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Everything posted by xxmikaaa

  1. :roftl: That is so silly. I also love how it's called "Cheeky Lips".
  2. Hahahah, uhmm idk? Lmfao, I know in different countries it's called different things. Once you get into 9th grade that's consider high school for us in America. I was like 14/15 in 9th...at least I think?
  3. In some ways I was thankful I turned 18 and then I got hit with a bunch of other stuff. My parents started making me pay for car insurance and gas. I don't wanna grow up any more! I wanna be a little kid!
  4. Don't worry about it! It actually went surprisingly fast for me! Once you get into high school it just flies right on by.
  5. I've been waiting a long time to say that.
  6. I ish sorry I forgot you guys! It's just that those who are 18 are legally allowed... Believe me, I was in your boat before, lol.
  7. No, Mika, more like: every 18 year old fangirl wants to see you dancing around in nothing but your underwear.
  8. You can't watch it unless of course they replay it on the BBC, but there are links to it on YT somewhere on this thread.
  9. Heheh! He want's Johnny to play him. That's so cute. When were you happiest? October 18, 2009 at the Mika concert. What is your greatest fear? Losing those closest to me. What is your earliest memory? Playing outside in the snow with my grandpa! What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? I don't believe in myself enough. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Judging people before they even get know them. What was your most embarrassing moment? I've had way too many of those. Property aside, what's the most expensive thing you've bought? Even though I didn't actually buy my car, the up keep and the gas is going to be incredibly expensive in the long run. What is your most treasured possession? At the current moment, my Mika t-shirt that he signed What do you most dislike about your appearance? Lots of things, but I can't stand my eyebrows. Who would play you in the film of your life? Keira Knightley. What is your guiltiest pleasure? I haven't a clue. What is your most unappealing habit? Bitting my nails. Where would you like to live? The English Countryside. What does love feel like? Bliss. What was the best kiss of your life? No comment. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? Mika, Johnny Depp, and Chris Martin What is the worst job you've done? Hot Dog Vendor. If you could edit your past, what would you change? Not telling him I really felt. How do you relax? By listening to music. What is the closest you've come to death? Almost falling into a fire pit. What single thing would improve the quality of your life? Getting back in shape. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Saving up money! Lol. What keeps you awake at night? Thinking about things I regret doing and not doing. What song would you like played at your funeral? Any Mika song. What is the most important lesson life has taught you? You can't really trust anyone, not even your closest friends. Where would you most like to be right now? At a Mika concert, duhhhh. Tell us a secret. I see dead people...just kidding No, really, uhmmm, I honestly can't stand two of my "best friends"; I really just wanna punch them in the face.
  10. My thoughts exactly. That is my absolute favorite picture of him. It's really hard not to make out with the bag.
  11. Grace Kelly. I wanna talk to you; hehe I love that part
  12. I now present to you my Johnny Depp Tote: It's probably the sexiest bag I will ever own.
  13. Has anyone checked out Coldplay's website? There is a little note at the top that says they are in the studio I am so freakin' excited about that! Even though it will probably be like another two years until they release anything.
  14. These pictures make me all giddy inside. YES YES YES YES! I'd just love to nurse him back to health.
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