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Everything posted by Aaurora

  1. Do not die, Ceci! The MFC Ambulance is still getting refuelled!
  2. oh no! I thought they were new ones I love that beanie I need new, recent close up pics
  3. We don't want you here, Ceci :wub2: I love ya!! It's really quiet all over the place....whats up with the MFC lately? It's dead!
  4. haha! I doubt he would shave - doesn't the hair come back thicker if he shaves? In those new pics with the beanie you can see his chest hair : And in an old pic : I think he looks beautiful - chest hair, no chest hair, groomed chest hair. Whatever
  5. "Hi Mika, I'm BonjourMika1990....when are you coming to Australia?"
  6. I thought it was But I do have 'wishful thinking' syndrome
  7. ok 1hr 30 minutes for LiCM and 1hr 30 minutes for Album #2 set = VERY LONG SHOW At least thats one thing we would get that no one else would get
  8. LOL I thought this was the dress size! Size 8 Aussie in clothes is thin. Glad you're talking shoes! I would like to know the size of the dress, also
  9. I think the chances are unlikely that he will visit twice in one year. So he might skip the LiCM tour entirely and focus on the Album #2 tour after July......Gosh, so many options!
  10. I am not sure, but I can't see him going to Perth. He may only even do Sydney and Melbourne. I might not get a look in, either. We kind of had a LiCM tour, with the promo show in Sydney, but that was only 45 minutes AND one night only, so I would like a full LiCM tour and THEN he can come back to give us Album #2 tour :thumb_yello: Even if he does LiCM tour in 2008 and then early-mid 2009 he does second album tour, that sounds good
  11. Does anyone worry about not fitting into the lollipop outfit Sivan, was it very tight or was there room to move? How did you get it on? Were there any stains on it from previous girls (sweat, I mean)?
  12. I think it's all down to personal preference! I would spell it "kachinga" as he often varies the 'aaah' part, he can do it slow or fast
  13. Perhaps if someone gets a chance someone they would like to ask the big M when he is going to come to Australia
  14. OG 10 more months? I have actually been thinking long and hard about when he is likely to come out here. In March he is recording album #2, right? How long would that take to get released, I dunno...maybe 6 months?? So maybe album #2 will come out around September, October. And then he will be full on into touring. Which includes us!! So maybe you're right about it being around November....ack!! but.....what is he going to do in the 6 months it takes to get the album on the market? He might tour here, you know? My prediction - a tour here just after he finishes recording his album, I'm guessing around MAY. I need to get a life.
  15. It is summer already! Do you mean next summer, as in a whole year away noooooooooooooooo!
  16. Yeah, I've noticed It's one big free-for-all! We need to get this out of our system before it becomes all official and we are quietened by the mob!
  17. I've never been to America, but I am assuming it's huge and NYC would be so crowded (ickie....all those people!!!) so maybe they have to in that town? I would queue for a couple of hours too, if necessary....but lucky me I live in Brisbane and I can't see Mika getting people lining up from 5am
  18. I thought you didn't approve of swearing on the forums?
  19. Dumb question - why are people queing at 5am? Is it necessary? How many people are in line and what time do the doors open?
  20. What will happen to the forum at MikaSounds? I know people are divided - either you like this forum, or you like that forum. The Mikasounds forum was really the 'official' one but it was not as popular as this one. Will that be shut down? Will the people on mikasounds forum come over here? Will they be angry
  21. Almost....check here http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12642
  22. A big THANK YOU to all who have gotten involved and making this dream happen. In our hearts, the MFC has always been the official forum, but it's now in black and white. Congratulations to all members of the MFC!
  23. Does this have anything to do with you joining on the 27th
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