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Everything posted by lala_lollies44

  1. So it has sell better in North America or just in general?
  2. Nu-uh! I'd be here first because I live here, so HA! But seriously...I can't wait to see Mika again. It's all I think about. I'm possessed!!!
  3. My mom's always telling me to write to Mika and ask him to come to Evansville. YEAH RIGHT! No one wants to come to E-ville, Indiana.
  4. She should write a letter to Mika and tell him. Maybe his heart would melt and he would come there.
  5. I know. How could you sell mini Cherisse? You could pretend that she's Cherisse's long lost sister and get backstage!
  6. "My childhood dream of being in the Power Rangers has finally come true!"
  7. Welcome, Caitlin! I'm Katelyn. I'm sure you'll love it here.
  8. getting over a migraine but not quite past it yet...it's an odd feeling.
  9. I've felt that way for 6 days. I can't wait to see him again, but having no idea when that will be is killing me!
  10. It hit me again last night. I cried myself to sleep and have had a migraine all day. I think that my mom thinks I'm mentally unstable now.
  11. Wow, I'm glad I know the whole story now! Now that I've (FINALLY!) seen Mika perform live, I can see how ridiculous the whole lip syncing accusations are. This kind of thing fills me with Mika spirit and makes my show my fan craziness. Go Mika!
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