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Axie Dentelle

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Everything posted by Axie Dentelle

  1. Oh thanks a lot for posting. I was looking for this Q&A for ages!!!
  2. OMFG!!! The curls are gone! I don't like this straight hair, it's not the real Mika I WANT MY MIKA BACK OK, now, Mika has everything wrong this time : white Converse of course and jacket sleeves and trousers are too short again Mika, next time, ask me : I'm a look consultant I REALLY can help you
  3. Where's the blog??? I was posting a comment and it suddenly disappeared
  4. "True-blood brit" ha ha ha! Why is Mika terrified? I wonder where his money is... Is he gonna go bankrupt??? Let's club together in order to save Mika from failure Love his answer, he's priceless
  5. Bienvenue parmi nous. Tu as choisi le forum idéal pour perfectionner ton anglais
  6. Oooh sorry, it's my fault I wrote Mika that his hair was too long and asked him to cut it
  7. OMG!!! He's sooooo cute I've never seen this interview before, thanx for posting. When was it? I'm totally in love with his hair
  8. Errr... I'm not exactly a morning person... Let me sleep!!!
  9. You made me split my sides laughing!!! This poor doll in the glass full of hot water It's stunning! It really looks like Mika. You're very talented
  10. Hehehe... Thanx for your suggestion Kensington From the Saturday afternoon to the Monday morning... I think
  11. OMG :shocked: I didn't know this one. I feel really sorry for this poor guy : maybe it was his first interview... and probably the last Mika is a real gentleman
  12. Hey guys! What are you doing on this Christmas week-end? How long do you stay? Anyone to visit London with me???
  13. Thank you Avoca for the pix, now we know what he's doing. I totally agree : it's a nightmare. I hate everything... errr... except Mika:roftl: It's a disaster from the tie to the shoes. Orange doesn't fit him, he's much more sexy in black and blue, and silver shoes. And his hair is definitely too long:punk: Sorry there's no accounting for tastes OMG where is the real Mika???
  14. Sorry I didn't notice it was so small Mika is the latest “next big thing” in the world of pop. The spunky singer sat down with Marc Andrews to talk about stardom, sex and Ian Thorpe. A tall, slender melding of tousled hair, quick wit and flirtatious sex appeal, Lebanese-born, but London-residing, Mika (pronounced: me-kah) is already a certified pop star. His debut single, Grace Kelly, is still hovering near the top of the charts around the world after months and the accompanying poptastic album, Life In Cartoon Motion, with plenty more hits to come, isn’t far behind. He visited Sydney briefly last month and gave a dazzling one-off show, which included covers of classic songs from Eurythmics, Michael Jackson and The Jackson 5, four drag queens dressed as schoolgirls licking lollipops whilst tossing huge coloured balloons around the audience and Mika prancing about in a big fluffy animal costume. It was also a concert which proved the 24-year-old, born Michael Penniman, not only had the goods, but was going to be around for a good long time yet. Earlier, during his brief five-day Australian stay, Mika created some minor controversy with the mainstream press, not for wearing green fluoro skinny jeans as you might expect, but by refusing to give a straight answer to the somewhat blunt question: “Are you gay?” Rather than being evasive, he shrewdly sidestepped the issue, saying it wasn’t an issue at all, before heading off to disco the night away at a very gay-friendly Oxford Street venue. As you do. Thankfully, Mika also found time during his lightening visit to open up to DNA about constantly being compared to the Scissor Sisters, looking hot in speedos and whether he prefers sex to a nice cup of tea. DNA: Is pop stardom everything you dreamt it would be? Mika: Well, it is weird. It’s a profession where people immediately feel like they have the right to make assumptions about you. Before you walk in the room they know exactly what they are going to say to you. It’s very strange. Have people’s perceptions of you changed now you’ve had a hit? It is a bit like that, yeah. It’s like, “Oh, we already know what this kid is like!” Before my songs were known it was, “Well, let’s find out what he’s about!” Everyone seems to want to know who you’re sleeping with. We want to know who you’re in love with? Um, I’m not in love. Well… I’m in love with a few people. Boy George famously said he’d rather have a cup of tea than have sex. You’re holding a cup of tea on your inside CD sleeve. Are you trying to tell us something? That is genius! Thank you for bringing my social witticism IQ level up by about 120 notches. Yes, it is exactly for this reason – now I have an explaination for my nonsensical picture that I stuck at the back of my record. Is your song Lollipop about oral sex, safe sex, monogamy or something else? It’s about no sex and staying away from sex, please! It was a message to my little sister. I was telling her to stay away from guys as long as she possibly could. Of course the last thing you ever want to hear in a pop song is “Don’t have sex!” Sexualising pop music