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Everything posted by DarkLight

  1. yeah i know you're o.k with it I just need to make sure others don't mind a wait:thumb_yello:
  2. I feel miserable today today I woke up i felt dizzy, then I got severe pain in my chest. Then I find out my copy of songs for sorrow (the book bit) is completely ruined my mum ruined it she left it on the floor under the clothes horse which had saturated clothing on it so it got soaked through mum think's cause she paid for it it means it's o.k to ruin it besides that one of my other books (a signed harry hill book) i've only just got & haven't even read in full yet got ruined too:boxed: and now I've just had bad hiccups & nearly been vomiting so all in all a sucky day & i'm feeling fed up
  3. you're welcome I hope 2010 will be even better for you (fingers crossed) you're welcome ohh that's good, me I've been to more in my lifetime than I've had hot dinners (or at least it feels that way anyhow:boxed:) hopefully i'll get to go to a wedding someday, I hope one day before i turn 30 it'll be my own too (I just have to nab a guy 1st lol)
  4. hey guys I was just thinking earlier on about when I get paid next (which is every fortnight) so I figured out my next payday is gonna be december 23rd which is only 2 days before xmas so I was wondering if those who wanted the bracelets could wait until my next payment after that (6th of january) to have the bracelets sent out as I'm bothered they may get lost in the post! It's just I know of the severe troubles we've had over here in the u.k these past few months with postal strikes so there's a lot of post they've had to catch up with 'cause of several months of strikes & now christmas too when everyone's posting a lot extra so there's likely more risk things will go missing:blink: i don't want to post stuff & it doesn't get to you as it's dissappointing to you lot & it's costly for me as I get very little money as it is so do let me know if that's o.k
  5. yeah only 3 hours sleep not good eh (I've made up for it now though lol) I got about 12 hours sleep to catch up!!! yeah I thought it'd be a good idea to donate the money to charity as I wanted to do something in Michael's honour:biggrin2: if anyone else wants them & can pay me the money that's what I'll be doing donating it to a charity Michael supported
  6. oh yes that's one thing I have to tell you guys I said there were 6 spare but there's no more spare now buzzbuzz wants some as does rainbowgirl (although the latter has yet to tell me if she's spoken to her mum & it's o.k yet) but as I mentioned in my post the other day we (me & dad) have the name & details of the manufacturer of the bracelets and we're hoping to be able to order a box of two dozen (24) very soon so of the one's I definately have there's none left now (they've all been allocated to someone) but I will hopefully have some more soon and I shall let you know when i have more o.k If you are interested in them you can still pm me about them & I shall put your name on a list for those who want them when I can get more (If i can get more that is o.k) thanks ohh also I just wanted to mention that the money that will be sent to me by krjsantos (for the 10 bracelets i'm sending her) I am going to donate to a charity Michael Jackson supported o.k:thumb_yello:
  7. aww it's nothing really:blush-anim-cl: I'm always happy to help (my dad doesn't mind either) there were actually 3 of us helping out my other "father" had a helping hand too shall we say so credit to him too:thumb_yello: oh yeah I notice now it says montenegro on your profile doesn't it lol you'll have to excuse my error i had only had 3 hours sleep at the time my sleep was interrupted by my dad calling me to tell me about the bracelets & there is a daniela i know from Italy i got you bith mixed up lol:teehee: *slaps self*
  8. hello :huglove: oh so sorry to hear about your helath problems, I've had a lot myself too (well my disabilities & a bad cold which i'm over now)


    aww i'm so glad you got to see Mika live & got to chat with him that's amazing :D I saw him at sadlers wells just after my grandad died so it cheered me up seeing him & I got to be on stage with him too which was lovely


    i've had a year of ups & downs (more down's than up's really) but i'm coping as well as can be


    I wish you a very merry christmas & a wonderful happy 2010


    are you seeing mika again next year? i'm seeing him twice in february in leeds & sheffield I can't wait :D


    chat soon



    chantelle :D

  9. you were after xmas very early january but you live in italy don't you & just want 1 i'll try & get it to you before xmas but I can't say for certain if not before xmas it'll be the 1st week of january o.k:thumb_yello: you can pm me your address when you're ready o.k I currently have a wallpaper on my computer of several pictures of Mika wearing the bracelet along with the names of who wants them & how many so i don't forget lol your name of course is added:thumb_yello:
  10. hello there how are you doing?


    i hope you're well :)


    I thought i'd leave you a message as we've not spoken for a while have we


    take care


    chat soon

    chantelle :huglove:

