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Everything posted by pianogirlsammy

  1. XD JOHN MALKOVICH!i love how hes liek older than joanie XD ahha i made those! good times. this is hilarious
  2. FOURPLETS Guess who is sitting next to me?? KIRA MARIE! OH MY LORD...I mean....OH MY LANDS KIRA! We are sitting here eating sour patch kids. Seen the new blog? OMG!!!
  3. hey fourplets~ havent been around in a while. school is NUTS. just wanted to say that i miss you guys, and that I hope to talk to you all soon! peace,love,music.... -sAmMy ;D
  4. ohh i wish more than ANYTHING that he would come to nyc. omg, what i wouldnt do......i NEED to see the boy in nyc!
  5. well it hasnt faded a bit. it grows stronger everyday, but oh do i love him. two days ago a friend of mine married us. like for realz. got a fake marriage certificate and put his signature from the blackall note on it. and got audio of him saying YES for after she read his vows. and i had a old ring. and my friend read the real vows. and my dog and other friend were the witnesses. and i kissed my calendar of him. XD
  6. the "clap-clap" has such an adorable school yard type of sound, kind of like the way he describes lollipop in the special documentary after the first concert DVD. LOVE IT! ITS SO CUTE!
  7. I thought it was "hes got looks that would make a books pages turn?" that makes more sense. OMG I ALMOST PEED IN MY PANTS WHEN I SAW THIS, I WAS BOUNCING AND YELLING..... when do you think hell give us a release date?!??! Ive never really waited for one of my favorite artists new albums to come out, so im new to the NEW ALBUM ANTICIPATION. And mika is my favorite artist. I AM SOOO EXCITED! and i love how you call it the "Clap-Clap" XD
  8. exactly what i was thinking! XD Like.... "hate me mika, hate me. Angry, grr, your a tiger, grrr....hate me! hate me!" Mika: *attemps to growl* Grrrr.....hehe. grrrrr.....hahahaha, this is fun.
  9. here it is! found it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-wMe9vxkWI The Ugly Truth. With Gerard Butler
  10. I saw it. 9 people...i kept track...came and told me about it. and then i saw it on youtube. BUT LISTEN.....i heard it on ANOTHER trailer. At teh beginning of Benjamin Button. It was a commercial for some movie starring Gerard Butler. He plays some tv gossip guy or something. But it was a decent amount of the song. I started jumping and screaming and old women stared. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!
  11. haha......i want expecting hed just hand them over. Thats what Im saying.....what kind of auction, becuase thats teh coolest thing i ever heard in my life!
  12. LUCKY! I want the shoes he donated! How did you win them? That is so cool!
  13. XD yes.....that would be me. "Hello?" "HI MIKA ITS ME AGAIN...i call you 20 minutes ago, im just making sure your still..." "Love, its 2:00 AM GO TO SLEEP!" XD
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