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Everything posted by Aaurora

  1. LOL!! He is also singing about his "lost" socks they are a mystery to all mankind.
  2. Man in the reds trying to touch my bum, touch my bum, touch my bum! Wait until the photographers gone, photographers gone!
  3. BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am loving this thread
  4. look at the curve of his bicep in the 'dollar' pic on the right........oh my god........
  5. It's just another reminder of how time flies! I cannot believe it's been another year gone......and so quickly!!!
  6. That IS weird!!! Sorry for freaking you out LOL I will start a new thread when all the secrets have been submitted (next Sunday). YAY for secrets!
  7. There is no way anyone can find out who you are Unless you write your name on your secret!!
  8. I was thinking it would just be secrets about Mika - but what do other people think? I guess we will run out of Mika secrets eventually, won't we!! Just as a side note - if people want to do this please can you make your secret into a graphic. If you do not have a graphics program, please tell me when you are commenting in the journal and I will make you up a quick graphic. But if you have the ability to make a graphic, Please Do So! Do you think I should post the secrets here on the forums, or post it in the LiveJournal? I think we can have a really fun time with this, guys
  9. OMG this is HILARIOUS. Scut, you are soooo funny :roftl: Did you post that on his Myspace ROFFLE
  10. Does everyone know the awesome website Post Secret where people make pretty postcards with their secrets on it and the post cards are put online for the world to see? I think that would be fun to do something like that with our Mika Secrets This may just be a one off thing depending on how popular this idea is, but it should be fun If you are have a graphics program, I encourage you to give this a go. They don't have to be artistic - remember, if you are well known for your fab graphics, and you make a fab secret, people might know who posted it They don't have to be deep and meaningful secrets, just things that no one else really knows. The secrets will be posted anonymously and no one, not even me, will know who's secret is who. When you have made your secret, post it in an anonymous comment on this Live Journal and in about a week I will post them all up on these forums for us to have a look at http://mikasecret.livejournal.com/ Sound like fun - or not? And just as an example - a Mika secret from me
  11. LOL - yeah, but it can't be his car can it, he doesn't drive.........
  12. I have had SUCH A BAD DAY at work............I am just not in the mood. First I learn that Mika cancels the V Festival, theres so much going wrong at work, the man that is doing my fence has NOT called me.....and one of my friends is upset with me because I said something stupid. And I cried. AT WORK. How embarrassing. I have no make up left. My eyes are red. I just want to go home.......
  13. Oh, I didn't look at the dates these were written, perhaps you forgot what you wrote hehe.... well, here are some things you've said and then VioletSky's response which indicates she trusts you to make a correct asumption as to the song was written about him. But then you DID go and say not to take your word for it.... Sorry - I really have no idea who this Katy Perry is and I listed to the Ur So Gay song on youtube and I thought it wasn't very good at all so I am certainly no expert on this woman. Truce
  14. I only just found out! This is awful............When on earth is he going to come here? He tours the rest of the world constantly. He does a show every week, pretty much! But the Aussies....nope.... I doubt we will see him down here until AFTER he records his second album and even then he will do Europe first. Maybe we will get a look in before album 3 and by then the Aussies will go "Mika WHO??"
  15. is anyone feeling unloved on these forums lately, or is it just me.......I feel there are a couple of people (not Aussies, naturally!) that really annoy me and some people are downright mean to each other. Especially on that stupid "joke" thread about his sexuality. Why do people have to fight and pick on each other? I must be a peace loving hippie at heart!! And thats SO BAD about him cancelling the V Festival!!!
  16. So much effort goes into that mane.........I curled my pony tail yesterday and that took ages! This......is a masterpiece
  17. Fair Enough. As for taking 'everything too raw', hey - I am just asking the question. If you go and check from the beginning, there seemed to be a large agreeance (yourself included) that the song was or was possibly written about Mika. Your reply to this song makes sense - I do not know why you did not post this a few pages back.
  18. if this was a forum all about you, wouldn't you register also? I know I would!
  19. I like this. If talking about Mikas sexuality is going to be allowed on this forum, I think it would be much better if it were restrained to the one main thread. Yesterday when that "joke" thread surfaced I had a horrible image of the whole board being filled with inane threads about him being gay. I don't have a problem with discussing it but I don't want it to be the main thing everyone posts about. How boring! Can't we just keep this thread open (as it has a lovely working title, thanks to whoever the original poster is that opened this can of worms) and leave it at that? The newbies can come in here, read and add their 2 cents without getting flamed and they can move onto another thread.
  20. this is the link to the Brain thing - http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5991&highlight=mika+likes+brains
  21. I am glad it was in a good way I "don't care" if he is gay or not but I don't see the harm in discussing it in an intelligent, mature way like in the Personal Life thread. It upsets me to see people discussing it and then fighting with each other, which is what has happened in this thread! Good night to you
  22. I am in despair with everything I post as I am always in fear of saying the wrong thing :S
  23. I am sorry that you feel people have ganged up on you, that was the point I was trying to make in my post. I don't know why people feel the need to berate each other when we are all just here for the same thing. I would have sent this in a PM but it looks like you have PM's disabled.
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