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Everything posted by Mikafish

  1. No, I don't either! I don't really listen to the remixes tho. Didn't like the Big Girl remix on the CD.
  2. I'm so wishing I could be there! I hope that everyone there has a fantastic time!
  3. Hmmm...I'm going to be upset if they edit it...i love every single note. But I guess if it's gotta be done...hell no...I don't care if it's gotta be done I'm still gonna be upset!
  4. 297? Wow. Appartently I have to type more than that so this is a meaningless sentance that you don't need to read. Unless you've already read it!
  5. That's where I'm staying too, I think alot of us are. Well I have come up with a great idea on how to make the Voddy Jelly! You ready? Right! 1. You get your jelly cubes and add some hot water..not as much as it says tho. 2. Then you put it in a flask so it stays hot and doesn't set. 3. Drive to doncaster! 4. Fill sink with cold water and ice (if available) 5. Put bowl in the sink and empty jelly solution into it...allow to cool. 6. When Jelly has cooled down add lots of Vodka. 7. Go to Mika concert and while Jelly is setting. 8. Jelly is ready! Time to Party!
  6. I'm very much the same. If I lived anywhere near her I'd have to go round and check, she'd probably be freaked out by my turning up on her doorstep tho. Pink, if you see this or not, you are in my thoughts honey, you have the strength to get thro anything. There are people here that barely know you, like me but you've already made us all happier just by being part of this community. I really hope to speak to you again soon.
  7. Are you staying over at Doncaster? I think i remember you saying you were in the Gig thread but I can't be bothered looking at this moment in time because I'm tired! You're going to be at Birmingham on the 22nd too! Oh Man I'll have to say hi. You dressing up?
  8. I just saw this on my Myspace! I'm really pleased that the rumours have turned out to be true! October 15th, not too long to wait I guess. I know it meantioned remixes but do you think there will be any other tracks? I'd love him to release Holy Johnny or something with it!
  9. Overly PSed but still gorgeous. Thanks for posting!
  10. I certainly respect Mika. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to post in the Chicken thread or anything else of a similar nature. I think that if it's taken how it is meant to be, a bit of fun, then it's not disrespectful. I do agree that shouting at gigs and such is crossing the line, but at the same time that has partly been encouraged by Mika removing his shirt in gigs. I believe that we can have a balance where he is respected but we also have a lighter fun side to him.
  11. Bexxy I'll owe you a drink at Doncaster!
  12. It looks fantastic! I can't say thanks enough to all the effort that has gone into it! I really hope we can have a vid of him receiving it!
  13. That really does concern me. Does anyone have a number for her? or something? I'm probably over reacting and stuff but it would be really nice to know she's ok.
  14. I will be buying that album me thinks! I'm really quite excited to hear Mika sing it.
  15. I loved seeing the parts where he is in the studio but I am slightly worried that he has killed his own song. It's funny but on a small level somewhere in my it devalues the original.... *shrugs*
  16. I'm in for travelling the globe with you!!! I wanna be a full time groupie! What would you buy Mika for his birthday?
  17. The extra dates at Manchester and Birmingham still aren't there.
  18. I'm afraid I don't really see it! There are vague similarities but nothing that would make me go as far as to say that they look alike.
  19. I don't want to know if it's him or not, I don't want to know his screen name, I'm happy in the hope that he does pop in every now and again and look at what we are up to. I'm in agreement with Sara on this issue.
  20. I'm going to be at Manchester on the 19th, Birmingham on the 22nd, Doncaster on the 24th and Brixton on the 4th! Then I'm going to need a week off to recover!
  21. I watch is on youtube frequently but I would have loved to see it on tv.
  22. I spen thtis evening at the pub explaining Chicken to a friend, he's also a Mika fan. We kept getting really dodgy looks from other people!
  23. It's wonderful and well worth the two hours spent!
  24. I would like mine by Nov...so plenty of time really, but I agree about there being an order cut off date. How much are they?
  25. I just got a message from Tomomi my Mika mail is ready to be shipped!!! Wooooohooooo!
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