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Everything posted by DarkLight

  1. hey there talking of video clips I made you this one i've been working on it for a while now I hope you like it




    pardon my crummy singing near the end I was tense nervous & tired & hadn't warmed up my vocal chords as I should've eeekkk

  2. lol yeah it'll be more of a christmas special mm lol well i have some stuff ready but will need a week or two to get the rest of your mm o.k pm me if there's anything you want specifically o.k:thumb_yello: well I'm sure there are some things I can get that you can't & vice versa it's up to you
  3. oh yes it's wicked good find I may have to get me one of those actually (when I can afford it lol:naughty:) that & a ringmaster jacket I just HAVE to get those lol:roftl:
  4. yes those are nice too! I also like but the heart said no (I think that's the title isn't it lol) it's a very nice one & the fish that was thirsty too:biggrin2:
  5. hey no worries about the delay it's still very much appreciated no matter how much of a delay


    yes I was surprised to say the least :D it's wonderful


    you all did a great job :D

  6. I have to say I agree & that's why i don't want to go, yes I do want to see Michael but i don't want them profiting from his death! To me they are partly responsible for his death (ask mjjc'ers) they overworked him til his bones were jutting out he was so painfully thin I can't bare to think of what they did to my poor MJ it's just NOt on they did it just so they could get money from the gigs they didn't care about his health or his life that's what I call greed!!! ohh my fave poem is heaven is here I think when you read it you'll know why it's near the back of the book:wub2:
  7. aww that is so sweet :D:huglove: thank you very much to you & those who took part it's so lovely of you thanks


    it's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me :D



  8. yes it is a sort of a purple ish sort of colur Mika's & the one I get ohh forgot to mention in your pm I get them from a shop in my town called allsorts they have quite a few & are apparently gonna be still getting them in for the forseeable future at least:thumb_yello: ohh and for anyone else wanting them I am happy to ship anywhere in the world I don't mind even if you lived in the outer hebrides lol:biggrin2:
  9. still not got the parcel I'm afraid :( stupid F*ing postal strikes are really pissing me off big style!!! I'm hopping mad they're striking again today & have been for 3 days then they say they're striking again on the 6th & 9th of november!


    So far there's apparently according to the news a backlog of 65 million items of post so f*ck knows when I'll get it


    maybe for my next birthday eh?!? *sighs*


    Nope library can't display japanese text either & my computer needs a disc to install it which I don't have I'm gutted


    If I can ask my sister to get copies that'd be great I shall have to ask her or find some other way


    I shall see what I can do o.k


    I'm a bit better now btw still suffering a bit of pain but not too bad


    Hope you're well bud



    oooh btw nearly forgot (old age lol)


    What t shirt size do you take? there's a tshirt I've seen that I think you'll like & I was gonna get you it but I'm not sure of your size :blink:

    chat soon take care :huglove:

  10. indeed no one can hurt Michael now can they which is a positive thing (I always used to say he'd be better off dead then no one could torture the poor soul) not that I was ever thinking I wanted him to die NEVER no way jose, just that that would be THE only way for him to ever escape the hellishness & nastiness directed at him & he could finally be free if you get my meaning just like when someone you love is suffering from say a horrible disease you do NOT EVER want them to die but it's kinda the only way they could escape their torture if you get my meaning?!? I wish he was still with us more than anyone but at least the only tiny positive side is no matter what anyone says it can't hurt him now (at least i hope so anyhow!) yes i reckon he is watching over us I swear somedays when singing my "tribute" version of y.a.n.a & I sing something whispers in my ear & say you are not alone etc etc etc that the blowing sensation in my ear is MJ lol it's happened way too many times i'll tell you:teehee:
  11. it is isn't it i'm off to post yours now o.k:thumb_yello:
  12. for all those who want a mika hearts bracelet & want to see them so you can see they're the same here's a video clip I made and a photo of me wearing 3 of them lol:naughty: and here's some more pics (yup my camera sucks so the quality isn't great I'm sorry my regular camera is missing so i've had to use my appalling old one:boxed:) but you should get an idea of them
  13. hey there if you want one you can either send payment via a postal order or you can just send me a little something as a payment I really don't mind at all:thumb_yello: (I live in the U.K too by the way:wink2:) it can be anything from a beaded bracelet to something like a pair of earrings (and i don't mean anything expensive either) something from somewhere like claires or something maybe (just a suggestion) I am rather fond of Hello Kitty or if you can find something Michael Jackson related that'd be great "payment" too, something like a badge or keychain maybe? pm me to chat about whatever would suit you best I'm happy to do what I can for you:biggrin2: I'm always happy to help fellow mfcers:wink2: the bracelets cost £2.50 each & i can still get hold of them as of now so it doesn't matter how many you want will let you all know if I can't get hold of them anymore:thumb_yello:
  14. I posted this in the post your picture thread & thought I should post it here too MJ & me cool huh:biggrin2:
  15. indeed I agree people like him (the idiot who wrote these things) obviously need their heads read! Mika is fantastic live! and we all know he does sing live too! I mean look at the time he hiccupped on stage & when I saw him in sadlers wells he screwed up then too he wouldn't do that if it wasn't real!!!
  16. ohh I LOVE that song:wub2: I really 100% identify with it & then some I'm afraid it is SO me!!! It's unbelievable!! I used to say that a lot of the songs on Darren Hayes' album the tension & the spark sound to me lyrically like Darren had lived inside my head & heart for a few years then written about my feelings & experiences & now the same is very true of this song of Mika's it is 100% me very much so!
  17. hey there are we still doing our MM? I was supposed to have got it posted before my birthday (the other week) but we've had loads of postal strikes hence me not saying anything about it for a while i thought it was pointless i'm still up for it if you are:thumb_yello: how about me? I'm in the u.k & would quite like someone else from the u.k makes postage cheaper lol
  18. why thank you bud anytime is fine as i've not been able to get online for days & have only just got 70% of my bday messages anyhow lol


