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Everything posted by Mikafish

  1. I didn't know it was possible to have a Mika dream without chicken!
  2. HHmmm...how to explain a Tama?!?! It's an electronic pet that basically requires feeding, playing with, disiplining and cleaning up after! The main thing you need to do is keep it clean, fed and Happy...which isn't as easy as it sounds! I recommend you first hatch it when you have some free time because when it's a new born blob it is quite demanding!
  3. Lol, it's damn good one. I think if I had been here on April 1st I might not have fallen for it but I didn't even look at the date to start off with!!!
  4. You guys just gave my heart failure!!!!!
  5. I'd love to become a Mikaville resident. Why? Because then I could dress how I like and no one would complain about my wacky dancing or singing alone to LICM. I'd like to build a new development "Any Other World Avenue" Any chance?
  6. Right I'm confused! Everytime I think i understand I read something that make me doubt it! Some PM me into the loop? PLEEEZZZZEEEE?!?!?
  7. Fantastic news. Congrats to Mika!
  8. :roftl: That is just fantastic!!!
  9. Sadly I will only be there on the 22nd but I'm hoping to mee many fellow MFCers!
  10. I haven't read thro all the replies so I'm refering mainly to the O.P. Jack, fantastically written and a very insightful and engaging read, which which I do agree. I also think that differences in live performance could be partially due to the size of audience. I believe Mika has said in interviews that he likes every member to feel part of the show, that it's being put on just for them. In a smaller audience the sutle flirting works well but I think that it loses it's effect somewhat when you upscale the number of people. His more flamboyant performance while more masculine and perhaps seen as more acceptable also transfers better when you have an audience of several thousand people. Either way I still find him extremely sexy and when I saw him live in May there were times when it felt like he was just sing to me (I'm sure all 2,500 people felt the same!). I look forward to reading more of your Mika Essays!
  11. I'm a little late but may I join the Enlightened Chicken ones?
  12. I have to totally agree with Bright eyes, Mika's voice would be perfect for it! Also love the idea of him covering A Thing Called Love by the Darkness, that would totally rock! I also in a scary way would love to see him do Cartoon heros!
  13. You see that's the problem! I have the "fancy" accent, heaven knows where I got it from! But Where I live people just think I'm a toff!!! Classic moment in my last job and I lived in Lancashire (as far from the fancy accent as possible) when I was talking someone turned round and said (in a nasty way) "Vicky, why do you talk all posh?" A very cute guy (who I ended up dating!) turned round and said "She's not talking posh it's just that you're common!" Lol.
  14. That's a great Article, thanks so much for typing it up Freddie!
  15. I've never dated a Sailor but my ex was in the army. He wasn't even all that good looking but the sight of him in uniform just turned me to jelly!
  16. Why does everyone love the British accent? I have quite a strong "Queen's English" accent and all I get over her is people taking the ****!
  17. At the moment. Do you need a hair cut?
  18. Thanks for posting I hadn't seen that interview!
  19. Lol always and I get shouted at for it! Do you believe in Karma?
  20. There does seem to be alot of inconsistancy with the emails from Mikasounds. I signed up in April and have always received emails but I have heard from lots of other people that have signed up and not received anything. But yeah the email was from them about 5 days before the tickets were on general release I believe. It would be great if we would have early access here tho, then every fan who visits reqularly would be aware of them.
  21. Lol, Gladly. I have a "Queens English" accent and when I lived in Lancashire I used to get called Posh constantly! I have no idea where my accent comes from because I was born in Yorkshire (really stong weird accent in Yorkshire!) then moved to Wales for years!
  22. Noooo...it's all lies! We have Brown, Black silver...and I'm fairly sure I've come across some red stuff at some point!
  23. phunkygal are you following me?
  24. Duct tape is indeed the answer the all the problems in the world! hehehe
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