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Everything posted by guylainem123

  1. i looked at a few pictures and i'm quite convinced that they inverted his eyes, the dot & scar don't seem on the proper eye. lol yeah........ they shouldn't mess with us. :roftl:
  2. is it me or is this picture a reverse image? isn't his little dot in his eye suppose to be in the other eye? what about the tiny scar on his eyebrow? isn't it suppose to be on the opposite side? hmmm i shall go do some research... am i wrong?
  3. yes i noticed.... something about his eyes and eyebrows. it is still great though!
  4. wow... has that presenter been living under a rock for the past year or so?
  5. thank you for thinking of us! great interview!
  6. i thought of exactlly the same thing... the limbs song from dvd. it might have something to do with it lol
  7. :roftl: too funny :roftl: is that suppose to be a rabbit?
  8. hi there! hmmmm will you be doing us a favor... again? please!
  9. thank you so much! i always like new stuff! thanks for taking the time and thinking of us all!!
  10. for everyone on myspace, there is a new message from luke on his site http://www.myspace.com/lukejuby it reads: Friday, December 28, 2007 2007 Hello to anyone that reads this. Just a note to thank you all for your Christmas greetings and for helping make this year very memorable. I've been pretty useless at replying to some of the nice comments about the gigs and my own music but we've been travelling continuously and whenever we stop... we sleep. Thanks especially to those of you who have sent me pictures of the gigs. We really appreciate this as it shows us stuff that we'd never see otherwise. Next year will hopefully be as exciting as this one. Tour of North America in Jan/Feb... and I'm definitely gonna put aside some time to do some more writing again. Thank you again for anyone that has played a part in making 2007 such fun. I wish everyone a happy new year and a great 2008. Luke x
  11. a 10 is not that big... hubby wears 10 (5'11") my 22 years old wears 12 (he is 6') my 17 years old wears 13 (he is 6'1")
  12. you are right, this guy must be really tall! first time i see mika actually looking at his eye level and not having to look down!
  13. 1 month to go people!!!! yippee!!! i'm doing the happy dance!
  14. thank you very much titania! nice to see a "never seen" interview! hope to see you in montreal as well!
  15. i don't hear it either... but i guess he felt necessary. i'm wondering if his name is michael, but pronounced like in french. he does say michael (his dad) michael (mi-ka-el) then mica.
  16. sur le site, voici ce qui est ecrit a propos de la livraison: Regular mail Tickets are mailed to the billing address only, so you receive them at least 5 business days before the date of the event. We invite you to keep your confirmation number or the confirmation you received by e-mail as proof of purchase. There is a possibility that you receive your reservation sooner as the 5 last business days before your event, but there is no guarantee. If you need your reservation in advance, please choose the Xpress mail delivery. Xpresspost Xpresspost is available for certain events. This option will be mentioned in the delivery method choices. If the Xpresspost option does not appear, it means that this service is not available for the event or venue you chose. This particular service is offered in Canada and the United States. The availability of xpresspost may vary depending on the date; it is available until 5 business days before the event. Tickets will be mailed at the billing address of the credit card only. Please take a careful notice of this delay when you purchase your tickets. Sometimes, because of the popularity of an event, there is a delay in sending the tickets. Because of the quantity and all the verifications needed, we prefer sending all the tickets at the same time. You will be informed of this delay when you finalize your purchase. J'ai deja recu les miens, mais j'ai paye expresspost
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