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Everything posted by lala_lollies44

  1. On my iPod, I can really hear it starting at about 1:39, but it's harder to hear on a youtube video.
  2. I'm not a big girl, but I agree. All of Mika's beautiful fans should be able to get a shirt!
  3. girl who sits next to me in math looking at the Mika pics on my planner :"OOH! He's hot. I'd totally do him!" Me: "But...you're a lesbian..." Her: "Yeah, but he looks like a girl." Me: "Nuh-uh!" Her: "Okay, he doesn't, but I'd still do him." Me: "Oh..." Her: *In a creepy whisper to herself* "He's the one guy I would ever do."
  4. Well I was gonna be 2007 Mika, but everyone kept saying that my hair is too long, so my friends decided that I was Mika's long lost twin,Mikalyn. My friend curled my hair, and I wore the red BG vid jacket, a white t-shirt, my lollipop converse, suspenders, a few watches,and a lanyard with my old tamagotchi and my gloomy bear charm on it. I guess Lady GaGa was a poplar choice. One of my friends went as her too.
  5. Thanks! I've never seen that before. So crazy...
  6. I remember asking my grandma, "What's a yonder?" when I was little.
  7. Yesterday, my friend was having the best time making fun of me because I had just spent a day with my grandma which always brings out my accent. Our phone conversation: me: "I'm fixin' some mashed potatuhs." her: "potatuhs?!" me:"SHUT UP!" her:"And why are you fixing them? Are they broken?" me:What are you pickin' on me fer?" her:"Fur? You have fur now?"
  8. I never really believed that I had one until I heard it on tape. There is a tape of me at the age of 5 talking about a neklace I wanted that had "sparkles on eet and glittery thangs hangin' off eet"
  9. Hey, guys. I'm spying. I'm not from the South, but I am from Southern Indiana, so I might as well be. My friend from Chicago makes fun of my Southern accent that comes out from time to time. I hope Mika comes back to the U.S. soon. Well...that's all I have to say for now.
  10. I get it. It's from Romeo and Juliet. Wait...I hope no one else posted this because I'll look stupid. Edit: Yep, I look stupid. haha Oh well.
  11. The 1 week mark has made it harder for me I think. I can't even stand to read the new gig reports.
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