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Everything posted by Mikafish

  1. Great! Then I would definately like a Purple one please!
  2. The chicken dance I know is this one: http://www.whydidthechickencrosstheroad.com/the-chicken-dance.htm
  3. If orders are still being taken I would love a purple MFC one.
  4. We decide the last gig, Brixton December 4th. Is that still the plan TRF?
  5. I'm going to be cheeky and ask Can I do two? I'd like to do my own little personal message to Mika but I'm also going to 3 gigs in November and would like to caputre some of that mayhem separately!
  6. YES YES YES YES YES!!!! I would collapse in a fit of giggles! Most of the place wouldn't know what was going on, which would make it even more fun!!! MIKA if you see this please please please do this for us!
  7. Awww that's sweet I hope Mika loves his too! My first patch is pretty much finished...only 3 to go! I'm so excited about being there when he gets it!!!
  8. I'm just about to go to bed but I promise I'll come chat next time!
  9. Silver it sounds like we need an all night baking session again! Only no deliveries this time! OOOhhhhh We need Vodka Jelly! Anyone have a portable fridge?
  10. The family Guy theme is perfect!!!!
  11. Well right now I'm hooked on a certain brand of chicken and to have it would be very bad for me, so I'm staying Veggie for now! But I never had had much meat related willpower!
  12. No I'm going thro a Vegateran stage right now...
  13. I thought he looked gorgeous in The Astronaught's Wife but he was also scary as hell! I sadly have never dated anyone who looks like JD.
  14. Pairing socks...I actually love doing that and it would be a great chance to talk.
  15. Chicken is everywhere these days!
  16. I'm so glad people understand! Hmmmmm...fav movie...nope can't pick one! I loved Ed Wood and of course Finding Neverland, drooled constantly throughout all three Pirates!
  17. My friends tell me it's wrong find Willa Wonka atracttive....
  18. Chicken is supposed to be messy! Purplegrape I am loving the pic in your sig..I was watching Sleepy Hollow earlier today.
  19. I think it is only fair to warn you guys that his cakes contain more alcohol than flour!!!! Lol Amarretto icing!!!!!
  20. Quit stalking me! Reservations made. Can cancel them later if I need to.
  21. I'm jealous mine doesn't have lollipops! It's one of my dearest dreams to have Mika on my tama friend list!
  22. I misread TRF's post and thought we were 57 patches short!!!!
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