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Everything posted by mamacatt

  1. Awesome report Ruth - thanks!!!!!! Awww, poor Shari CazGirl was there?
  2. Now I understand the holding his hands over his ears photo LOL(that gorgeous shot that keeps popping up through this thread:mf_lustslow: ) It must have been taken around the 1:55 mark of the vid. Thanks for sharing, Jemma, love it all!!!!
  3. Well done, Ruthie!!! You are so Positive right-on!! From one Newbie Oldling to a Heroine Oldling
  4. Doing well, Kath.....sorry for the delayed response...keep getting caught up in other thread, having to do actual things around here, etc...lol
  5. Kath!!!!! (Cattie Gurls mom here) Welcome back!
  6. Hi Oldlings! I don't know why, but something tells me that Mika has a pretty good vision of album #2 .... hopefully it will be out soon *as we all slip into gig withdrawal* !!!!!!!!!!
  7. OMG that is an amazing, candid photo! Can almost hear the screeching LOL Thanks!
  8. We luv ya, Rose....you so wonderfully embody your quote of believing that we are in this together those of us who weren't there in body could be there in spirit thanks to those who have shared their experiences, their emotion and their vids and pix right here on this thread with those of us who are living the dream vicariously through you all. I second that vote of love (from Shari or Carri???I forget, sorry) of the MFC MFC'ERS ROCK!!! Anyhoo, tell more about how they think you would be a great spokesperson please (forget exactly the term Andy used:boxed: ) - *thinks: ?PenguinFC? on the horizon????* Eager to see your latest photos *remembers how gorgeous the last ones were from that new camera:mf_lustslow: * Thanks everyone for keeping us wannabees in the loop!!!! Love ya all!
  9. Sariflor t-shirt Guru and Rose #1Penguin - thankyou both for your wonderful reports How vvvv exciting!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Whatcha waitin' for? If it's for Mika's l'il bum to stop wigglin', it ain't gonna happen!!!
  11. It seems to be a little more flowing ...or something... *mesmerized* .....
  12. Mika, champagne, the band, ......all adds up to Heaven in my mind!!!
  13. Thanks Lollipop! He's looking in fiiiiiine form tonight!!!! Love the hair.
  14. Lil, it was posted on the Hammersmith thread, I think.When Kath got home, she basically could do only that before passing out
  15. Thanks for that Hazel! I love the photo of her and Mika! Please say Hi to your mum for me "Oldling mamacatt", if you get the chance.
  16. Kjoshi, we are in the same time zone - and the same magnetic force is pulling us into this thread!!
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