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Everything posted by Karolina!.

  1. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
  2. I'm definetly in! [Oh, we're so sick ;D But hey - everybody is sick here! And our illness is called Mika... ]
  3. You're scaring me! lol. Only joking P.S. Thanks ;D
  4. I started to learn english when I was 7. So, it was in 1 class [when I started to go to school... ;D]. Now I'm almost 13, so I'm learning english for about 6 years... [wOw ] Of course, I'm learning english not just in school. Films, forums [like MFC ] music [especially Mika's songs... ] and etc. I know, that my english isn't very good, but hey! - I'm learning! My father can speak english very well... His work includes that
  5. OMG!!! Guys, you're so.. All right, I give up - you're funny. ;D [Mika's golden stick... What a fantasy... xDDD]
  6. Yes, he looks really great... But the pic with kaleidescope is my fav.! ;D ... I'm gonna do wallpaper with it!!! But fact is fact: With 5 O'Clock Shadow or without - Mika is totally cute & addictive ;D
  7. You know, what I'm thinking now? If I'm Mika... And my fans are chating abour my underwear color... OK, say what you want, but this is weird. And funny ;D Very funny, actually xDDD ...
  8. I just wanted to ask... In "MFC World Representative introductions" I have to write in english or in my country's languege? [OMG, I'm so stupid...]
  9. Well... I'm still kind a... new. So it's little scary. But just a little... ;D
  10. OMG!!! OMG!!!!! Thank you! Now I can do something good to others Hooray! But I see, that there isn't much Lithuanians here... And I think that I have to try change the situation. Is that correct?
  11. Really? In Lithuania [well, in my city] rained, but weren't any thunderstorms or something... ;D And now the sun is shaining in the sky It's pretty cool outside.
  12. Oh, guys, you're so nice... ;D You really think my english is good? Thanks.
  13. Hi & Hello everybody! My name is Carolina [like from "Love Today". Well, you know "Carolina sits on ninety five Give her a dollar and she'll make you smile..."]. As you see, I'm new here. And I really don't know anything... But maybe you could help me? I hope so ;D ... Foremost I wanted to say 'Sorry'. Why? 'Cause of my bad english. See, I'm only student, and all my english practises are in school. But I'm trying not to do much mistakes. So if there's something wrong with my talking, please tell it to me! OK... I now I want to tell you, how I find out about Mika: My best friend and I were "watching" MTV. Well, the TV was on and we were talking. I think it could be described as watching ;D ... Suddenly the "Love Today"'s [my fav. Mika's song!] video started! I closed my mouth and looked. When it finished, I asked my friend 'What was here??!' 'Oh, Mika' - she said - 'You know, Relax...'. Well, I have to say, that I wasn't "Relax" fan. But "Love Today" started to follow me everywhere! So I started to listen it. Then other Mika's songs... And now I'm Mika's fan! That's all story. Any questions? ;D
  14. Well, I see that there's no one, representing Lithuania... Maybe I can do it? Yes, I'm new member, but I'm learning fast ;D ... And I remember first day in this forum... It was so scary - I had no idea what I'm going to do. But now it's OK. And it's time to help others! [i think.]
  15. First version... No idea why. ;D So, WYR 1. See Mika's concert. 2. Go to Mika's concert's 'after party' ?
  16. Why is it funny? Ok, it is a bit funny ... But I love his hairs! Sometimes they look like after explosion in noodle factory... ;D
  17. The link doesn't work? Hm, it works for me... Anyway. Yes, it's Napster interview!
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