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Savage Beauty

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Everything posted by Savage Beauty

  1. Don't know, haven't been a child for 20 years But I don't think children change, i think they're just as evil now as they were back then, and red hair is still stigmatized as much as it was back then.. I hope to god that my kids will get the hair colour of their father (if I ever meet someone that is:biggrin2: ) so they won't have to go through what I did.
  2. My hair didn't.. but it's weird, all the things I was bullied to near death for (literally) have no become so called "beauty" factors.. tall, skinny, red hair, pale skin, freckles.. what people hated about my looks back then, is what they love about my looks now
  3. So THOSE are the hearts I saw people wearing in London?? Are they possible to order outside Englang?
  4. Being a natural red head is fine when you're an adult, but trust me.. in kindergarden and school, it's HELL!!
  5. I actually think everyone are perfect. I think that every look, however wonky and unlogic, is perfect. I think perfection is so much more than just symmetric looks and curly hair or the right eye colour, it's so individual and it's everywhere, in all of us. When it comes to personalities and what we do with our lifes, there are always room for improvement and we are all imperfect.. but when it comes to look, there's no such thing as wrong. We are all just the way we are meant to be, and we are all perfect. *soppy rant over*
  6. Me too me too I wanna try Love today too!!! *jumps up and down* Wow, I'm really overdoing this one, aren't I?
  7. We were in a hotel or an internet café, some place with public computers, and Mika tried to make me join an internet community where he used to publish new songs and videos, something like Flickr or Myspace etc, and I was certain that I had an account there already but I just couldn't remember my log in details, so we were sat there for ages trying to log me in or make me a new account. He told me about videos I had not even seen or known he had made for other songs than the singles. Then we went to some messy attic somewhere and he told me he had this video blogs on that website which he made in that attic, and in that blog he had a weekly segment where people from all over sent in weird ringtones for mobiles. For some reason he called that segment Heavy Metal
  8. Sign me up for Your Sympathy as well then, as that's my ultimate Mika song
  9. Which of the demos have been released and are therefor ok to use? If none, then sign me up for at least In any other world and Over my shoulder
  10. It's so weird how some people seem to think that every single song on Mika's album has a hidden sexual meaning or reference
  11. I know I wouldn't drive in London Maybe it's his dyslexia stopping him *shrugs*
  12. I thought it was as simple as him being stuck in the middle in his family..
  13. Youtube anyone? Please? as there's no way we can see that show in Norway?
  14. I'm not going to quote the whole post, it being so long, but I just wanted to say: Very well written I do however think that his squirming in interviews might also come from him being shy when it comes to sexuality and relationships in general. Now I know he has said that he isn't shy, but knowing from myself (I have an almost identical background as him), even though I'm as far away from shy as you can get, when it comes to subjects like that, even though I am 100% confident about myself IN those subjects, I'm very uncomfortable talking about them with people I don't know.. Imagine then what it's like to talk about them or being talked to- about them on international TV and magazines!
  15. I don't think he'll ever say to a magazine or TV "Look, here's the deal..." But I DO think that when he hooks up with someone, he won't hide it forever, but let the media keep speculating about whether it's a date or a friend etc.
  16. Hei fellow Viking!! Welcome to the madhouse, du kommer til å ha det så kult her
  17. Who can honestly say they're 100% straight or gay anyway? (a lot of people will say that probably, but I'm not sure I believe them )
  18. Love the angel ones Talk about wolf in sheep's clothes
  19. That's true, but I don't think that's a give away in any direction to be honest.
  20. You're actually contradicting yourself here.. don't know if you've noticed, but.. you start off writing that he gets all uncomfortable when people mention MEN and BOYS and GAY, so therefor he must be gay.. but you end it all by writing that when people mention GIRLS and WOMEN and German girls, he gets all uncomfortable, so therefor he must be gay? *confused*
  21. I keep thinking of a nice way to put this.. but I know I will offend people no matter how I write it.. so.. am I the only one who feels it's a little bit.. if not homophobic, then at least weird, that we haven't been able to discuss this before because he might be gay? I mean, if it was completely obvious that he was straight and he was dating new girls every day and we all knew it, would we still be told not to talk about it? Or would we even bother? Or would it then turn into the same discussion we're having about his family, that we should respect the dates' privacy and not talk about THEM on the forum? Am I just rambling here and making no sense? Should I try and get some sleep and some painkillers for my fever? I think I just might.. *lurks off with red cheeks*
  22. If only I remembered if it was video.. Something tells me it was either audio, or written..but at the same time I keep getting images in my head when thinking about it.. but that might just be my Mika-nitis coming through
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