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Everything posted by Mom4Mika

  1. Welcome. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Hello, Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Hello, Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Lucky London gets another date at Hammersmith Apollo. March 1st
  5. :bye: Thank you. May your day be fun and happy. Enjoy.
  6. New Jersey, USA. Yes, I'm a lollipop lady. Nasty rain for two days, we aren't use to that.

  7. Thank you. Enjoy your day!

    I work in psychologist's office we also have therapists there also.

  8. Okay I guess, raining and cold. Have go to my crossing guard job with in minutes yuck!

    Decided to try volunteering my Reiki services to people in hospice.


  9. Hello, thanks for friending me

  10. Official documents are met to be boring that is how one knows they are official BUT something like this http://www.luggage.com/Royce-Leather-200-5-RYL1025.html Better then nothing.
  11. Welcome! Good Luck!:cool: with everything.

  12. Hello:bye: Welcome.

  13. Just made contact with a hospice that is seeking Reiki volunteers and they are sending a volunteer application out today.
  14. Hello :biggrin2:

    Did you learn anything about NYC?

  15. Let me at them, little jerks. Super Big Girl to the rescue. (I really must photoshop my Big Girl picture with a cape and make it part of my siggy.
  16. Yes, there are some people who can take it extremes. People, no matter what it is, can take things to extremes.
  17. Lovely stuff Veronica, thank you. I'm 39 and I got stuck in my a little bit when I first saw Mika in 2007, when it came to age and appropriate "fun". Thankfully that didn't last long. Fun is AGELESS!!!
  18. Okay, I'm trying to break down my feelings about those two nights. I think it comes down to I felt special. Special for being chosen and kept on and special for getting to pick out the three other girls at Philly. My question to myself was what can I do to feel special and make others feel special? Well I am calling to volunteer my Reiki to hospice patients. There is a nursing group that is looking for volunteers to do Reiki. So that is what I am going to do.
  19. It was twice. NYC & Philly. Still spinning. I think is why I felt so HIGH afterwards. The WHOLE experience, soup to nuts, was empowering.
  20. I must try some. I wonder if the Chinese herbalist here in town has some available.
  21. I do hope he has the BG's in Europe. What an experience to have. I'll never forget it nor will my daughters who got to see mom on stage.

    Have a great day!

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