  11. aww that's cool o.k if you're able to wait until after christmas to have them shipped out then that's cool do let me know if you definately want them i'll put your name on a list then with how many you want then tell other mfcers there's just 3 spare until i can get hold of more o.k:thumb_yello: aww shucks thanks anything for fellow mfcers a whole huge lot of you have been so wonderful to me since I joined i'm only too happy to help:biggrin2:
  12. hello guys I have some brilliant news my dad has located 23 of the bracelets at the other branches of the store & is going to pick them up tomorrow:thumb_yello: so that is brilliant news for me & for all of you who want them! it's also great news for anyone else who wants them as I have (or will tomorrow) 23 of them with the "orders" I have from mfcers wanting them it takes the total up to 17 so there are gonna be 6 left! so if anyone else wants them you can p.m me about them o.k also the store manager was kind enough to give us the name of the manufacturer so my dad is going to call them on monday & see if we can get hold of a box of them (they sell them in boxes of 24/2 dozen) so there is guaranteed enough to send all those to them who asked me for them and a guaranteed 6 spare! and If we can contact the manufacturer & they are still producing them we can order more (I shall let you know about that soon as i can o.k) Those of you who have asked for them who i've told will get them sent out before christmas will still get them sent out before christmas those who i've told will have to wait until after christmas will still of course have to wait til after christmas but i guarantee you WILL definately get them as I have more than enough to fulfil my "orders" anyone who wants one or more of the 6 spare will have to wait until after christmas but can still pm me to have their names put on a list o.k (it's on my computer as the wallpaper so i don't ever forget!) those who I've promised will get them before christmas i'm afraid you'll have to wait about 8 or 9 days for me to ship them to you as my dad has had to go to manchester & will be there for about a week approx but i guarantee you WILL definately have them shipped out in time for christmas o.k:thumb_yello: I'll let you know if I get any from the manufacturer once we've contacted them o.k:thumb_yello: i'm ever so happy we've managed to locate enough for you all to have as many as you requested (even krjsantos who wanted 10) plus spares it's a great feeling to be able to keep my promise to you to help you get them as i know what it's like to really want something (and they are super cool bracelets right?!?) so those of you who have requested them can now (if you haven't already) pm me your address & discuss about them with me thanks Chantelle
  13. ahh It's no problem at all I'm only too happy to help my fellow Mfcers & if there's any problem with any of those ideas I have another idea of how to get a hold of them I'm not giving in lol:biggrin2: I'll get them one way or another!!! I generally have a thing of always achieving what i set out to do no matter the obstacles I don't quit easily lol (you could say it's a very good trait to have eh!) lol:naughty:
  14. hey guys have just found a site where you can put up a sort of "advert" shall we call it where you tell suppliers what product you are after buying, how many you want & how much you're willing to pay & i've uploaded the photo of the bracelet, the ad will stay online for one whole month so if my dad & I can't get them from any of the 3 branches of the shop I usually get them from, then hopefully some manufacturer will be able to get them o.k There is someone selling them on that site but they say the minimum order is 3 thousand 6 hundred:shocked: I have messaged them all the same to ask if it's possible to buy between 50 & a hundred if not there's my ad on the site so hopefully i'll get them at some point o.k i shall let you all know asap o.k
  15. Hey there guys just letting you all know dad is going into one of the stores tomorrow to look for the bracelets I emailed him a copy of the photo of them so he knows exactly what he's looking for I've told him if he see's any there to buy as many as possible out of the £50 my great auntie had put away for me! I shall let you all know tomorrow night if he's gotten any o.k:thumb_yello: let's all keep our fingers crossed:biggrin2:
  16. ok that's great thanks :D

  17. there'll be no darkness tonight lady your love will shine, lighting the night just put your trust in my heart and meet me in paradise, now is the time, girl, you're every wonder in this world to me, a treasure time won't steal away. So listen to my heart lay your body close to mine let me fill you with my dreams i can make you feel alright and baby thorugh the years girl i'll love you more each day so i promise you tonight that you will always be the lady in my life. the lady in my life Michael Jackson
  18. whoa and I thought my year sucked that sounds absolutely awful what you went through but I'm glad you've done well getting into harvard & meeting someone nice good for you
  19. ooh congratulations on getting engaged that''s nice i've never been to a wedding myself only funerals!!! it's extremelly depressing maybe one day i'll get to go to a wedding eh??? ohh that's cool that you got to go on stage with gwen she's quite cool :0 just gotten into her stuff this past year I love the album l.a.m.b:biggrin2: aww that's so nice he framed your cross stitch work how sweet:wub2::biggrin: aww so sorry to hear that I wish you a wonderful 2010 OMG I hope he'll be o.k my best wishes to you & him too aww thanks
  20. yeah i'll have a look for a website that has them just give me a bit of time i'm pretty good at hunting things down i mean i found a place that has those elusive Mika hearts bracelets lol give me a few days (a week max) and I should've found a site o.k ohh not seen that yet i lost my headphones but now luckily for me i found them so I can go & listen to it soon
  21. aww thanks a lot well my dad is in one of the towns that has a 2nd branch of the store that sells them & he is going to look there on saturday (he's there for about a week) and I'm going to the other store on either saturday or monday (depends on when i have time) luckily there's 3 branches of the store so i have somewhere else to look for them so hopefully (fingers crossed) I should have them soon i shall definately try hard to get them as I don't wish to let anyone down i have succeeded in helping several people get them thus far & want to carry on helping others to get them too as I know what it's like to want something and it being impossible to do so!
  22. Hi there guys just thought I'd tell you I went into town today to try & get the bracelets for those of you who asked for them & they didn't have any but don't panic just yet the shop i get them from has another branch in a nearby town i shall be heading there at the weekend to see if they have any if not they have a 3rd branch so I should still hopefully be able to get them you'll just have to wait that bit longer o.k sorry about that I was gutted!
  23. you too i'm off out in about 2 hours & will be posting your present then o.k


    take care


    happy holidays :D:huglove:

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