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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. Moi j'ai écrit 4 pages et demi pour mon journal, sur word hahaha et j'aurais pu écrire plus! C'est sûr que c'était fabuleux ce concert Oh et Nanou, je pense pas qu'on aurait pu faire notre gag à Mika, il était cassé moulu le pauvre, il avait qu'une envie, aller au pieu!
  2. Jimmy is one crazy guy isn't he!! This show was objectively great!! hehe
  3. Ouais!! De rien pour le lapin, c'est normal Dimanche j'en aurai un cornet rempli, de lapins, et ils vont pas faire long feu non plus, j'en ai bien peur Merci à toi pour le coffret, je l'aiiiiime Moi j'ai fait mon compte-rendu sur le thread Basel, mais le voici (c'est en anglais désolée ) Et sans les smileys grml
  4. Alors voilà le lien pour le thread francophone, si t'en as marre de l'anglais hihi --> http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21743


    Et voici le thread suisse, qui n'est pas très actif, alors activons-le! ^^ --> http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22004


    Si t'as des questions, hésite pas!


  5. Ouais c'est toujours un peu le b*rdel à la fin, et moi je devais retrouver mes amis car on devait rentrer ensemble. Enfin c'est comme ça, à la fin j'ai aussi perdu Danika et Elina lol. C'est la vie ^^.


    Voilà le thread francophone, si t'en as marre de parler anglais ^^ --> http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21743


    Et ça c'est le thread suisse, pas très actif hihi --> http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22004


    Voilà!! Si t'as des question, hésite pas! :D

  6. Kuku!!! Bienvenue ici :D :D

  7. Coucou!!! :D

    Oui ça va je suis bien rentrée et toi? J'ai eu un autographe de ce pauvre Mika qui était mort de fatigue mais qui en a quand même signé quelques uns :original: Je l'ai remercié pour le show.

    Audrey est ta sœur?? J'avais pas capté ça mwa ha ha. Je suis contente d'avoir fait ta connaissance, c'était très sympathique cette journée!! Et le concert était juste exceptionnel :D


  8. Hey guys!! I'm now in my bed, still with stars in my head from yesterday So here is my report! I arrived at the venue at around half past ten and got number 8. I took care of the numbers most of the time. It's not the best job but well... I did it and was helped, too, so it wasn't too bad ^^. I met Danika, Elina, Céline and Barunka (is that it? Can't really remember lol) and I'm very happy to have met you guys, you're great Queuing was great, I really had a good time. But after a while, we started getting worried about our tickets, as some of us had to collect them at the box office... Mellody already talked about it so I won't go into details. We got scared but eventually, everything was sorted out by Mellody and John. Thanks again to you Mellody!! So I was front row, at the very centre. Perfect I really enjoyed the support act. I like Rock n' Roll and those guys were great!! The guitarist was 13, the bassist 15 and the drummer/singer 20 (that's what I understood, but given my Swiss-German level, maybe it's better not to trust me lool). They finished by singing “Johnny Be Good” and I love that song!! Then it was MIKA!! He was amazing of course! I loved his trumpet solo it was so funny ^^. And when he made everybody close their eyes on “Blame it on the Girls”. And how he looked in his magic chicken outfit. How he sang “Happy Ending” and “I See You”... wonderful. And “Over My Shoulder” gave me the chills. I thought his voice was perfect on that one ^^. I almost cried when he sang “Any Other World”. I love this song, I don't know why but this one, more than the others, moves me deep inside and I had wanted to see Mika sing it live but thought he had stopped singing it for a while. So when I realised he would sing it, I could feel the tears coming up. It was wonderful Everything was super great. I could almost not believe it when he said he was ill... I noticed he sometimes held his throat and that his voice was not exactly like the other times I heard him but really, it was almost unnoticeable!! But he was exhausted I think. When they played “Kick-Ass”, Mika wasn't on stage and he came out for the autographs really quickly. He signed some, he's so sweet. But he looked really tired and I think he was dreaming about his soft and comfortable bed lol. During the gig, when Mika arrived on stage with his bared chest, girls started screaming hysterically and it hurt my ears so I put my hands on them and winced. Mika saw me and laughed, that was really funny Also at the end, when the band was dancing on stage and messing around with the big balloons, I threw a balloon at Jimmy's head. I did not WANT to do that, but that's where the balloon decided to go haha. Then Jimmy looked at me with an angry face and threw the balloon back at me and then we were laughing. I loved those moments :D So yeah, that was an amazing time! I can't talk now cause my throat is broken. I sang so loudly during the whole gig. My knees and back ache as well cause I jumped and danced like a madwoman. But God, it was so worth it. I had the time of my life. When Mika arrived on stage to sing “Rain”, I was looking at him and thinking “my mum can say whatever she wants, and my friends can make fun of me, but this guy is pure gold and I want him to make me dream for years and years to come”. He's exceptional
  9. Yes that! Thank you!! Dunno, you know, just checkin' to be sure Thanks Rose, sorry I thought it was for Nanou Thanks!!!
  10. Someone? I need an answer cause some friends of mine are coming and we need to organise some things...
  11. I have a question: is the M&G only for MFCers? And yeah, cold cold and maybe snowy grml...
  12. Do you think we could do Monie's choreography on Blame it on the Girls tomorrow ()? Maybe it's too late... I at least haven't learned it mwa ha. Just asking, we could practise in the queue... Dunno... what do you think?
  13. I've just ordered the album. I can't wait to get it! I've listened to some songs on YouTube and they're all great!! I hope I'll be able to see her live next year, when I'll be in England
  14. Au fait, les autres concerts que tu as fait finissaient à quelle heure à peu près? Y a eu un meet & greet après?

  15. En fait oublie, j'avais pas réalisé mais ça fait le monstre détour de passer par Moutier pour toi :doh: lol

  16. Coux!!

    Dis pour jeudi (:boing:), j'ai cru comprendre que tu venais en tuture? Parce que j'ai vérifié les trains et le dernier pour chez moi est à 23h, donc c'est un peu tendu... J'ai que vous étiez 6... Vous prenez plusieurs voitures? Y aurait éventuellement possibilité de squatter si y a de la place? Sinon je regarde avec mon papounet ;)

  17. Coux!!!

    Oh la vie c'est super :D !!! Je vais aller changer des euros et je t'amènerai ça jeudi (:boing::D). Ça t'a fait combien en tout? :D

  18. Okay je regarderai avec mon papa, c'est lui qui a un compte paypal! Merci encore en tout cas c'est super sympa de ta part!!!

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