is often the only thing that sells it, so in order to get away with it I made Lollipop sound as dirty as I possibly could. Another of the songs on your album, Billy Brown, is about a man who falls in love with a married man. That’s based on a friend. I always feel sorry for my friends. So you write songs for them? No, I write songs about them and delve into their lives. Are they happy about this? No, but, remarkably, they stay my friends. I have very few friends but they stick with me. You mention Freddie Mercury in your big hit Grace Kelly. So who’s hotter – Freddie or Grace? Freddie – he got a lot sweatier! Grace Kelly was classically more beautiful. It depends who you’d like to go to a party more with. Who would I? Oh, Freddie, definitely! You gave up a career in classical music for pop. Why? Singing my own songs is liberating because in classical music you are constantly interpreting. You are only an interpreter, singing songs that have been sung for centuries and it becomes about the discipline and the craft and not a world in which you create your own rules. I also wanted to combine animation with visuals, with writing your own songs, with production and with doing a live show that can be anything you want it to be. Sounds tiring. It is a lot and I do a lot. Every album cover is an escapade because I do all that with my sister, so it’s all a big process. I’m also in the middle of curating an exhibition [of his record artwork]. Then again it’s one or the other – you’re either a puppet, or you’re the one sticking your hand up the puppet and tell it what to do. Should we run with that, or move on to the next question? [Giggles] I think we should move on to the next question. Any pop star pals we should know about? Ian Thorpe. He’s a swimming pop star. We’re all pop stars at the end of the day, whether you’re swimming or singing for your supper. Is it true you and Rufus Wainwright are buddies? I’ve never met him. People really want to pitch me against him and against the Scissor Sisters. It’s nonsense. Do you think you would have been signed to a record label if the Scissor Sisters hadn’t had such huge success? We all would have been signed because we all make very different kinds of music, but embrace the pop sensibility. I admire what Scissor Sisters have done, while Rufus Wainwright is honestly one of the most important songwriters of my generation, even if my generation is actually the one just under him. Don’t tell him that! There we go. How to start a feud 101! I’d love to have a cup of tea with him, though. Kylie or Madonna? Completely different kettle of fish. Incomparable. I don’t know why everyone always put them together. Britney or Christina? Next question. Favourite cartoon? Astroboy. He is powered by nuclear power and has machine guns in his ankles – two things I am strongly against. However, it is a cartoon with huge social significance, especially for Japan. I love the idea that something like a cartoon can have such cultural importance. Is there a cause that’s close to your heart? One cause we should all absolutely be raising awareness for, and trying to prevent as much as possible, is AIDS. The problem stopped being mentioned after the ‘90s and government funding really shrank. As a result, the increase has been reflected. You could draw a very scarily symmetrical graph charting the two. People should start making noise about it again because it’s certainly not going away and, if anything, it’s increasing. That’s a terrifying prospect. Do you consider yourself Lebanese, British or a citizen of the world? At home I consider myself overwhelmingly Lebanese; on the streets of London, more of a Londoner than anyone else; and abroad I consider myself some sort of confused mutt. Luckily that frees me from the shackles of emotional attachment to a particular place. Are there plans to come back to Australia for more concerts soon? I’d like to come back and do some festivals in the summer. Speedos or short-shorts? Short-shorts. Everyone makes fun of me for the clothes I wear. I don’t think I can ever do it right. When I wore a speedo in Italy on my holidays, it was in the British papers when I got home. They called me “lollipop man” and said my big bundle of curly hair on my stick thin body made me look like a lollipop in the water. I thought I looked pretty hot.
  15. Hey guys! Sometimes gay friends can be useful... Look at what I've got today! Enjoy it :
  16. Hi guys! I've been a veggie for almost 25 years. I don't even remember the taste of meat... And I feel great not eating animals
  17. Thanx for posting all these beautiful pix guys! Wow I love the shiny jacket, it reminds me of the one I was wearing in the 80's *feeling old now* Anyway it's good to see Mika having so much fun
  18. I totally agree! So now I'm complaining, moaning and whining about Mika shaving his chest! I usually hate body hair but I'm used to Mika's hairy chest, and he must live it alone 'cos shaving is bad! After that his hair will grow again tough and bushy, and it's gonna be hideous
  19. I didn't see that film. I wanted to go and see it with my daughter but she went with a friend instead of her old Mum:thumbdown:
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