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Everything posted by pinkfakecheez

  1. Addition: "AND I NEARLY CRIED THROUGH NERVOUSNESS, SO GET YOUR BALLOONY A*** BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" ^^^If this was in the UK, he would be practically covered in specialist police weapon units, or banned from doing the "Bad Bunny" thing by PETA activists.No joke.
  2. Isn't it Glasgow? I thought he had tartan pants then...
  3. I'm pretty much Okay, thanks. I don't think I have much else to say now...
  4. I'm in , but I'll just write a cheery greeting on Paint or Word if that's okay.
  5. Edith Bowman. Another Radio 1 DJ. I think she's having or already had a kid... NOT with Mika, you pervs.
  6. I like their music, and now I know what nationality they are and what their band name is in English. Marvellous.
  7. I like that picture, but I have absolutely no idea why. :fisch:III want candy...III want candy...
  8. We received an advert or something from a packing company. The guy on the front of the leaflet (who was covering his eyes) looked VERY similar to him from a short distance away. But when I took a closer look, he sorta didn't.
  9. Version 4. They are the ones with a sphere on the end of the antennae, rather than a star.
  10. The wooo-ing is in my head and it won't go away! Btw, freestyle... sig is:blush-anim-cl:
  11. Well, you said you were forgetful, so I didn't hold it against you. :P

  12. Well,a lot of tragic things happened to him as a child, so I'm not too surprised about it. I'm also the sort who's favourite songs are tragic ,passionate and heartfelt, so...yeah. Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Nickelback are some of my other favourites. I also like this sad-sounding Japanese song about a regretted breakup called "Dear You".
  13. I just wanted to make it clear that I never did anything. I actually remember someone joking about it when I was looking at a thread when I first joined. Btw,Daniella, my favourite Spongebob Squarepants character is Gary the Snail.
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