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Everything posted by lala_lollies44

  1. When I first got a twitter account and saw those tweets, I thought, "Is he just gonna talk about this donkey all the time?!"
  2. x 10!!! Thanks for posting!!!! I can't believe I've finally seen them all. They are so gorgeous. I expected Mika's brother to look more like him though. Maybe you have to seen him in person to tell. He's still a cutie...and much closer to my age. Someone should ask Mika in the myspace chat why he's just now having a release party for SFS.
  3. I've always wondered where it was from too. I first saw it when someone posted it here about a year ago.
  4. Yep, "We went to the moon in 1969, not 1970 but a year soooooneeerrrr. We went to the moon in 1969. That's when they made a landing that was luuunnnaaarrr."
  5. In the blog comments of the myspace link. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.viewcustom&friendId=101022819&blogId=517897189&swapped=true Or if you don't have a myspace, you can ask another MFCer to do it for you.
  6. People are talking about it here and posting quetions. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20778
  7. I've always been so full of questions, and now I can't think of one.
  8. I'm too scared to take it out a night. Today I pretended to be Frank from RHPS.
  9. mmm...there's nothing like he taste of Dr. Pepper to wash away the bitter aftertaste of failure.
  10. I love the freckle on my lip. I love my eyes when they change from green to blue. I love my pale skin and dark hair. (Deep down I still want to be Snow White. ) Which reminds me, I love the special connection I have with animals.
  11. Before I knew that the guy's name is Micah, I heard one of my friends talking about Katie and Micah and thought she was talking about me and Mika. YKYAMFW a teacher mentions Grace Kelly and all of your friends give you that look that just screams, "Don't you dare start singing!!!"
  12. It's all so fuzzy to me now... Before Mika, I only listened to the music that came on the radio ummmm....I watched A LOT of Degrassi, and I was VERY sad and scared because of some family problems. Before MFC, I always did my homework,the computer bored me, and I didn't know much about other counries/cultures.
  13. They're lovely. Where is the first group from?
  14. There's a facebook group for post concert depression, not Mika concerts but any concerts. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=654487408&ref=profile#/group.php?gid=7613369118&ref=mf
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