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Everything posted by DarkLight

  1. okie dokie that's fine yeah a hundred would be excessive lol:roftl: i know same here:blink: it certainly did for me too anyhow they're not quite the exact same (they have a red heart Mika's like mine is purple ish) btw anyone else who wants these bracelets feel free as i've said to pm me but you may well have to wait now til after xmas as I have 16 to post out so far & that costs a lot @ £2.50 each plus postage I still will get them for you you'll just have to wait a while o.k but if you do want one pm me & i'll put your name on a list on my wardrobe door so i know who else wants them o.k:thumb_yello: those who have asked so far will get theirs shipped before xmas but as i say anyone else after that will have to wait a while but will still get one o.k:thumb_yello:
  2. they closed down ages ago didn't they completely??? well the website doesn't work for me anyhow:boxed: also they do charge $12 each which with the $5 shipping is $17 compared to £2.50 that's quite a lot
  3. well anything Hello kitty would be cool as long as it won't cost you too much to post to me (I live in the u.k) I do have the mini kitty fan though (it's so kawaii) anything else kitty would be great though It won't cost me that much to post 3 bracelets to you don't worry about that it's really not as expensive as you'd think:thumb_yello: to give you an idea of what i've paid to ship to other countries recently it cost £1.61 to post 2 to belgium last week, £1.75 to post 4 to america (also last week) it cost £1.50 to post 2 to ireland (a few weeks back) so not expensive at all based on those costs, believe me posting to where you live shouldn't cost much more as long as you don't want a hundred of them lol:naughty: no it wouldn't as i mentioned above shipping of such small light items is cheap! i'm not a rip off internet store who adds humongous prices to everything lol I only use a bubble wrap envelope to send them & that's it, I get the bubble wrap lined envelopes in packs (makes them cheaper for me) and then i go to the post office & send however many bracelets has been requested i've shipped a huge gigantic box of stuff to japan & that only cost me about £12 and that weighed a huge ton lol:naughty: 2 little bracelets to where you live ain't gonna cost the earth far from it:thumb_yello:
  4. we all love Mika here too & I do feel if he carries on improving at the rate he is doing he may well go on to become as near as anyone is ever likely to get to coming close to Michael (if you understand my gibberish english there) but no one will ever quite be THE king of pop besides of course the late great man himself MJ! actually thinking about it in depth (that hurts for my brain lol:roftl:) I think really king of pop was too small a title for MJ I think he should be named THE ultimate king of pop or king of music then maybe in some years to come maybe Mika will simply be the king of pop solely whereas MJ will be the king of all music THE ultimate king!!! Just my feelings on the subjects no offence taken or meant either lol sure they're cashing in enough??? as I said to my parents when he died all the people around him will be going kaching kaching kaching & seeing pound/dollar (whatever currency) signs in front of their eyes!!! I was of course right!!! Not good is it if you think about it they didn't give a sh*t when he was alive now they do (of course 'cause they can cash in on him!!!) sick the lot of them! yes I'm glad he's gone too! (Evan not MJ) of course!! ohh talking of MJ must go onto the mjjc since my computer (the old one) died on me i've not been on there it was the last site i went on before it died on me won't do that tonight though i'm logging off now been online for hours & hours as it is i miss that place !!! ohh & did anyone know Janet & randy are on twitter (verified accounts as well) will when i get back online tomorrow give you the links o.k ttfn peeps keep on moonwalking <3
  5. cool if you can't find anything hk or Mj just let me know what you can get just give me ideas I don't go into town (where I get the bracelets from) until next wednesday anyhow o.k by the way do you want one or more than one?
  6. okie dokie hope your mum is feeling better, how is she doing?


    ohh in school eh that sucks well i hope things go well at school


    chat soon

    take care bud


    chantelle :huglove:

