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Savage Beauty

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Everything posted by Savage Beauty

  1. I'd be happy to contribute with my voice if needed be
  2. Ahh, should of been the 2nd, when I'm there, Coming aaaaall the way from Norway and... what? that does't change anything? oh well..
  3. The things you do for love Jeg hadde angret i all evighet om jeg ikke hadde fått det med meg da.. 2 ganger har jeg gått glipp av ting i London mens jeg har vært der- Eddie Izzard sist gang- utsolgt, og MIKA igjen, da jeg var på Diana konserten i sommer og han hadde konsert i byen samtidig.. Not again!!!!
  4. *Dies* seem I might be able to go after all!!! Was going to go home that day after a week in London already, but now I've booked a ticket off of meimei, changed my flight home to norway which was really due the 2nd, aaaand now I just need a place to stay that night.. anyone know any cheap places? I'm crazy
  5. Jahh, masse mer Mika enn i Europa versjonen Jeg er gal!! jeg ER gal... Jeg skal til London på Onsdag for å møte venner og dra på TT konsert... skulle egentlig hjem 2 desember, men sååå bestemte mika seg for å ha konsert i London den dagen.. så nå har jeg kjøpt billett, forandret flighten hjem til 3 desember, ooooooooog har ikke noe sted å bo den natten, så jeg håper flyplassen er åpen hele natten
  6. If anyone's got a spare ticket for London December 2nd, please PLEASE pm me, as I'm in London that day and I would so so so so love to see him live while in England!!!!
  7. Jeg synes det er litt urettferdig at de får en bedre Relax video enn vi gjorde!! Hei forresten!
  8. Wow, there isn't one for Norway yet?? Count me in if I can be of any use!!!
  9. That's what I keep telling my mates, but they won't listen!!! *furter*
  10. You are very welcome! Hope you have a great time here, it's a brilliant forum with tons of nice people Have fun!!
  11. Riick, I don't know why- but that signature on your iPod; the angel heart bleeding or weeping, just broke my heart..
  12. Whooooaaaaa Thank you soooo much!!! And that very last one someone posted as well.. with that smile of his...
  13. There's a new version?? *looks around* me wants one!!
  14. Mehh, everyone elses comments at the end are so much longer than mine.. I kept shortening it down and shortening it down to fit within the 5 second limit and didn't get to say anything I wanted to.. and all the other have!!!
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