, such easy money.. my sister lives in Halmstad, but considers moving to Gothenburg. I've been to G. a month ago for the Ice Skating Championships. and I LOVE Liseberg I've been to London twice, for Mika gigs, first time in Dec and both gigs i had tickets two were postponed, second February 28th Have you been to Liseberg? do u like it?
  2. oh my, that must have been awful, good thing you're gonna see him this time!
  3. not now, no. but two years ago i spent few weeks working in Sweden, love it there have you ever been to Poland?
  4. rude people, can't stand them. those thinking that lack of respect towards others (teachers for example) make them look cool. my lack of patience my school, one huge mess
  5. well, the person responsible for music in polish 'so you think you can dance' must love Mika. his songs, including the ones never released as singles, are in the background of every single episode.
  6. omg, that signature is one of the best i've seen here, i love it
  7. that's nice! it's so much better to watch these seconds pass than the ones in the death clock..
  8. wow, great! thank you! i've seen most of them i think, but to have them like that, in one place, how can i not watch? thanks again and let the madness begin.. btw, may i ask what was your login on yt?
  9. this is how i look like when i think about a gig like that well, to tell you the truth i'm pretty sure he's gonna do it at one point. i also believe he wore the orange polo in china as a secret message to tell us he loves mfc. so, when the right time comes and we'll be all gathered in Royal Albert Hall you'll be able to say 'he wears my t-shirt and plays where i tell him to play'
  10. thanks for those. all of them are great but HMDYLM is amaaaazing and love today intro gives me chills no matter how many times i see it. and of course i jumped to the places you pointed but then watched all of them from the beginning even though i've seen them before.. it's madness..
  11. this is either the best one so far or it's just better not to read them in the middle of the night. now i could laugh as laud as i liked and it felt goood. had a bad morning and u just made my day. kinda like mika effect thanks! :roftl:
  12. don't know what kind of phone you have but often you're given various programs with it. for example i have motorola phone tools and it enables me to cut songs and use them as ringtones. that's how i got my GK and mikalaugh. if you don't have any tools like that but you can copy files from your computer to your phone i can look for my GK and send it to you.
  13. heej, fajnie Cie tu widziec, nawet jesli na chwilke tylko. btw, jest nowa czesc caz a co do zujow to no worries. i of kors powodzenia na zaliczeniu, wystapieniach i wszystkich innych masakrach, ktore pominelam..
  14. u made me watch it again, it's one of the best imo, thanks!
  15. yes I was. you mean the list on the thread? probably didn't put my name there, I wasn't coming here that often before February, now I'm completely addicted.. I should be sleeping now, i have to wake up in 6 hours and yet i'm still here.. i absolutely loved the gig! it was different from the one in Berlin. there I was in the middle of the first row, best place I've ever had on any gig. In London I was in the first row but on the side. Yet the gig had an amazing energy, like you could feel it's the last one and special. I wish I've been to more than two Mika gigs, the ones I went to London for in Dec got postponed.. I see 28th was your fifth, how did u like it?
  16. didn't notice before but i can totally see it now! thanks!
  17. oh, they'll grow back.. i mean, can you imagine Mika on drums without his curlies flying around? they'll be back by July, i'm telling ya
  18. Nick Cave, especially Into my Arms, i've got goose bumps when i hear it..
  19. i'm so glad i don't have make-up on, i would look like a panda.. that was soo great. and btw, Connie was freaking amazing!
  20. nope, but my roomie does do you always wash your mug after using it?
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