    I hope so too, you're certainly one cool friend :huglove::D


    nosebleed happened due to blowing my nose & it kinda got scratched (thew inside) bad hayfever I have it all year round 365 days a year, stomache pain cause it was that time of the month (it arrived 2 days before my bday) and the scratch I don't know how that happened tbh


    I'm o.k now though


    no parcel as yet but i'm hoping it'll arrive soon there's strikes on again today *sighs* so i have no idea how long it'll take to get here


    hey ho i may get it for xmas lol


    I have a few things i've bought for you & your mum & will buy some more stuff tomorrow & then in a fortnight o.k & i'll send it all in a fortnight too o.k


    hopefully you'll get it by xmas lol


    hope you're well


    take care



    chat soon


    Chantelle :huglove:

  19. well guys I've finally done it (ohh errr missus lol) no NOT that dammit but I've finally gotten round to taking photo's of my MJ stuff & by gosh there's loads of it lol I'll post a few random pics here for you all to see & the rest I'm putting in a photo album on here so go to my wall & look for my MJ album to see everything else sorry for the apalling "quality" of the photos my usual camera has gone missing so i've had to use my old old camera which really sucks big style! here's my Mj wallet I just got it's really brilliant here's the front for pics of the back & inside see my album here's a couple of my MJ mugs (more pics of the others in my album) here's my Bad canvas my "beat it/thriller esque jacket" the one I mentioned a while back i wore & someone shouted beat it lol My Mj dress oh yeah baby this has to be THE coolest dress you could ever have!!! IMHO also I was wondering if anyone has a good version of this pic (i know it looks appalling in this photo it's my awful camera not focusing properly on such a small pic)
  20. yeah shorter heels would be your best bet to start with you'll get there in the end:wink2: I did after a fashion lol:naughty: thanks I think it's about the best I can say at the moment really, coming from a place where I know what it's like to loose many a relative & special person I can comprehend how it feels & that's what I think i'd like to hear myself tbh, it comes from the heart of someone who's currently grieving themselves! I know what I'm talking about & how it feels! I've been there too many times for my liking & in a short space of time too
  21. ohh he definatley should we'd all go there right?!? ohhh yeah imagine the things you could do hmmm:wub2:
  22. ohh i didn't know it could be turned off or on lol will check it out o.k:thumb_yello: indeed why do you think I gave up reading it & have never bothered with it since it's a load of old trash! yup walking in heels takes time I'll tell you! Just try chunky high heels (or high heel boots) & make sure they're not too high, get used to those 1st then progress on to higher & thinner heels you'll get there! thanks I'm getting better now after 4 weeks I can walk now & almost dance again too! hooray not sure about any films like that:blink: awww bless poor thing I get sad listening to certain songs of Michael's especially gone too soon & you are not alone I don't ever sing the "regular" version of y.a.n.a now I changed the lyrics as a tribute to him & it makes me cry almost every single time I hear it or sing it! I spent a while crying like mad on the night of my birthday thinking I can hardly believe this is my 1st of many birthdays without MJ it hit me hard, i tried all day not to think about it but couldn't help it I know Michael's fine as can be & as for your dad I'm sure he's fine too i bet him & Michael have a good ol' chat now & then and I reckon your dad will be there for you all the time He'll always be in your heart so he's never really far away! No one can take the memories & love away from you, that's yours to treasure for life!
  23. aww bless poor Mika I have been offline for a few days due to awful internet connection not letting me online & I come back & find poor Mika's hurt himself aww bless him the poor sweetheart I hope you get better soon Mika darling:huglove:
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