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Everything posted by Aaurora

  1. You know you're successful when you get a bag named after you!
  2. I am not alone in my madness HK, do you mean in this Aussie thread? I noticed people talking about the amount of chatter maybe 3 days ago, but that was all I noticed. I am out of the loop again But I have noticed a decline in posts in this thread. 2 pages from last night compared to a usual 15 or 20? I have to admit, I've been a little bit annoyed with the MFC as a whole over the last week. Maybe I am hormonal. Maybe I am depressed seeing all the reviews and upcoming gigs that I just can't stop looking at for updates...my own fault!! LOL I find the Aussie thread is somewhere I can feel a part of, that I belong. I'd hate for people to be fighting in here, considering everywhere you turn in other threads people are disagreeing, fighting and being b*tchy. So much Internet DRAMA And I just polished off 2 for brekkie
  3. I checked on his Myspace but couldn't see the call for Lollipop girls - can someone help me out where to find it? Loved your review, Sari, and your pics!!!! EDIT: I just want to say that I REALLY love those pics....you guys are 'mature' like me, and seeing that I feel normal, not so childish for being obsessed by this singer. It makes me feel so much better to be old and know I am not the only one.....thank you........
  4. LOL! OK, Just add another thread to my 'must check list' in the small section of time I have before I go to work Thank the Lord for afternoons, is all I can say!
  5. From looking at him first, I could not guess he was Lebanese but I knew he had to be exotic due to his darker colouring. I had a crush on a Lebanese guy at my high school I never did get the courage to ask him out This was about 8 years ago now, I think the chance is long gone
  6. What happened to bumping this thread Who was on duty but left their post unmanned
  7. So glad I am not the only lonely one to feel this way about the concert threads. I love looking at the photos and what not, but it truly gets me down as one of them (Sivan, I believe) has been to his concerts 10 times and I'm like WTF and I feel completely out of touch with the 'real fans' as I have not even seen him once....Good for them to see him so many times but OMG that will never be me And another thing is there a secret society in here in which certain, selected members know the goings on behind the scene, gossips and what not? Because I feel out of the loop so much it's just not even funny.
  8. omigosh, I am so sorry....I thought you were dcdeb......I guess I thought you looked similar.....sorry!!! I wear my wiz hat.....but I am not as kind and fine as the Great One
  9. erm, it was on that same page as my reply!! She just said Freddie wanted the thread bumped. Her answer was better than nothing, I aint fussy! I've really got no idea. It seems I am not alone in being 'clueless'....people like me don't get told insider information
  10. lol - are you playing dumb A few pages back there was talk about maybe becoming official tonight, or Mika being here checking out to give his seal of approval. I have no idea and I'm not one for pussy footing about the place. Thanks, Deb, for your answer
  11. does anyone know anything officially about tonights happenings or is it all speculation? nonetheless, it is exciting
  12. If you watch Bottom, you will hear frequent references to that hobby
  13. oh gosh, when it looks like something good is about to happen, I have to go.......stupid work!! And if this place is not made official fan club, I will eat my hat. First, I have to buy a hat. And then eat it.
  14. good morning (fr)Eddie!! Have you seen the floats? I watched this (embarrassing to admit) show the other night, Star Portraits with Rolf Harris...the only reason I watched it was they had Ade as the Star!! And oh my he has changed!! He is a lot thinner now, and he's actually very handsome when he is being 'normal'
  15. ^^^ ooh brekky!! I've had my weet bix, thanks Oh goodie - another boring day of work. Hurrah!
  16. How does he get up there? Is there little steps towards the back of it? Thanks, Christine re: chest hair. I have to admit I didn't even notice until Jack said something. (bad, unpervy fan)
  17. There is no way I could ever sing AND bound around like that Did he not have any chest hair, Christine? Jack was alluding to the fact that he didn't...in the flickr photos it looked like he may be tidied up but maybe it was the lighting.... You, of all people, would know
  18. whoops, I quoted the wrong one - but Natie, I love your pic, thats awesome!!
  19. ItzTwins - BEST PICTURES EVER!!! Thank you!!!!! Anyone else drooling over the topless one from behind with his luscious curve of his upper hip?
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