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Everything posted by tiibet

  1. Mine is not working either.
  2. Many of us do buy his music and tickets. I'm sure he just wants to reward people for money and time we use. The system is not perfect yet... Oh dear, he has so many plans
  3. I don't think this is all about money and selling things. He has showed it so many times, he values small things that don't cost much. I was there when he talked about these codes in milan, right in front of him. You have seen the vid about it! He looked very sincere I think he appreciates his fans and this community. He has so many plans for Mika fans, and like he said, "it takes time"
  4. Why can others log in and others not? Because it's not working properly until tomorrow?
  5. Awesome pic, thanks for posting I just love it when he wears colorful sweaters For some reason I'm not afraid of that at all. I'm so sure I'm going to love it even more than LICM. But sometimes I feel all this is too much for my heart or something
  6. Awwww... Masterpiece!!!! Thanks for posting this! I'm so glad this forum is now so full of joy and happiness
  7. It's beautiful!! That was my first thought too. LICM was such a brilliant name, and I guess we were expecting something similar for the second album too. But, as someone said, it can be a concept. And I'm sure he has thought about it carefully Me too! I find it really hard to concentrate to RL at the moment
  8. Thank you for this information! I was so confused and tried to find confirmation about he date, but should have guessed even Mika Team is not sure I already organized my Friday schedule, now I have to do the same for Monday Can't wait
  9. Maybe this new album makes everyone understand how genius he is? And he deserves it, and I'm so happy for him (I'm sure the album will be a huge success any way) but I'm also a little bit scared, too. I don't know what I'm scared, changes I guess. And so excited, of course. I feel I cannot breath before we hear WAG
  10. Yes, it looks same Thanks for the pic, it's lovely. I'm in pain too (just headache), so came here. Hello
  11. This is so cute Thanks for posting all pics
  12. You too, Laurel? I mean, I'm not here. I'm watching a film, not all these Mika pictures
  13. I'm not planning a trip to London, but IF I win tickets, it's like a sign, isn't it? In that case I really have to buy a flight to London and see him. I don't usually win anything, but I want to try.
  14. Bienie, did you know that your signature is hypnotizing?
  15. Thank you!! Now we just wait and hope for the best Good luck, everyone!!
  16. Lol, I have been thinking about that user title thing but have been too shy to ask About We Are Golden. I'm SO excited now, even more than earlier!! Can't wait But about the title "king of pop"... In that case he should please everyone, and I don't want him to do that. I want him to do his own thing. But of course it is nice they say his name in the article Thanks for posting this
  17. I just found this thread and read your report twice! Wow, thanks for sharing You sound so happy, it was lovely to read! Wonderful pictures too
  18. Violet said it very well I mean, if I want to see some other artist than Mika, I will arrive an hour/a couple of hours before the gig, enjoy the music and the atmosphere and be happy. But if I go to see Mika, I'm ready to queue the whole day and have a number on my hand so I can be in the front (maybe not in the first row but in the second or third at least) I know people who like his music, but they are not ready to queue, they just want to see a good show like Violet said.
  19. I wasn't even surprised, just thought our professional spy is back Thanks for sharing in any case
  20. It's similar in Finland, we shake hands or maybe hug But I didn't mind being kissed, I thought it was lovely. I just didn't know what to do in that situation, is two times or three times etc. Someone said hi to my husband in Paris and kissed him, and he blushed and whispered me smiling "it got my first kiss!"
  21. Oh, SO beautiful Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to your vids and pics I chatted with a couple of Spanish girls in Milan and Paris. But didn't ask any names! Maybe it was you?
  22. :thumb_yello: You are so right. I mean, it would be lovely to be relatively fresh before the gig etc. But I guess people don't mean it when they say they are not going to queue Everyone says it, but actually there are always quite a few people in a queue from early morning? And my problem is that if I travel to see a gig I'm so excited and looking forward to it, that I cannot relax before I'm very near the venue I'm afraid Sosi saw it in Paris. And we had numbered seats in Paris!!
  23. At my two first Mika gigs I didn't queue at all. I was with my husband, and we hadn't traveled together for years (just two of us) so we wanted to spend some time together. I think we had nice view though we didn't queue. Not in front rows, but we saw him well. In Berlin and in Milan I queued the whole day. Both places it worked so well But, we must thank both German and Italian fans. I think they made it work (together with security). With numbers it was really easy. We went to buy food and to the toilet, but were away only for short moments. And I really enjoyed spending the whole day with other MFCers Both places I saw people who suddenly didn't understand a word of English when doors opened and numbers were asked But, security guys stayed firm and asked numbers, and it all went very well. I think it needs three things. Activity from local fans, help from John/security and co-operation from all MFCers. We just need to do it together? I don't see why it couldn't work at bigger venues too. There are not hundreds of HC fans who want be in first/second/third rows and are ready to queue the whole day. Most people just want to see the gig. Maybe I am too naive and not seen enough when thinking this way?
  24. I'm an oldling too But for some reason I have always felt I'm much younger than my years
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