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Everything posted by Aaurora

  1. I'm really trying to not post a lot in this thread as I think it is pointless but I seem to detect a few slight digs at fellow MFC members. It's turning a bit bitchy and hurtful comments have been said. Perhaps this is why we do not normally discuss matters like this? Compare this thread with the Personal Life thread, which is full of mature, intelligent discussions which are delightful to read to this one which is confusing at best of times and to be frank, is quite immature. Like I have said previously, it would be a shame to have to get the Personal Life thread locked because of the behaviour in this thread. I don't like to see people fighting or upsetting each other. No one here is better than anyone else. Remember, we are all in this together!
  2. That Simple song, do you guys really think it's about Mika? Because I am not feeling it. Maybe some is, but if you write a song like that, wouldn't the whole song be about one person and not a mixture of people? I can't see him losing his apartment because he bought too much Louis Vuitton. Thats more of a female thing, with the handbags and stuff. Gosh I dislike LV bags. I will take my Dior any day!
  3. Think "Finally! Now we can get back to discussing the important things - like his suspected ear piercing!"
  4. I don't know why there's two threads at the same time about his sexuality. Is the Personal Life thread meant for serious discussions and this thread meant for joking? I really don't see the point. If it were taboo to discuss it just a few days ago, we should think ourselves lucky the moderators have not shut down the serious thread and just leave it at that. Next thing the board will be over run with gay threads and thats the last thing I want to see on these forums.
  5. I remember the original song and I enjoy the original, but I also enjoy Mika's version. I happen to like the 'meow meowing' LOL I loved the music, the drums....the vocals are hard to understand if you don't know the song. I showed the video to my boyfriend and he said that Mika wrecked it, but I think he is jealous of my love for this god-like man
  6. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH god I love how you worded this. Brilliant! I've said this before, but I REALLY LIKE YOU!!!
  7. is it wrong of me to want to see his dirty socks/undies LOL
  8. No one is perfect - I am sure Mika is not perfect also but to us it seems he is We need to spend more intimate time with him to discover his bad habits I would love to look as beautiful in photographs as he does!
  9. she seemed mysterious to me also, but I checked all of her previous posts and she is only a mere fan like the rest of us *I am quite good at stalking.........*
  10. Can someone please tell me who are Jack and Tatiana? I just don't know who they are and am intrigued as to why they have such a large influence over the people on this forum. Thanks <---new.
  11. Has anyone in any interviews asked him straight out if he is bixesual? Many people ask if he is gay. Maybe he's not gay in the strictest sense of the word. It's the public scrutiny like this that makes me glad I am not famous
  12. I love that photo! It's freaking hot up here in Brissie - why do you guys have PANTS on! Wish I could have been there
  13. Well, when love gets you down, don't come running to us.
  14. I am very scared to try this, but I'll give Billy Brown a go...........maybe Also, do we have to sing ALL of the song? Or maybe just the first part or something?
  15. do we have to post the pictures to you directly, or just the image file?
  16. I have never even been in this thread! You learn something every day.....
  17. I was a HUGE fan of Savage Garden back in their day. Darren has had a very similar life when compared to Mika. He used to get picked on at school also and he NEVER said boo about his sexuality until he came out that he was married to his boyfriend. In his songs, he never really singled out genders, though, that I can remember??
  18. Oh god, I don't know, I'm confusing myself HAHAHAHAAH:naughty:
  19. He looks tired and drawn to me........perhaps it was the lighting! Compared to those Japanese toy pics on this same page, his face looks a lot brighter, and younger. And the space between these pics is only a few months. Did they arrange the lighting on purpose to make him look darker, tired? It would have been better if they had made his face lighter........ Here, I'll just do it myself! My adjustment is the first pic A little bit better
  20. He can't have every song on his album referencing 'men love men' otherwise it becomes less and less 'mainstream' and less likely to appeal to a wider audience. If the whole album was all about gay men, would it appeal to the straight audience? Probably not. I agree that in Lollipop "mama" was talking to the sister. Makes more sense. Edit: I am confusing myself LOL
  21. I love the guy and all - but is anyone else thinking he is not looking his best in those angel pics? Gorgeous concept - but he just doesn't look 100%
  22. Do you have music in the background, or is it all acapella? Or do you play your own music? I am not up to playing a whole song yet LOL
  23. Interesting view, but he could hardly put the lyrics "If HE loves you, let HIM go!" and besides - this conversation with his mother could have happened before he confessed his true self to her and then after, he wrote Stuck in the Middle
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