  7. ohh well if you can get something hello kitty related such as maybe a keychain, badge or something that'd be cool or if you can get something Michael Jackson that'd be cool either that or just something nice & colourful from your country I don't mind
  8. ohh I have that one I bought it last year that's why you won't find them now they're last years, you will still find them on squiggly.com though! they have all the old swatch watches including the bird twister & cube explosion which Mika has I think the circus y one is called circus party? I can't quite be certain I know I have it but it doesn't exactly have the name emblazoned on it & I bought it a year ago I've had a lot on my mind since then (and I have a memory like a sieve as well lol) cool any other things on there need updating let me know I'm fairly good at hunting things down! only took me a few mins to track that watch down! ohh cool how long did it take to arrive? I'm gonna have to wait til after xmas to order mine now as I have a lot to pay out :aah: never mind I've waited about a year another few weeks won't hurt i guess eh
  9. ohh I love that brooch & those trousers my my they're amazing:wub2:
  10. yup just send me a pm telling me how many you want:thumb_yello: they are £2.50 each or if you prefer you can just send me a little something from where you live as payment:thumb_yello: you don't have to send the money for it I don't mind either way:biggrin2:
  11. OOHH YOU BLAMIN ME??? quit blamin it on the girls will ya freddie blame it on the boys for a change lol:naughty: so are we deffo going for a 40's sorta theam then? I'm deffo up for it!
  12. use face paint to write I am a mfcer lol:naughty: you may get a few funny stares esp from dirty minded adults who think it means something it doesn't (think about it and you'll get it lol) oh yeah seen him wearing it recently yeah, is it just me or has he not (until this past week or so) worn it for ages & ages, I personally 'til recently hadn't seen him wearing it for months & months (in fact I think the last time I personally saw him wearing it was last year ) maybe just me being unobservant??? anyhow thought I'd just say on the subject of the Mika hearts bracelets If anyone wants them I can get them so just pm me how ever many you want, I will ship to absolutely any country no problem:thumb_yello: I have sent out loads to mfcers before & I'm shipping out more this next coming week If you look in the Mika chat section there's a thread about the Mika hearts bracelets & I posted about it there:biggrin2: I already have my flashing heart necklace somewhere bienie sent me one months & months ago (I sent her some chupa chups lollipop charms & suchlike so as payment she sent me one of those a chicken mask (oh yeah lol:naughty:) and 4 bracelets she'd made) never wore it to the sadlers wells gig I forgot about it lol *doh*
  13. hey bud I'm here :huglove: just got your message :D hope you're well



    yup indeed you told me that on twitter lol do let me know when you receive the parcels there's 2 one for you & one for your mum o.k yours will probably arrive 1st as I posted yours last tuesday & your mum's I posted wednesday or maybe they may both arrive at the same time who knows


    I shall see what I can send you MJ wise & when o.k


    chat soon bud take care



  14. hmm never heard of that one before so i've no idea if it's any good what country is it you live in I forget? If you like (if you're able to order online that is) I can try & find somewhere that has moonwalk cheaply I know of a fair few places:biggrin2:
  15. Oh I know what you mean I have this delicate thing we've made since it was released about 2 & a half years ago & still haven't listened to it all:shocked: *slaps self* it's Mika's fault lol I swear hahaha:naughty: I've listened to him (Mika) too much & now back to Michael Jackson a lot more (before he died not since) I got into listening into his music more frequently than I had for a few years since I picked up a new copy of off the wall (My old copy was cracked & I hadn't got round to replacing it) but as I say I got a new copy it was about 3 months before he died & I've been listening to that as well as other MJ albums & Mika's new one more than anything else lol:naughty:
  16. yes i can get the mika hearts bracelets I shall pm you about it o.k:thumb_yello:
  17. me neither all I say is he can help with a little servicing that needs doing hehehe:naughty: i'm too smutty for a thread like this me It's hard to resist posting something naughty lol:wink2:
  18. Ohh i love darren's version of sexual healing imho it's far better than the original!!! wow sounds cool not seen him for a couple of years now (on his last tour) but hopefully he'll tour again soon but not too soon i have way too many shows to go to next year i wouldn't be able to afford it apparently he's signed to a uk label now so hopefully he'll be working on new material soon?
  19. oh his solo stuff is wicked! The great big disconnect is amazing if you can find it online do listen I'm sure you'll love it
  20. gha I wouldn't wanna scar the poor boy for life myself lol:teehee: and besides I'm not that weird I'm weird yes but not like that just quirky that's all round peg square hole syndrome if you get the idea indeed very weird and creepy:shocked: lol crazy yes (in a nice funny way) stalker no well at least that's me & some of my friends on here lol I've had 2 stalkers & it's not nice I don't understand why people do it it's just so horrible & creepy:aah: yeah too much is not the sentence for it! absolute insanity!
  21. yeah he's not the only one!!! my entire life has been weird put it this way if I made a book about my life people would just laugh their heads off & go that can't have happened surely to f**k even I go huh some days! I'm not normal neither is my life, nor has it ever been I'm just a weird quirky freaklet who needs to find another weird quirky freaklet to marry some day lol:teehee: Mika where are you baby? fancy marrying a screwed up quirky oddball freaklet like me I have loadsa love to give hehehe:wink2: you'd just have to put up with my weirdness lol:biggrin2: I can understand that myself bless him aww:wub2:
  22. wow that looks fantastic did it hurt much at all? I'd love to have a tattoo done but I'm not one for pain on a scale of one to ten ten being mind numbingly painful how bad would you say it was?
  23. Hi there guys not been online for a couple of weeks as my compuer died on me (I just had to buy a new one yesterday) anyhow I just came across this earlier on apparently Evan Chandler has killed himself (the father of jordan/Jordy Chandler) who accused MJ of mosleting him in the early 90's http://momento24.com/en/2009/11/20/man-who-accused-michael-jackson-of-molesting-his-son-committs-suicide/ not meaning to sound horrible but good riddance! what he did to Mj was unforgivable in my opinion & this world will be that bit better without him in it!
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