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Savage Beauty

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Everything posted by Savage Beauty

  1. I spent all night looking for them (while following this this thread) but I can't remember whether it was written, audio or video.. I'm scared to quote him without backing it up with his actual statements so I don't think I should write it here unless I find them.
  2. I also think (with emphasis on THINK) that he's bi. Just because of things he has said in earlier interviews. But I have no way of knowing either, and will never claim to own the truth in this matter, not even if he does state it eventually, because it will still be HIS truth and there will still be nuances and factors that we will never know. And it will never matter either. Mika is Mika. No matter what happens, he is Mika. Whatever he likes or dislikes, that's what makes him Mika, and that's what makes us love him.
  3. Ah, we agree then Like I said, that's just MY interpretation of the song (unintentional pun here as well), and the feelings that song bring up in me. Everyone are bound to get different meanings out of such songs, and that's what I get from it *shrugs*
  4. See, English isn't my first language so that might be the problem.. I think he himself doesn't accept the fact, or realize that he is bi and.. do you know what I mean? I think HE thinks that he must be either straight or gay, so when he meets someone new who rocks his world, then they confuse him because HE doesn't know better... god, I wish I could make myself write the thoughts that are so clear in my head
  5. He is a very driven boy.. driven everywhere he is! *Rolls eyes at own joke*
  6. That's not at all what I meant, and if that's the message that came through, then I appologize. What I meant is that the certain Billy Brown is clearly a character who doesn't know what he wants, and/ or is in denial of his own sexuality. Whoever he meets can persuade him into being another sexual orientation than he is at the time of meeting them, and he can't seem to accept the fact that he goes both ways himself. Or at least that's what I'm reading into that song, hence; he's confused. Trust me, I'm not the one to call bi-sexuality confusion.
  7. I used that one for aaaaages until my laptop went "boinnk" and I lost it. Didn't have it on my new laptopt, so thanks for posting it
  8. And doesn't he say something in an interview about "his butcher in London"?
  9. Me thinks Billy Brown is a tad confuddled
  10. Since there are two threads about this very subject active right now, maybe we should stick to one of them and close the other?
  11. De gangene vi har hatt dårlig råd og vært i London, har vi bodd på Hotel Lidos i Victoria. Det er like ved Victoria tube, train and coach station så der kan man virkelig dra hvor man vil fra Billig og relativt grei standard. Til London å være iallfall
  12. Jah.. har man Mika germs så er det ikke så mye annet å bedrive tiden med
  13. That big one, for some reason I like it!! It hynotizes me in a... weird.. sort of.. deliciously wicked way:blink:
  14. Ja, det var jo egentlig ikke meningen at jeg skulle se den engang, skulle hjem den morgenen.. men SAS er veldig flinke til å flytte på fly avganger, og daaaa kan man lure dem til å la deg fly en dag senere gratis isteden Og så fikk jeg tak i billett så da var det bare å komme seg til Brixton og se Mikaaa Sa han det samme i Sthlm? tror han sier pretty much det samme overalt, med små variasjoner.. han var så søøøøt :biggrin2:
  15. And also, he has stated that his own piano is an old one which always is a little bit off key, but he loves it... and that piano certainly was "a little bit off key"
  16. Oh GOD he's beautiful in that interview :wub2: Sorry, that was off topic
  17. MIKA is so fabulous that he needs to have body guards who watch him eat hummus so smelly that it burns his pretty nostrils, but he likes how it makes him giggle like he was in the land of Willy Wonka and gingerbread men because he had too many sweets with too many rainbow sprinkles on so that he gets insanely hyper and can't seem to hold his composure at the piano while "you know who" is jumping around on the balloon of big girl love while attempting to balance the ridiculous outfit that Mika forced her to wear when she specifically said: 'No orange crinoline!' but, of course Mika made her wear a tutu, which wasn't entirely bad but didn't fit completely which resulted in CHAFING! horrible chafing but mika had a solution which he believed
  18. Hmmmm... det er jo veldig fristende.. jeg fikk med med den ene London gig'en han gjorde før han cancellerte resten, men... det hadde jo vært gøy med fler
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