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Everything posted by xxmikaaa

  1. "It's not a liquid or a solid, it's a soquid. And you eat it with a fpoon." That commerical is so old but it still makes me giggle. Anyone else remember this or am I the only fool who does? Lol.
  2. I'm watching the World Series. Hopefully the Phils will win tonight!
  3. I'm going as a lollipop girl. Even though my costume is total rubish. I had a terrible time trying to find a pink dress.
  4. Hahah, you just take plastic forks and stick them in the ground.
  5. I hope it's Touches You. I love that song with a passion
  6. I just got back from forking someone's lawn and Mikaifying their car. It was pretty fun! Even though I'm super paranoid now. >__>
  7. Last movie I saw was Where The Wild Things Are, and well...wft was going on? Hahah, other than that it was a cute movie. Not something I'm proud to say I paid to see it, but it was cute. I'm just uber excited for Alice in Wonderland!
  8. Which one? The Tap Tap or Strawberry Swing? Well either way I've got both of them and love them!
  9. I'm commenting on these even though they were posted yesterday. And I'd just like to say that these pictures should be illegal. Too much to handle.
  10. Giant green and orange lollipops for my halloween costume
  11. I'd have to disagree with him, I think TBWKTM is better than LICM. But maybe that is just me.
  12. Bwahah, I'm not even gonna say what came to my mind first Gorgeous
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