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Everything posted by Miss_lollipop54

  1. Yeah keep voting people! How do you get to know that? I didn't think it was possible to know....
  2. :tears:




    I have no words to thank you and your parents and kitty purry!! :huglove:


    Again you find the perfect words enough to make me cry! :tears:

    I have an unbelievable chance to have met you and to have your friendship!! It's the perfect gift life can bring!! As you said, friendship is the beautiful thing life can bring and so much happiness with it!!

    YOu can count on me! WHenever you need! I'll be there! :huglove:

    THank you so much for everything!

    I love you my sista!!!!! :tears::huglove:



    Have a very merry Christmas with your family and friends!!!

    WIsh you all the best as you know!!

    Lot's of bisouxxx to your parents and kitty!! :) from me and my parents and 8 cats! :huglove:


    bisouxxxx my friend and sista!


    YOur KBB!!


    Ps: sorry I don't have internet as often as I want :( sorry if I answer to you late and not as I wanted!

  3. THank you!!


    Have a great Christmas! WIsh you the best for this new year! :huglove: ANd lot's of Mika gigs and adventures! :das:



    See u soon!!

    BIsouxxx :huglove:

  4. :das: what a great Christmas pic! :das:

    Thank you my dear Bagui!! :huglove:

    Love you so much my sista!!




    WIsh you all the best for this new year!! ANd Mika of course!!


    Luv you!!

    besoooos :huglove:

    your KBB!

  5. Merci ma puce! :huglove:

    J'espère que tu as passé un bon réveillon et un bon Noël avec ta famille! :huglove:


    Je pense très fort à toi mon amie! :huglove:

    Gros gros bisouxxx!!

    A très bientôt!

  6. Thank you!! :huglove: Merry Christmas and happy new year my Keti!! :huglove::yay:


  7. Thank you my dear! :huglove:


    Wish you the best for this new year! ANd hope you have a great Christmas with your family and friends! :huglove:



    ANd lot's of adventures for 2010 :wink2:

    See u very soon!! :boing:



  8. SOLD OUT!! whoot whoot!! AND there is a NEW DATE on April 27th!
  9. Coucou le groupe! Merci!! Justement, ça y est! J'ai eu mon permis hier!! Je n'en reviens pas!! En même temps, j'ai été un peu folle de le passer hier, sachant que la veille j'étais à Paris pour l'émission et que je suis rentrée hier matin à 5h30 du mat' Mon moniteur n'avais jamais vu ça J'ai eu ma dernière heure de conduite hier matin à 11h et je l'ai passé vers 14h Je ne vous dit pas comme j'étais fatiguée Enfin, tout c'est bien passé, et je comprends maintenant Emilie, la joie que ce bout de papier nous procure Ah l'émission était super! Mika était génial comme d'habitude Je posterai des photos plus tard Et il y avait Zinedine Zidane ! J'étais heureuse de le voir d'aussi près, et toute la soirée, il était quelques rangs plus loin en face de moi Bonne journée le groupe! Ca y est le froid s'est bel et bien installé...
  10. coucou le grand groupe! Félicitations Emilie!!! Trop contente pour toi!!! Moi aussi je le passe bientôt Bon je ne dirai pas de date, parait que ca porte malheur @Sweetieval: Wow quelle belle photo!! Congrats! awww trop choupi notre Kikito J'aimerais tellement le voir Je l' ADORE Bonne soirée! Et bons préparatifs de Noël! Demain, départ pour Paris, la chanson de l'année xxxxx
  11. Hi hun! :huglove:

    I'm fine thanks and you??!! I'm happy cause I'm gonna have my driving licence sooner than I thought.... Plus I love my instructor :wub2: He became like a friend actually :wub2: We even had a drink together, laughed everytime, exchanged phone numbers... it's so great! Plus, it's funny, cause he's the boss of the "auto école" (don't know how to say in English :naughty:), we laugh, make jokes together, he's like a clown but in front of his employees, he's very serious :naughty: so funny! Anyway, It will be a great moment and experience! I didn't know it would have been so amazing :) Maybe I'll pass it this week :blink: So stressing! :boxed:


    Awww my dear! Thank you! I'll send my address via Twitter by DM... I have no place anymore in my MFC PM box :naughty:


    Good luck for your exams!! I think of you very often!

    Can't wait for Antwerp :boing:

    Tomorrow, off to Paris to see Mxxx for the tv show :wub2: Can't wait! :-D

    Hugs hugs!


  12. Bonjour! :)

    Thanks for your request on FB :huglove:



  13. Yep yep yep my Keti! FYI: for those who have an Iphone or Ipod Touch, there's a free appli of NRJ on Apple Store where you can vote for the NRJ Music Awards:thumb_yello: It's easy and quicker to vote Keep voting
  14. Oh ma puce!!!!!!!!!

    :tears: quelle belle surprise que m'as faite!!!! :tears: merci enormement !!! Je ne m'attendais pas!!! Ce thread me touche beaucoup!!! :tears:

    merci merci merci!! :huglove:

    c'est si dommage que l'on ne se soit jamais rencontrees ... Mais saches que je t'apprecie enormement! Que tu es ma Michela preferee! Love u my friend!!

    Thanks for being so sweet!

    Pleins de bisouxx!! :huglove:

    merci encore!!!


  15. Hi Mélinda! Welcome to the craziest and sweetest world of the MFC Have fun! xx
  16. Oh no, I didn't see your post yesterday I didn't know! It's so unfair that Rain isn't in the list This kind of programme is really important, seen by quite lot's of people I'm gonna send them an email right now Don't hesitate Frenchies to send one as well
  17. Good news! I heard WAG this morning while I was having my driving lesson... My instructor was quite *cough* suprised of my reaction I think that maybe his appearance on the French TV show, Sacrée Soirée, will help to improve the sales? Well hope so and the NRJ Music Awards in January...
  18. Salut Orizona! Bienvenue ici! Ne t'inquiète pas, tu n'es pas la seule Française perdue dans cette jungle Mikanesque Et d'ailleurs, ton anglais est très bon! Tu peux retrouver les Frenchies ici, sur le French Thread: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17682 N'hésite pas à nous rejoindre:thumb_yello: Et aussi, si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas à contacter AxieDentelle, la représentante des Frenchies, ou biensûr l'une d'entre nous HAvE fUn!
  19. :thumb_yello:Coucou le groupe! J'espère que tout le monde va bien Wow, j'adore! ton dessin est magnifique Bravo!
  20. Mika's music and music in general My cats Chocolate Play tennis Drawing Looking through good souvenirs and go out wherever it is
  21. YES! That's it! I knew I've already seen this tshirt before but couldn't remember where! Thanks a lot Dani for the pics! And thank you in advance Patty for the watermarks! I loove these pics! His eye problem is very well hidden!
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