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Everything posted by Mikafish

  1. So is that where everyone is going to be staying? If it is I gonna book...wanna be part of this! I'm going to drive so drinks, food... anything like that that is in need let me know!
  2. Lol Phunky you have a serious Duct tape problem! Oh thankd goodness on the patches..I almost had total heart failure!
  3. Can i have a piece of that cake? It looks tastey!
  4. Please tell me I have misunderstood... You need another 57 patches or you already have 57 patches?
  5. Gill I really hope you get some tickets! Next time I'm going to buy some extras just incase, I mean I can sell them on Ebay if nobody here needs them...should have done that this time!
  6. I must be set up differently because I'm on page 80! I am so jealous about the Mika hugs! I want a Mika hug...oh well only 3 months, 1 week and 1 day until I see him....and I will be hanging around to meet him! I want to wear my piano braces but they don't go with my costume so I might just take them and ask him to sign them for me.
  7. It's fantastic news about the GMA... Now Freddie if you could get me some VIP passes to Manchester, Doncaster, Birmingham and Brixton I would be really happy!
  8. I'm afraid that I'm really not a fan. My younger sister is, she saw them live earlier this year and really enjoyed it. *shrugs*
  9. I need to get some more! I only ordered three and I've given them away to fellow Mika friends already!
  10. Lol, i rehatched mine yesterday! It's now called Mica! Lol, I wonder how many Mica/Mika tamas there are out there!
  11. I had a Mika dream last night and for once it is one that is suitable to post! I'd booked him to play in my Village to help raise money for a new project (I'm a Community development worker) and I was chatting to him afterwards about my work. It was sooo strange!
  12. Lol, I loved that it was fantastic! Free Chicken...mmmmmmm.....
  13. *hugs Freddie* Awwww....I am totally in your debt forever for all this effort Freddie...but just a hug debt...
  14. Half of me understand that this is a US award and like everyone is saying he isn't a major artist over there yet. The other half is going WTF???? AN AWARD AND MIKA IS NOT NOMINATED!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD?!?!!? I can't control that side with logic.
  15. Simply not good enough, I want you to type up the convosations word for word!!!
  16. Lol, No I wouldn't expect a decison right away either but it's still majorly exciting! I didn't mean to pressure you! *Waits excitedly for news*
  17. Firstly this is a great item, feel the love! I haven't really been around long enought to thank individuals but I just wanna say thanks to those who make the boards such a wonderful place: Everyone! Thanks guys and gals for making me feel that I am not the only one that is this mad about Mika. *huge hugs for everyone*
  18. Thanks Kavi, I did get some rather interesting PMs that had me in fits of giggles and have watched the "No Chicken tonight" vid a dozern times already! lol! I had it all figured out but then some of the posts totally thro me off I was like "IS this what I think it is or is it just my dirty mind?" I would be hugely honoured if you could add me to the list because a world without Chicken is no world at all...and Mika Chicken....well there just aren't words...well there are but I'm sure I'd be barred for life if I used them!
  19. I'm a total water baby and feel so at home when I'm swimming! My greatest fear is failure. I'm always terrified that I will fail at something I really want to achieve. Kinda shallow I guess! As for a Physical fear, heights. I have been know to freeze and get stck half way up a cliff when rock climbing! Funny tho because I can abseil with no problems at all!
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